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Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:03 pm
by Gibster
Jack Harrison wrote: You have to hand it to the Romans, they showed amazing foresight re butterfly habo creation!!!

I think the fort pre-dates the Romans even though they might subsequently have made use of it.
You are quite right, Jack. Turns out the hill was fortified by the Celtic Durotriges in around 500BC, the Romans came along around 46AD and within 30 years the tribe was fully Romanised...or so Wikipedia tells me. To walk the ditch and ramparts nowadays is still an experience in itself, we tried to imagine the struggle an invading force would have had storming the steep slope, then the rampart, the ditch, the counter rampart...and yet nowadays it is such a beautiful, serene spot. To think of all the earth-moving undertaken (by hand!) at the top of a steep hill some two and a half thousand years ago...staggering. Yester-century's battleground is now a beautiful haven for wildlife.

I'm very much enjoying our Big Year attempt, already I'm seeing parts of Britain I'd never normally visit, some quite close to home. Plus new species too! Happy butterflying everybody!

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:21 pm
by Piers
It was either Hod or Hambledon Hill where the Britons gave up without a fight. They saw their neighbour fall utterly, to the 2nd Augusta Legion, and that was enough for them. They downed their weapons threw in the towel.


Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:40 pm
by Gibster
We only got as far as the lower slopes of Hambledon Hill...and felt like throwing the towel in, lol!!!
Brilliant area though, Golden -ringed Dragonfly and Banded Demoiselle were somewhat unexpected though... to see Marsh Fritillaries flying alongside Adonis Blues is an experience not to be forgotten.

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:05 am
by Piers
Gibster wrote:to see Marsh Fritillaries flying alongside Adonis Blues is an experience not to be forgotten.
Welcome to Dorset, Gibster...! :D :D


Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:22 am
by Zonda
And here's me scouring the heaths for Golden-ringed Ds, and the Green Hairstreaks are still avoiding me. :(

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:02 pm
by Zonda
Took a stroll around Giant's hill Cerne Abbas.


Large Skippers (very fresh)
Small heath (in abundance)
Painted Lady (just one)
Wall brown (1)
Meadow brown (several)
Common blue (not abundant)
Marsh Fritillaries (6-8) (Mostly very worn)
Orange Tips (male) (4)
Speckled wood
Small Tort
Large white
GV white

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:10 pm
by felix123
Going to Powerstock common on saturday hoping to see some Marbled whites and mabye even a Silver-washer fritillary, wish me luck. :D

I am jealous that you saw a Wall brown Zonda I would of love to of seen one at Giant's hill. :D

Hopefully the weather will get better Guy.


Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:21 pm
by Matsukaze
First Marbled White out here in Somerset today, so they should be out now in Dorset too.

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:17 pm
by David M
Matsukaze wrote:First Marbled White out here in Somerset today, so they should be out now in Dorset too.
Excellent news. I shall be going to one of the UK's richest unimproved wild flower meadows this weekend near Monmouth and Marbled Whites are one of the species I hope to see.

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:50 pm
by Rogerdodge
The High-brown Frits are out in great numbers in the Heddon valley on Exmoor.
Also good numbers og Dark Green and a few rather faded and restless Small Pearls. Green Hairstreak, Common Blue and Large Skipper. No SilverWashed yet, but any day now.
At one point had 4 HB and 3 DGon same thistle head. Bliss.
Now enjoying well earned pint in the Hunter's Inn.
Free WiFi !!

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:15 pm
by Zonda
Get 'em in, i'll be there in a tick. :lol:

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:35 pm
by Pete Eeles
Incredible report Rodge; free wifi in darkest Devon - who would have thought :lol:

Glad you found some butterflies too :D

"At one point had 4 HB and 3 DGon same thistle head"
So where's the photo? :)


- Pete

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:28 pm
by NickB
Rogerdodge wrote:.....Bliss.
Now enjoying well earned pint in the Hunter's Inn.
Now there's a surprise :mrgreen:
...but having sampled Hunters Inn and Heddon Valley, it is all Roger says...
Butterflies AND Beer ! Bliss indeed!

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:36 pm
by Rogerdodge
Pete and Nick
Just 3 frits in one shot I am afraid (actually I have one with 4, but it is out of focus).
If anyone does come up you must try the pint known as Exmoor Beast - a really fruity dark bitter made with chocolate and at 6.5% you need a driver as they slip down real easy!

p.s. Yes, I know - my sensor needs cleaning - that's two weeks chasing tigers in India for you!

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:44 pm
by Jack Harrison
Lovely notice at Sand Point that amused me.

“Look for... Glanville Fritillaries (this is one of its only UK sites)”

Eh yes.... “one of its only....”?!


Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:39 pm
by SteveA
Made visits to three of the main Essex colonies of Heath Fritillaries today to see what the state of the population is.

Started at Pound Wood where counted 156 with most being in the main clearing around the pylons. There was also a Meadow Brown. Then walked through to Little Haven but found two Heath Fritts in Tile Wood which is the first time I have seen them in this wood.

The main clearing at pylons at Starvelarks Woods, Little Haven EWT had 66 and 2 Large Skippers. The majority of the Heaths were in the clear on the east side of the path whilst less than 5 were on the west side of the path, contrast to the 300+ there last year.

Finally went to Belfairs Woods/Dodds Grove where 98 were counted between the site areas as well as 7 Large Skippers and 3 Speckled Woods.

Despite the wind and intermitent downpoors butterflies were overall scarce.

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:17 pm
by Zonda
Quite a few Meadow browns around in Dorset now, on the downs and heaths. This is one i snapped at Higher Hyde Heath earlier this afternoon,,,, i think it is a male. The morning was cloudy, and not much was showing. :D

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:17 pm
by web4160
Summer has arrived in the North! High Brown Frits out at Gait Barrows today.

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:23 pm
by Ian Pratt
Swallowtails seen and photographed at BC's Catfield Fen reserve Tuesday 15 June. :D

Re: June 2010 Sightings

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:20 pm
by Perseus

20 June 2010
On the open part of the path that runs parallel with the dual carriageway at
the top of the southern embankment of the the Slonk Hill Cutting, north
Shoreham, the first Six-spotted Burnet Moth settled on the first Tufted
Vetch noted in flower this year.

Adur Butterfly & Large Moth List


Andy Horton
Adur Valley Nature Notes
Adur Valley Nature Notes: June 2010
Sussex Downs Facebook Group