Nick Broomer

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

" i was watching a Red Squirrel sitting, busily feeding him/herself on a small dead Pine tree,"
Nick,Was it like this one-sorry,I couldn't resist !

You don`t have to rub it in Philip, but that is a lovely photo of the Red Squirrel :mrgreen:

All the best,


Hi Guy,

Looks like i will have to go back if i want to see another Large Tortoiseshell :D

All the best,

Last edited by Nick Broomer on Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

30th March 2012.

Mid-morning i decided to visit a small piece of wasteland, a 10 minute walk from my home, but is very good for Orange-Tips, or at least it has been for the previous two years. I arrived just after 10am. The sun still warming the spring air, and not a cloud in sight.

Flying overhead was a Common Buzzard mewing, which is now a common sight around here, song birds were in full chorus, amongst them a male Blackcap just 15ft. away. It was nearlly 11 o`clock before i saw my first Orange-Tip. Bee-Flies were out in large numbers, the Blackthorn in full bloom, Marsh Marigolds adding a touch of colour to the leaf covered ground. By now, midday, the Orange-Tips were now being seen regularly, flying swiftly past in search of a female, stopping briefly to feed on Cockoo Flower, proving hard to photograph.
30.3.2012 Bee-Flies, mating.jpg
Bee-Flies mating, the female being the lighter coloured one of the two.
30.3.2012 Marsh Marigolds.jpg
Marsh Marigolds.
30.3.2012 female Orange-tip.jpg
Female Orange-Tip on the buds of Cockoo Flower.

In all i saw 26 Orange-Tips, [22 males, 4 females] other butterflies seen, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Red Admiral, Comma and Small White.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

I found this caterpillar at the weekend, is it the larva of the Red Admiral. It is about 10-12mm in length, and 1mm across its body.

By any chance could someone tell me its the age.
31.3.2012 red admiral larva 012_1.jpg
Many thanks,

Last edited by Nick Broomer on Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Vince Massimo
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Vince Massimo »

Hi Nick,

It's definitely not a Red Admiral larva (or any of the other butterfly larvae that feed on nettle). It's much too smooth. Red Admiral larvae come in a variety of different colours and are always quite spikey, even from the first instar. They also tend to feed inside a shelter formed from the leaves of the foodplant, rather than out in the open. This is most likely to be the larva of a moth.
Some images of the Red Admiral life-cycle are contained in this report: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5672


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Vince,

Thankyou for your reply, it was very kind of you. I thought this moth larva was the larva of the Red Admiral simply because of its near identical living
habits, living and making a tent on Nettle. Having never seen R.A. larva before, jumped to the wrong conclusion.
1.4.2012 orange-tip 040_1.jpg
This is the tent of the larva i photographed. Very similar.

Then last night i started doubting my ID. of this caterpillar, hence the posting i made for clarification one way or another. The photo i posted of the larva is not feeding, but has just chosen this leaf to make his new home. I have a series of photos depicting this behaviour, making its tent from start to
finish, also of it feeding. I will now post these images knowing its a moth.

By the way i looked at your images of the life-cycle of a Red Admiral, most informative, and lovely photos, well done.

Thanks again,


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Sat. 31st March 2012.

The day started with me decorating at home, but then it seemed the only thing to do, [apart from stay in bed] as the weather had deteriorated
some what, from lovely sunny, cloudless days to a dreary, cold, and cloudy start to the weekend.

But ever the optimist, i decided [once i had finished decorating] to go back to where i went the day before [where i previously photographed a
female O.T.]. Hoping to find one or two Orange-Tips at rest.

I looked here, there and everywhere, mostly in desperation. Not an O.T. in sight, nor for that matter a butterfly of any description. Then something
very small caught my eye, a tiny black caterpillar, peaking out of the top of a enclosed Nettle leaf. The larva, probably a moth,[thanks Vince] was
about 10-12mm in length, and 1mm across its body.

I had some Nettles growing in pots at home, so i took the caterpillar with me. When i arrived back at my place i placed the larva on top of the potted Nettles,watched and waited. Then it did what i was hoping to see, as the following photos will depict.You will also find this larva has near identical survival/living habits to those of the Red Admiral, if not the same.
31.3.2012 moth larva 1.jpg
I had just placed the larva on the Nettle leaf, when off he went in search of a new home.
31.3.2012 moth larva 2.jpg
The larva is now inspecting the edge of the leaf, and finds it is exactly to his liking.
31.3.2012 moth larva 3.jpg
As you can see the larva has already started weaving its silken strands from the edge
of the leaf, pulling the edges very slightly over and inwards.

Will continue.

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Nick Broomer
Posts: 1091
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

31.3.2012 moth larva 4.jpg
In this picture the larva is actually testing whether he can manoeuvre himself with
comfort through the silk web before continuing.
31.3.2012 moth larva12.jpg
This is phase two of the tent building. The larva extending his body to the full, moving
from side to side.
31.3.2012 moth larva 5.jpg
Continuously producing the silken thread from its mouth, . The leaf edges
forming a lean-to effect.
31.3.2012 moth larva 6.jpg
Having completed stage two, phase three is now well under way. The edges of the
leaf can now be clearly seen being pulled over, the silken thread pulling like miniature

Will continue.

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Nick Broomer
Posts: 1091
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

31.3.2012 moth larva 7.jpg
The larva now manoeuvres himself through the tent,testing for space and comfort.
31.3.2012 moth larva 8.jpg
The tent structure is nearing completion, the leaf edges all in place, apart from
one small piece above the caterpillar`s head.
31.3.2012 moth larva tent 1.jpg
Now the final piece of the jigsaw is in place, the last leaf edge secured.
1.4.2012 larva tent.jpg
The tent is now finished, home sweet home.

