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Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:56 pm
by Wurzel
Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Week 18

The end of the Favourites is in sight even if the weather is still wintry - but as my lens is being serviced personally I hope spring takes at least 4 more weeks to get started :wink: Just another gentle nudge that soon it will be time to post your Overall Favourite shot from 2018. :D

Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos as then it will be easier to keep track of things? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As in previous years details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.

Have a goodun


Re: Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:29 pm
by MikeOxon
This is another of the photos that I took during a memorable visit to the local Garden Centre, during the hot and dry summer.

Numbers of both Small and GvWhites were 'mud-puddling' where hoses had been used on the plants. I have already shown the GvWs, earlier in this series, so now it's time for the Small Whites to have their opportunity:
Nuneham Courtenay GC - 2nd July 2018<br />Olympus E-M1 Mk.ii with 40-150mm lens - 1/2000s@f/8 ISO 640
Nuneham Courtenay GC - 2nd July 2018
Olympus E-M1 Mk.ii with 40-150mm lens - 1/2000s@f/8 ISO 640

Re: Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:10 am
by Goldie M
I saw loads last year after April, having only seen one up then I was getting worried , which I needn't have done because they were every where come May. :D
I took loads of shots so I found it difficult to pick the one I liked best so I've picked three :D
One was taken in East Blean Woods in July and the other's in My Garden in Sept, it was hard last year to find any Butterflies as every one knows that actually opened there wings fully when taking Nectar, so I'm hoping this year for a warm Summer but not so hot has last year :D Goldie :D

Re: Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:41 pm
by Vince Massimo
At the end of each season I usually collect all the last remaining Small White larvae in my garden and let them pupate in a safe place.
Small White pupa - Crawley, Sussex 31-Oct-2018
Small White pupa - Crawley, Sussex 31-Oct-2018
I plant radish out for them and let it go to seed which attracts lots of egg-layers.


Re: Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:15 pm
by John W
Quite unusual for me to get a decent shot of such a fluttery species:
smw - 1.jpg
Knepp estate, July 6 2018, 10.48am

John W

Re: Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:06 am
by David M
Plenty of them about in late summer (unlike their cousins, Large & Green Veined). Not easy to get images of this species due to its propensity to alight only briefly. This male taken at West Williamston in Pembrokeshire on 25th August was probably my best effort:

Re: Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 7:38 pm
by Neil Freeman
Earlier in the summer last year there were far more Large Whites about than Small but later on they swapped places and by early September the Small Whites were by far the most numerous white flying.

My favourite shots are all from my garden;
Small White - Coverdale 14.05.2018
Small White - Coverdale 14.05.2018
Small White - Coverdale 10.07.2018
Small White - Coverdale 10.07.2018
Small White - Coverdale 22.07.2018
Small White - Coverdale 22.07.2018
Small White - Coverdale 22.07.2018
Small White - Coverdale 22.07.2018


Re: Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:12 pm
by bugboy
Bookham, as it so often does, comes up with another fav image of the year, this very accommodating male sat very patiently whilst I took his picture from various angles.
Small White male, Bookham Commons.JPG

Re: Small White - Favourite Photo 2018

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:59 pm
by Wurzel
Small White

I was so enamoured with my Small Tortoiseshell favourite on its ‘Stairway…’ that I kept a look out for further opportunities of a similar shot with a different species. About a month later at Kingston Lacey I got my chance when a Small White landed among a field filled with Ox-Eye Daisies. By hunching down so that I was level with the butterfly the fact that I was on a slight hillock led to the illusion that once again the butterfly had ascended the wooden ladder.
DSC_2240 - Copy.JPG
Have a goodun
