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Wall Brown larva.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:45 am
by badgerbob
On March 28th I was searching for Wall Brown larva when I found one that was lacking the white line along the side. It was also a much brighter green than the usual Wall Brown larva.
2 days later I found it again, but this time it had started to pupate. This of course explains why it was looking different to the usual.

Below are photos of a 'normal' larva photographed the same day as well as the mature individual for comparison.

'Normal' Wall Brown larva 28/3/2019.
'Normal' Wall Brown larva 28/3/2019.
Fully grown Wall Brown larva 28/3/2019.
Fully grown Wall Brown larva 28/3/2019.
Wall Brown larva pupating 30/3/2019.
Wall Brown larva pupating 30/3/2019.

Unfortunately, the story did not end happily as around an hour later the pupating larva was being eaten by a Wolf Spider!!