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Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:56 pm
by Jack Harrison
We really do need more meeting like this and my suggestion is for regional get-togethers.

eg East:


Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:07 pm
by Susie
I'm really pleased you enjoyed it, Wurzel. :D

Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:17 pm
by P.J.Underwood
Ordering the food
Ordering the food
Putting the world to right
Putting the world to right
Two action shots,showing the conviviality!

Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:50 am
by Philzoid
Thanks for organising the Jolly Susie. Im so glad that I came :) but it all seemed to go so quick :?
Gibster wrote:Finally made it back into Epsom via Clapham Junction 2hrs 40mins after leaving the pub. Would've been home a lot earlier but the local taxis don't start until after 8pm (we'd left ourselves insufficient time for the walk back to the train station) so we opted to wait for the next train. Then Phil wouldn't drink up quickly enough and we missed that train too!
Had you not gone AWOL on watch duty Seth we would not have had to get those last two rounds in :lol:

Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:55 am
by Susie
Hi Phil,

I'm so glad you could make it too, it was lovely to see you again and I'm sorry we didnt get to chat more.

The afternoon did seem to fly by, as often happens when people have fun. I would have loved to have stayed longer.

Great photos PJ, but next time if you want to take one let us know and we can give you a smile. I look like I have just sneezed or am going to sneeze over Mark Colvin and he is taking cover!

Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:12 pm
by dave brown
Hi all,
Whilst I could not make the event it is so nice to see the group photo and be able to put a face to the name. It help brings the web site and its members to life. Hopefully I am now in a better position to recognise some of you next year as the family travels around butterfly locations.
Whilst I obviously did not hear Petes plans for the future of UKB I would like to thank him for all the hard work he, and others, put into this highly successful and very friendly web site. It is real good mix of knowledge and learning supported by a enthusiastic and helpful membership. Its a joy to belong and may this long continue.


Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:12 pm
by Susie
I feel rather remiss in not raising a toast at the jolly to UK butterflies, Pete, Gary, Lisa, Guy, Vince and everyone else who has put work in behind the scenes to make this forum what it is so i'll raise a glass now and say god bless (or any other deity of your choice) UK Butterflies and all who sail in her. May it long continue to be a happy ship as we journey into the future together.

Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:58 pm
by Pete Eeles
And here's "back at ya" for organising the event :)


- Pete

Re: Winter jolly

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:24 pm
by Reverdin
I must say... to quote... "Can you lot stop being so darn pleasant? " ("I've been waiting ages to suggest that this thread should have been named "Last of the summer whine").... :D or should it be first of the winter whine.. :twisted: ( please don't be defensive, just couldn't resist... it's obvious you all have the same sense of joy in like mindedness we did.. feels good doesn't it? ) :D :D