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Re: June 2014

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:03 pm
by David M
Boy, there's a hell of a lot going on right now! I'm not sure if I can ever remember so many different species suddenly appearing practically at the same time!

The gaps on BC's First Sightings page have virtually disappeared. Still no Large Blue though! :?

Last year's first sighting at Collard Hill was on 14th June according to the online blog and that was after an abnormally cool spring. Most other species seem to be emerging 2 weeks ahead of 2013 so this appears worrying.

Re: June 2014

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:48 pm
by Neil Freeman
Took a drive up to Irton Fell today, lots of Mountain Ringlets when the sun came out this afternoon plus 100s of Small Heath and a bonus Red Admiral on the track above the car park.

Stopped off at Latterbarrow on the way back to Arnside and saw my first Meadow Browns of the year plus 5 or 6 NBA, all males so far like IACs 'proper' Scottish ones :wink:



Re: June 2014

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:43 pm
by EricY
mating Silver studded blues, Kelling Heath Norfolk june 12th
mating Silver studded blues, Kelling Heath Norfolk june 12th
Went to Kelling Heath today. Silver studded blues were in fairly good numbers. I was reliably informed they started emerging last Monday, a full 18 days earlier than last year. Photo attached of mating pair. Eric

Re: June 2014

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:37 pm
by jasonbirder
A return visit to Monks Wood today for a second look at the Black Hairstreaks not so much flight activity from the males this time - but the odd female egg laying and basking at lower levels in the Blackthorn...including this individual.


Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:13 am
by RobS
Good numbers of Black Hairstreak around the pond area at WhiteCross Green Wood in Oxfordshire today.
I arrived on site at about 10 this morning and walked down the rides to the pond area.I was impressed with how many large skipper there were.Also seen were Meadow Brown ,although not too numerous yet.
A Red Admiral greeted me as i reached the pond area , heralding the arrival of Black Hairstreak...not all of whom were shy.Certainly in the 5 hours i was on site numerous butterflies descended to nectar and give the waiting photographers the chance to get a few pics.Best action today was at about 1130 and 1300.
At all other times individuals were able to be seen flying around the tops of the blackthorn.All of the other people who had cameras today managed to get the photos that they were after.I met with Tim the BBOWT warden for the site and he stayed all day..talking to people and sharing his knowledge of the wood. He is planning to be there tomorrow and at the weekend if you see him say Hi.
On the way back to the car park i saw my first Marbled White of the year..but he was in no hurry to be photographed as he flew down the ride looking for a mate.
Neil Hulme also made an appearance at about 1500..he had already been to the Bernwood M40 compensation area(id love to see his fuel bill...hes everywhere) and reported about 20 BH there.
Black hairstreak june 14 1 bdr rz.jpg
My advice would be go tomorrow (friday) if you can because the weekend at WhiteCross is going to be manic !!

Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:59 am
by adrian riley
Hi, Gang
The news we've all been waiting for?
Large Blue is now on the wing in Gloucestershire!!!

Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:01 am
by NickB
What a season - it's all happening at once. SWT, WLH and now Large Blue - how early is this season...?

Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:37 pm
by Yashca
Does anyone know anything about Heath Fritillaries at Hadleigh Nature Reserve in Essex? I think they're probably my nearest colony but I've never been anywhere near the site and know nothing about where to park, where to look etc., Any advice?

Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:17 pm
by PhiliB
Yashca wrote:Does anyone know anything about Heath Fritillaries at Hadleigh Nature Reserve in Essex? I think they're probably my nearest colony but I've never been anywhere near the site and know nothing about where to park, where to look etc., Any advice?
The best place for the Heath Fritillary in South Essex in recent years has been Starvelarks Wood, aka Little Haven Nature Reserve. This is very close to Hadleigh Great Wood. Park in or just off Daws Heath Road and look in the area of TQ811891.
If you do go to Hadleigh Great Wood then try the area known as Dodds Grove, which is best accessed from Poors Lane.
Between these 2 woods lies Pound Wood where the Heath Fritillary can also be found in good numbers.

Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:42 pm
by nomad
Hi all. I have Just got back from a couple of days exploring the Exmoor combes where the Heath Fritilleries are now showing well . First stop was the rough tough Bin Combe and here I met the National Trust Heath Fritillary survey team who suggested Halse Combe, which is proving to be very good this year. I did find a nice mating pair in Bin Combe, but by 9 am the butterflies were hardly stopping except to take nectar. So, I was up in Halse Combe very early on a lovely hot day from my tent just below and I enjoyed myself very much. The Warden suggested I go back at Dusk to listen to the Nightjars. I never dreamt one would hawk just above my head several times and land on the gravel track a few yards away.



Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:14 pm
by Rosalyn
I went to Monks Wood after work today, not really expecting to see anything other than a possible high flying BH. I was only saying to someone this week I had never seen them on the Privet. This photo was taken at 4.55 and although warm no sun. It's certainly not behaviour I have noticed before.
I have just had it pointed out to me that my camera clock is out by an hour. 5.55pm and it was flitting about for 40 minutes. I know this because James (JLC on here) was due to be in Cambridge at 7.30 and he left at 6.35 :shock: Still he went away happy

Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:40 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Rosalyn,
It's always worth going that extra mile! Black Hairstreak was still flying at 6.45 pm at Whitecross Green Wood on Thursday evening.
BWs, Neil

Re: June 2014

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:07 pm
by Essex Bertie
PhiliB wrote: The best place for the Heath Fritillary in South Essex in recent years has been Starvelarks Wood, aka Little Haven Nature Reserve. This is very close to Hadleigh Great Wood. Park in or just off Daws Heath Road and look in the area of TQ811891.
If you do go to Hadleigh Great Wood then try the area known as Dodds Grove, which is best accessed from Poors Lane.
Between these 2 woods lies Pound Wood where the Heath Fritillary can also be found in good numbers.
Yashca - Phil's right about Starvelarks - see also in the 'sites' forum lower down under 'Heath Fritillary Sites in Essex' - i've put last year's high counts for each site. This year, Hadleigh Great Wood has improved....slightly - the high count currently stands at 14 but they are nicely scattered along the rides. There have been a couple seen in Dodds Grove, but nothing like a few years ago. Park at the end of Poors Lane and walk down the bridleway 200yards. Go into Hadleigh Great Wood on the right hand gate and the main ride bears left, parallel with the bridleway. There should be Heath Frits further down. At the bottom, the ride turns right and there should be more heading uphill with the coppiced section on your left.
Haven't had any news from Pound Wood yet.


Re: June 2014

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 3:49 pm
by Neil Freeman
After 3 days stopping up at Arnside and seeing plenty of SPBF and a fair few NBA at sites around the area, plus Mountain Ringlets at Irton Fell on Thursday, we spent an hour or so at Meathop Moss before hitting the M6 back to the midlands and saw 20 plus Large Heath actively bobbing about in the warm mid-day sun :D
A great bonus to finish off a great few days :D

Lots and lots of photos to sort through now and some catching up to do with my personal diary :wink:



Re: June 2014

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:19 pm
by PhiliB
Black Hairstreaks in Monks Wood

A two hour visit this afternoon by Rosalyn and myself resulted in us seeing at least 5 separate females ovipositing on the blackthorn. All were in fairly good condition with tails intact & no major wing damage. There was very little male activity.
It was a very cloudy afternoon with just the occasional spell of sun, although warm (20C) and calm.
If anyone is thinking of visiting Monks Wood tomorrow then, if the conditions are anything like today, the chances of seeing Black Hairstreak are fair.

A few of today's females
Black Hairstreak 140614 062S.jpg
Black Hairstreak 140614 081S.jpg
Black Hairstreak 140614 088S.jpg

Black Hairstreaks on Privet, Monks Wood

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:25 pm
by JCL
As Rosalyn said, each of the nectaring Black Hairstreaks at Monks Wood yesterday evening were on privet. Here's another couple of pix. Thanks to Rosalyn and Jonathan Newman.



Re: June 2014

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:57 pm
by Neil Hulme
An update on Black Hairstreak activity at the M40 Compensation Area here viewtopic.php?t=4065&start=10000
BWs, Neil

Re: June 2014

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:23 pm
by Rosalyn
Nice pic James, tails still intact :D Glad I wasn't in your way all the time :roll:

Re: June 2014

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:32 pm
by Ian Pratt
Two poor days at Bentley Wood and Pignal Inclosure on 12 and 13 June.Some large skippers and one spbf at Bentley Wood- only dragonflies at Pignal. Perhaps too hot? :( Ian

Re: June 2014

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:34 pm
by nomad
Enjoying Privet at Bernwood Forest today. :D