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Re: SimonC69

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:01 pm
by SimonC69
David M wrote:.....Keep perservering. Small Blues are normally pretty obliging subjects....
They were a little more obliging today (and there were a lot more on the wing today)
Finally got the first "in Cop" photo for my collection :)
Finally got the first "in Cop" photo for my collection :)
I think these may be on their way to knocking Small copper off the top of my "favourite british Butterfly" list :) (Until I see my first Small copper of the year that is maybe)

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 9:14 pm
by bugboy
That's a great in cop shot, I especially like the shape made by their joined abdomens, very arty :)

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:18 pm
by Wurzel
Great stuff Simon :D They certainly are throwing an interesting shape with their abdomens :shock:

Have a goodun


Re: SimonC69

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:23 pm
by millerd
A nice shot of the pairing, Simon, however uncomfortable it might look... :)


Re: SimonC69

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:11 pm
by David M
SimonC69 wrote:
David M wrote:.....Keep perservering. Small Blues are normally pretty obliging subjects....
They were a little more obliging
That's more like it! :)

up to 36/50

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:26 am
by SimonC69
Well, I've not been keeping this dairy updated quite as much as I'd hoped to be doing, but, as it always seems to do, life dealt me and (more specifically) Mrs C a really crappy hand back in April so my my plans for butterfly visits have been severely restricted.
We did manage a trip to Strumpshaw fen a few weeks ago (where I only managed very distant views of Swallowtail) but the few trips since haven't really produced the goods.
I did, however finally get round to visiting a very local site for White-letter Hairstreaks this morning before work.
I might have looked a bit odd standing looking at a group of Elm trees in the middle of town at 6.30 this morning but I don't care, as after a few false alarms (who knew Meadow Browns liked basking on Elms!?) I managed to spot at least 3 (possibly 4 or 5) WLHs.
I was happy enough to just see them through my bins, but luckily one did come down low enough for me to get a few shots that are at least mediocre. But they get me closer to 50.


This is heavily cropped. But it's a swallowtail, it counts!
This is heavily cropped. But it's a swallowtail, it counts!
Not as good as I'd have liked to get, too high for me to get the angle. But it'll do.
Not as good as I'd have liked to get, too high for me to get the angle. But it'll do.

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:02 am
by bugboy
Yup that Swallowtail most definitely counts :D

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:50 pm
by David M
Yes, unambiguously Swallowtail and White Letter Hairstreak, which in anyone's book is an enviable pairing.

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:03 am
by SimonC69
Cheers chaps.

Realised yesterday that all 7 lifers this year I was wearing a Black Sabbath T-Shirt.
I don't think I dare go looking for the next couple without it's Talismanic properties. :D

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:34 am
by jenks
Simon, 7 lifers in one year is good going ! Good luck in your quest to photograph all the UK species before you reach 50. I had to make this point, however. You have given me a mental picture of Black Sabbath`s Ozzie Osborne out looking for butterflies ! An image that I`m having difficulty in shaking off ! And of course he would have to be searching for Black Hairstreak, wouldn`t he ? Me, I`m more of an old folkie so I`ll have to wear my Fairport Convention and Cropreddy t-shirt when butterflying. Who knows where the time goes ?

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:50 am
by peterc
jenks wrote:Simon, 7 lifers in one year is good going ! Good luck in your quest to photograph all the UK species before you reach 50. I had to make this point, however. You have given me a mental picture of Black Sabbath`s Ozzie Osborne out looking for butterflies ! An image that I`m having difficulty in shaking off ! And of course he would have to be searching for Black Hairstreak, wouldn`t he ? Me, I`m more of an old folkie so I`ll have to wear my Fairport Convention and Cropreddy t-shirt when butterflying. Who knows where the time goes ?
Don't get me started, Jenks :) . Sandy Denny had a dream of a voice and of course THAT song was one of her best.