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Re: hideandseek

Post by hilary »

I liked the photos of the tent creation. I have found these on nettles, but don't know what they turn into. I get alot of Small Magpie and Mother of Pearl moths in the Nettles, but looking at the UK moths site, their larva are green. Hope you find out what they are, it would be nice to know!

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

I`m pleased you liked the photos depicting the tent structure Hilary. I would love to see the adult emerge myself
as to get an ID on the little chap,so i hope i will be at home when it happens. If i`m fortunate enough to witness
the emergence and get a photograph, i will post a photo.

Many thanks, and all the best,


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

1st April 2012

Late morning i went for a stroll [after a morning decorating, and between painting the first and second coats] down by the river at the back of my home.
Thankfully the sun was out again, but there was still a cold nip in the air, which was keeping the butterflies at bay. So killing time i tried to photograph
1.4.2012 unknown spider.jpg
this spider,which took some doing as they never seemed to stay still for more than a couple of seconds,
which was about 10mm in length. I have no idea what kind of spider it is, all i know there were lots of
them running around amongst the vegetaion, [good job i am not scared of the little things].

Eventually the air warmed, and the butterflies started to appear with Speckled Woods first on the scene, shortly followed by a Comma. Then all of a sudden Orange-Tips, a Green-Veined White no bigger than a Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral and Peacock were on the wing, the temperature having risen a few degrees. Did they stop for a minute? no. It was proving rather differcult to get anywhere near them for a photo, until this female
1.4.2012 female O.T, [2].jpg
Orange-Tip landed flat on her belly, so to speak. [A picture at all is better than than none :D ]. Then i managed to get
1.4.2012 female G.V.W..jpg
a quick shot of this female Green-Veined White before it took to the wing again, and disappearing into thin air.

Standing around looking for my next photo opportunity of a picture, i found this male
1.4.2012 male O.T. [2].jpg
Orange-Tip feeding on Cuckoo Flower and managed a few shots before he took flight,
and probably went in search of a female, well do you blame him? Then it was back home to the decorating. :(
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Sunday 15th April 2012

Orange-Tips down by the riverside.
15.4.2012 Orange-Tips 085-2.jpg
15.4.2012 Orange-Tips [9].jpg
15.4.2012 Orange-Tips [6]_1.jpg

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Sunday 15th April 2012

Orange-Tips down by the riverside, part 2.
15.4.2012 Orange-Tips 091-2.jpg
15.4.2012 Orange-Tips [14].jpg
Oh, and a little green Fly.
15.4.2012 gymnocheta viridis.jpg
This metallic green Fly, Gymnocheta Viridis belongs to the family Tachinidae. Its flight season is
between April and early June. Feeding on pollen and nectar, and is often found sunning
itself on tree trunks. The larva feed on caterpillars and other small insects.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Sunday 15th April 2012

Orange-Tips down by the riverside, part 3.
15.4.2012 Orange-Tips 033.jpg
Oh, and another little fly. It was just sitting there in front of me whilst i was having a quick bite to eat.
15.4.2012 unknown fly.jpg
I thought to myself what a beautiful little insect. It was quite overcast by this time, so i used manual
exposure with built-in flash for both pictures
15.4.2012 unknown fly 2.jpg
I have no idea of an I.D., but a photo opportunity is a photo opportunity, and what enormous eyes it has
[now where have i heard that expression before?] for such a little fellow. And i like it. Then it was off in
search of O.T.s once again.

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Re: hideandseek

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shot of the male orange-tip! I've seen alot of those Hoverflies aropund as well - sometimes they look almost silver and black striped. I was starting to get into Hoverflies last year - but Bees have taken over since then :shock: I hope the weekend brings you good weather! :D

Have a goodun


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Wurzel,

Thankyou for your kind comment on my Orange-Tip photo, very thoughtful of you. So my fly is some sort of Hoverfly, i did`nt know that, you learn something new everyday, thanks.

I hope the weather improves over the weekend for everyone, it looks like Sat. is a total wash out where i live, but i hope to get out on Sunday with my camera if all goes well, and i hope you do as well.

Thanks again.

All the best,


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Sunday 15th April 2012

Orange-Tips down by the riverside, part 4.
15.4.2012 Orange-Tips [13].jpg
Last but not least, my favourite photo so far this year.

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Neil Freeman
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Neil Freeman »

Lovely photo Nick.


Neil F.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Neil F.,

Thankyou for your kind comment on my O.T., really appreciated.

All the best,


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Sat. 21st April 2012

The weather forecast for my area today was supposed be rain and more rain, so i had written the day off. After working all morning, and with no sign even of a drop of rain, even though it was rather cloudy with small bursts of sunshine showing through every now and again, i decided to go and look for Orange-Tips down by the riverside again. After arriving home to pick-up my things and having a spot of lunch i set off. So armed with my camera, and dressed to thrill in full waterproof clothing and wellies [just in case of a down pour]. By this time the sky was covered in cloud, but go i must. I reached my destination some 10-15min. later, and very quickly found my first Orange-Tip roosting on a yellow flower.
21.4.2012 Orange-Tips 036_1.jpg
Female O.T. at rest on Lesser Celandine.
21.4.2012 Orange-Tips 033_1.jpg
Where she kindly stayed for me to get a few photos. All of a sudden the sun appeared and off she went, i turned round to witness half a dozen male O.T.s rise from their roosting places, enjoying a brief spell of warmth.

But it was short lived as the cloud regained control of the sky once more, so it was back down to roost again. This is when i found this male O.T.
21.4.2012 Orange-Tips 075-1_1.jpg
Male Orange-Tip on Cuckoo Flower.
What amazed me was, that after nearly four weeks since my first sighting of an O.T. They were still emerging, as these two fresh individuals show in the three pictures above.

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