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Coul Links crowdfunding campaign

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:04 am
by Roger Gibbons
This site in Scotland is threatened by plans to turn it into a golf course. ... LG,O2IKC,1

Re: Coul Links crowdfunding campaign

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:01 pm
by David M
Thanks for the link, Roger. It's quite some way north, isn't it? I shall boost their total later today as I'm struggling to see how a location far removed from any major population centre can support a golf course, particularly at the expense of what looks like a beautiful and unspoiled stretch of coastline.

Re: Coul Links crowdfunding campaign

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:06 pm
by ScottD
It's not that far from Inverness & is being funded/proposed by a billionaire rival of Trump's. They are aiming for the tourist market not the locals. At least up here many local golf courses are closing because of dwindling nos/climbing membership fees & there are already 6 courses within 15Km incl. Royal Dornoch & Skibo Castle.

Once it becomes a golf course it is easier to get permission to build houses (if you look at Trump's scheme at Menie & Turnberry essentially their profitability lies in being able to be property developments rather than golf courses).
Sadly, Highland Council (& the Scottish Govt.) have proven before that the tantalising offer of jobs trumps (sorry) conservation whether it be natural or historic (they have approved housing that compromises Culloden battlefield site). & yet most of the jobs probably won't go to locals & the development will probably compete with existing local businesses that count on the summer trade to be viable throughout the whole year - the golf course plans to be shut over Winter.

Re: Coul Links crowdfunding campaign

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:14 pm
by David M
I hadn't thought of it that way, Scott. Yes, I suppose it makes perfect sense - build a golf course and then put houses up on the site. All boxes ticked! :(

Looks like the appeal is going to reach its target. It's currently just £100 short with 6 days to go. :)

Re: Coul Links crowdfunding campaign

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:18 pm
by David M
Glad to see the appeal exceeded its target - £13,503 raised to help save this beautiful looking area from the profiteering developers.

I wish them much luck.