Re: SimonC69

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:48 am
by SimonC69
Hahaha. Yeah, I've been to Cropredy a few times in my youth. And Cambridge folk festival (do they still do the chair jump challenge on the last night? ;) ) and going to my fourth Folk by the Oak this year (Kate Rusby!) But yeah, I'm more an aging rocker with a wider taste in music. (The hair started going 20 odd years ago so I'm compensating with the beard :D)

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:50 pm
by Goldie M
Hi! Simon, your one up on me with the Hair Streak i've yet to see one, I hope to put that right this year. Goldie :D

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:15 pm
by Wurzel
Any photo of a White-letter is worthwhile Simon - I've seen them the last 6 years but only got photos from two of them :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: SimonC69

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:22 pm
by SimonC69
Wurzel wrote:Any photo of a White-letter is worthwhile Simon - I've seen them the last 6 years but only got photos from two of them :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

Thanks Wurzel.
The first three shots that morning were the classic "where's Wally" type shot but luckily (because I decided I could afford to get to work a few minutes later than usual) that one came tantalisingly close to ideal height. I might try again soon.

No new species, but...

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:44 pm
by SimonC69
I went out this lunchtime hoping for an (early?) Essex Skipper, without success but I came a bit closer to getting some of the "extra" shots that are on my wishlist.
Overcast and a bit too windy really but the Marbled Whites were still far too flighty to get anything decent on.
Except one.
I found one newly emerged right by the path and as this is one of the shots on my wishlist (newly emerged, still "pumping" up) I thought I'd struck gold.
It wasn't until I saw the ant through the viewfinder (and then later, on the pc screen, the ominous "blob" poking through the hindwing, I realised this one might not have made it :(
Almost certainly an ex-marbled white
Almost certainly an ex-marbled white
A bit further on I spotted a golden blur. It turned out to be a Small Skipper, but it was interesting nonetheless, due to the evidence of it's previous nectaring.
A week or two ago, this site was awash with Pyramidal Orchids and I have been on the lookout for a butterfly with pollen sacs stuck on the proboscis. The Orchids have all but disappeared now, so I thought that photo was gone for the year.

It's not a perfect shot, there's vast room for improvement, but it's a start :)

Small Skipper with (presumably) Pyramidal Orchid pollen sac stuck to it's proboscis
Small Skipper with (presumably) Pyramidal Orchid pollen sac stuck to it's proboscis
As I only get 30 minutes for lunch (and this site is an 8 minute drive from work) it was time to head back (whilst still on the look out for Skippers)

I did see 2 more, but both were Smalls.

I did like this shot though. Not sure why.

Small Skipper on Kidney Vetch
Small Skipper on Kidney Vetch
Off to Sutton Hoo tomorrow, then off in search of Silver-studded Blues. Black Sabbath T-shirt is ready and waiting, wish me luck :D



Re: SimonC69

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:04 pm
by Wurzel
Good luck :D I've found listening to 'Fairies with boots on' brings me that extra little bit of luck :D That or some Leafhound 8)

Have a goodun


Re: SimonC69

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:19 pm
by David M
Good luck, Simon. Remember, if you're out in the field, then you've always got a fighting chance!!

Re: SimonC69

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 7:35 pm
by SimonC69
The Sabbath T-Shirt does it again :D
It was a family trip to Sutton hoo today (to satisfy Mrs C's archaeology cravings) with a short detour to Sutton and Hollesley commons on the way home. We got to Sutton Hoo mid morning, in overcast and windy (but warm) conditions. There were a few Meadow Browns and Ringlets flying around the overflow car park and a very elusive skipper (which I never got on properly)
Out on the heath, on the circular walk around the burial mounds I found a few Small Heath
and my first Small Copper of the year.
A bit battered but it's a year tick
A bit battered but it's a year tick
on one section of the walk, there were Viper's Bugloss everywhere and it seemed every one had an attendant "Golden" Skipper
If anybody knows a better flower to get a photo of a Skipper feeding on........
If anybody knows a better flower to get a photo of a Skipper feeding on........
I diligently checked all those I could and was finally rewarded with a rather flighty Essex
Year tick number 2
Year tick number 2
Year tick number 2
Year tick number 2
There were plenty more Skippers to entertain me on the walk back to the car and our lunch, the it was time to head home, via the commons.
Just a 5 minute drive to the next car park and a 2 minute walk from there and I'd bagged my 8th lifer of the year.
My first Silver-studded Blue (and species #37 in my photo quest)
My first Silver-studded Blue (and species #37 in my photo quest)
An "insurance" shot, in case my initial ID was off :)
An "insurance" shot, in case my initial ID was off :)
All in all, a very successful day all round. ancient history & natural history all rolled into one.

Off out before breakfast to look for SWFs tomorrow morning.


Re: SimonC69

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 7:43 pm
by David M
Yup, Essex and SSB without a doubt! Well done.