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How do you ID Whites in flight?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:46 pm
by Danny
Does anybody have any idea how one can tell the difference between a small white and a GV White when the fly past you? I was wondering if they have a different gait in flight (so to speak). I don't think I'm alone in my frustration of not being able to tick them off my "spots of the year" simply because I haven't been able to verify which white I've seen!

....then again, why do I care!!!??? Maybe I'm just very sad. FWIW I saw billions of Brimstone's at Park Heath Corner, and spotted an Orange Tip at my allotment in Newhaven. Also saw a Comma (first of the year) and about 4 Peacocks.


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:49 pm
by Lance
Very difficult to tell in flight Danny. Behaviour courtship etc is very much the same on the move. Good indicator is location and plants settled on. They are fairly easy to tell when settled with wings closed for obvious reasons. :lol: