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Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:51 pm
I reckon they're going to be late and just emerging as I get there 13th June! :)

Certainly locally everything is about 2-3 weeks back on last year now I reckon!

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:58 pm
by Jack Harrison
I've been following the weather at Oban, the only place in that area for which I could find with regular reports. It has been very reasonable there and often sunnier and warmer than in the south. The east or northeast winds that are such a pain here are a blessing up there due to the shelter effect of the mountains. So I am optimistic about the timing for last weekend in May.

Today, Oban reached 11 degs with broken cloud and some sun. The forecast for the next eight to ten days have been remarkably consistent. I put far more faith in them because of the consistency than had the prediction changed with each updated forecast. Next week should be relatively sunny, light winds and temperatures peaking at around 16 degrees. If that doesn’t bode well, then I don’t know what does.

This shows rain forecast – no rain at all from this Sunday until following Friday. ... height=700

Longer range models suggest little or no rain next weekend either.

We set off from Norfolk Saturday morning and will be arriving in Mull Sunday afternoon.


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:03 pm
by David M
FISHiEE wrote:I reckon they're going to be late and just emerging as I get there 13th June! :)

Certainly locally everything is about 2-3 weeks back on last year now I reckon!
Indeed. If I remember rightly the first one was recorded on 4th May last year, so we're already a fortnight behind.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:10 pm
by Trev Sawyer
When my wife and I went up to Glasdrum a couple of years ago, no chequered skippers had been seen and the snow gates had been closed only about a week or so before. The weather had been poor, we were worried and went through the same dilemma as you. We had booked accommodation nearby and went anyway. We spent 5 hours searching around Glasdrum and the sheer jubilation at finding two freshly-hatched butterflies is hard to explain. The air has rarely been so punched! I would say go for it. There may not be many, but they should be in very photogenic condition, so it is just a matter of whether you want to be certain of seeing one, or finding a cracker fresh out of the wrapper.

PS: Just seen the first report this year - 15th May in Argyll - Now I wonder where that was! :wink:


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:33 pm
by David M
Trev Sawyer wrote:PS: Just seen the first report this year - 15th May in Argyle - Now I wonder where that was!
Right. So we know that they're out. What's more, conditions seem to be likely to improve markedly over the next week, with Scotland looking good to avoid any significant rain.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:11 pm
by ScottD
Trev Sawyer wrote:
PS: Just seen the first report this year - 15th May in Argyle - Now I wonder where that was! :wink:
I suspect in Highland branch area seeing as our butterfly recorder knew nothing about it last night.
Was only 7.5-8C here today so hopefully it warms up next week.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 11:00 pm
by selbypaul
Right then. I arrived in Stirling tonight for a stopover. I've got Tuesday until Friday inclusive to spot a Chequered Skipper somewhere in the Fort William area. Main target points, thanks to this great thread are Spean Bridge area and Alt Mhuic. I'll report anything here if I see one (internet access permitting). Let me know if anyone else spots one first!

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:37 pm
by selbypaul
As you may have seen from my post on the May thread, I was successful in seeing circa 5 Chequered Skipper at Glasdrum Woods, at their favoured spot under the powerlines. Other butterfly enthusiasts there said that they had seen 14+ yesterday.

No sign of any at any of the Spean Bridge locations mentioned earlier in this thread. This was despite perfect conditions, and around an hour of searching.

Also no luck at Alt Mhuic. Quite a few other enthusiasts there, who also said none were around. Reckon they will by the weekend however, so good luck to everyone who is coming at the weekend. Hope the weather lasts for you!

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:41 pm
by David M
Jeez, I shouldn't do this but I'm considering a visit. Conditions are rarely so ideal as they are right now. 26c is forecast for Fort William on Friday.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:45 pm
by selbypaul
It's well worth it David. Not just the butterflies, the views have been amazing too

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:21 am
by Jack Harrison
I'm still planning a Sunday visit to Glasdrum but still on scorching hot Mull.


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:23 pm
by David M
selbypaul wrote:It's well worth it David. Not just the butterflies, the views have been amazing too
I'll bet they have. I notice there's a local branch event regarding Chequered Skippers at Glasdrum for tomorrow. It couldn't have worked out any better. I've taken the last couple of days off to study for my forthcoming exam but I still toyed with the idea of making the trip. It would have put me out of action for 4 days though so I couldn't really justify it.

You've picked a great time to go, Paul, and I hope you enjoy it to the full.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:32 am
by selbypaul
Certainly did David. One of the best holidays I've ever had.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:56 am
by David M
selbypaul wrote:Certainly did David. One of the best holidays I've ever had.
I was sorely tempted to head up there myself. Conditions are rarely so perfect up there.

Have you any photos to show us?

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:27 pm
by Jack Harrison
Very quick update, more to come later in my diary after I get back home (currently on the way, stopping over in Carlisle)

Had trouble finding CS and finally - courtesy Neil Hulme and Ian Leach - saw several in Glen Loy just past the bridge in rough ground here on north bank of river: ... 83170&lm=0


My goodness, they are hard to spot although I have to say that my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be.


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:38 pm
by Rosalyn
You can't fault Phil's research :D And a big thanks to lee3764 fo a great week last year

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:12 pm
by Pete Eeles
Possibly peaking at Glasdrum right now (which is an early site), and sounds like UKB members have invaded Scotland this year! Some photos here:



- Pete

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:44 pm
by Lawts
Thanks to all for info. and advice leading up to my visit to Glasdrum on the 26th. In perfect weather I connected with CS within a minute of arriving. There was one in the car park that was pointed out to me and it showed well for several minutes and I left it on view - jackpot.

As I had three tired birders with me who wanted/needed to get back to Yorkshire after a few days on Mull, it had to be a brief view and a few quick photo's. I'd planned to give it circa four hours so I don't know what they would have done. I never got to see the main bit by the power lines but I'm not complaining :D .

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:22 am
by selbypaul
Jack Harrison wrote:Very quick update, more to come later in my diary after I get back home (currently on the way, stopping over in Carlisle)

Had trouble finding CS and finally - courtesy Neil Hulme and Ian Leach - saw several in Glen Loy just past the bridge in rough ground here on north bank of river: ... 83170&lm=0


My goodness, they are hard to spot although I have to say that my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be.

I agree Jack, they are quite difficult to spot. It took me around half an hour before I "got my eye in" so to speak

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:21 am
by Butterfly Gardener
I caught the sleeper train from Crewe up to Spean Bridge arriving yesterday morning and despite poor weather in the morning I managed to see 4 just after Cour bridge on the left. There is also a Great spotted woodpecker nest here. I arrived home at 6:30 this morning.

20 hour round trip for 4 Chequered skippers and tomorrow I'm heading down to Hampshire. I must be mad!