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2018 - An Excellent Brown Hairstreak Year

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 2:22 pm
by Nigel Cottle
Brown Hairstreak did very well at Netherclay LNR, Taunton this year. I led a BC Somerset & Bristol Branch field meeting to the site on 19th Aug. and we recorded 12 females. My annual egg-count is now in its fifth year and all records were broken on 1st Dec. when I recorded 496, more than double the previous high.
Brown Hairstreak_011218_1.JPG

Re: 2018 - An Excellent Brown Hairstreak Year

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:39 pm
by Matsukaze
Yesterday I found the eggs at Hurcot near Green Down, in a spot they were last recorded in 33 years ago, and at the Somerset Wildlife Trust reserve at Perry Mead towards Castle Cary.

Re: 2018 - An Excellent Brown Hairstreak Year

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:10 pm
by CallumMac
It's good to hear these reports, since the impression I got from comments on this forum - and from my own attempts to find them - was that BH had had a rather average summer!

Re: 2018 - An Excellent Brown Hairstreak Year

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 6:23 pm
by David M
CallumMac wrote:It's good to hear these reports, since the impression I got from comments on this forum - and from my own attempts to find them - was that BH had had a rather average summer!
Agreed. I only found a couple of dozen eggs at the prime Welsh site for this species on 27 September. Previously, I have had counts well into three figures, although never approaching the sort of numbers that Nigel located.

Re: 2018 - An Excellent Brown Hairstreak Year

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:30 pm
by MrSp0ck
On the Kent Surrey Borders it was a good year and a very long flight period, eggs still appearing in November, and sites where we only had 8 eggs 2 years ago and 130 eggs this year. On one small Blackthorn there were 19 eggs on a 3 foot tall plant. The Spread into Kent has also continued with well over 500 eggs and many sightings of the butterflies.

They even seem to be laying on other non prunus foodplants too
Kent Female.JPG
Kent Female Brown Hairstreak, one of the first adult sightings since the 1960s

and 2 eggs on Hawthorn
Hawthorn Egg.JPG
We did an egg search at other nearby Kent sites and found eggs there too.

Re: 2018 - An Excellent Brown Hairstreak Year

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:44 pm
by David M
Seems to have been good generally, although it was slow going to begin with.

The annual count at the Pembrokeshire site wasn't far off setting records, so one hopes there will be a bumper emergence of this species in 2019.