August 2023

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Re: August 2023

Post by millerd »

Allan.W. wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:44 pm Out for just over 3 hours and i counted 304 Small Coppers .......................A proper "return to form " at Dungeness !
It is very reassuring to hear that, Allan. Clearly the heat of last summer did no damage that a more temperate season couldn't put right. It's just amazing how resilient some species can be. :)


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David M
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Re: August 2023

Post by David M »

Allan.W. wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:44 pm...Out for just over 3 hours and i counted 304 Small Coppers .......................A proper "return to form " at Dungeness !
I'll say, Allan. :D Reminds me of days of yore when the much-missed Hoggers used to provide regular three-figure counts.

Dungeness must be the best place in the country for this species!
adrian riley
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Re: August 2023

Post by adrian riley »

David M wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:01 pm
Allan.W. wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:44 pm...Out for just over 3 hours and i counted 304 Small Coppers .......................A proper "return to form " at Dungeness !
I'll say, Allan. :D Reminds me of days of yore when the much-missed Hoggers used to provide regular three-figure counts.

Dungeness must be the best place in the country for this species!
Hi, Guys. Do you know what the larvae feed on out on the Dungeness shingle? Cheers, Ade.
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David M
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Re: August 2023

Post by David M »

Thursday 24th, West Williamston, Pembs:

Speckled Wood 30-40
Hedge Brown 20-25
Small White 10-15
Common Blue 7
Large White 4
Red Admiral 3
Silver Washed Fritillary 3
Brown Hairstreak 1
Holly Blue 1
Comma 1
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Re: August 2023

Post by millerd »

This afternoon, in a weirdly persistent pool of sunshine, I walked through the woodland and heathland at Allerthorpe Common in East Yorkshire. Along one ride, I counted not far off 50 Brimstones avidly nectaring. There was a good mix of males and females, behaving so differently compared with how they will react to each other in the spring.
BR4 260823.JPG
BR3 260823.JPG
BR1 260823.JPG
BR2 260823.JPG
Also seen: Red Admirals and Green-veined Whites.
RA1 260823.JPG
GVW1 260823.JPG
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Re: August 2023

Post by Allan.W. »

The Dungeness Small Copper larvae feed on Sheeps Sorrell ,which carpets the the fixed shingle areas . Last years second and third broods suffered greatly ,with the majority of the plants ,burnt to a cinder in the drought.
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Re: August 2023

Post by Allan.W. »

Yes Dave and Dave ,the Dungeness Coppers are tough little chaps ,and i,m surprised that they are around in such numbers after last seasons crash.................Great to see them !
Haven,t seen anything of Hoggers now for about 3 years .I generally used to bump into him somewhere around ,but no sign of him !
Had our normal Saturday morning bite to eat at Dungeness this morning ,and had a short walk from the car park to the bird obs ,round the moat and back ..................all the while being kept company by the din from the freshly fledged Peregrine chicks .
P1220396 (2).JPG
Still very high numbers of Small Coppers along the power station fence among them this really tatty Radiata .
P1220386 (2).JPG
This afternoon i had a stroll around the local patch not too much about ,apart from high numbers of Small Heath ,including a pair in-cop .
And this unusual "blind " individual
P1220407 (2).JPG
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Re: August 2023

Post by millerd »

That's a pretty good trio of sightings, Allan! A radiata Small Copper (tatty or not), a "blind" Small Heath (which looks really odd) and a SH pairing (which despite good numbers on some sites you rarely see). Even as the season winds down now, there's always something of interest out there. :)


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Re: August 2023

Post by Pauline »

I'd love to go out looking at butterflies with you Allan - yet another Ab!!!!! Perhaps your nickname should be 'Hawkeye' :wink: :) It just goes to show how each and every specimen should be carefully observed. Well done.
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Re: August 2023

Post by Allan.W. »

Thankyou Pauline and Dave .............. I have had a bit of luck of late..................I never go anywhere without my trusty "Pentax Papillios " :) Regards Allan.W.
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Re: August 2023

Post by Allan.W. »

A few more bits and pieces from this weekends trips out . At Temple Ewell I had a good look around for Silver -Spots ,but they seem to have had a pretty poor season and i only managed to find very few ,most were well past their sell by date .........but there were a couple in reasonable nick.
The second brood Adonis Blues seemed to have faired a lot better ,with numerous males and females on the wing.
Couldn,t resist posting another shot of a very attractive female Meadow Brown that i stumbled across warming up in the early morning sun.
And lastly two contrasting Small Coppers from Dungeness .
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David M
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Re: August 2023

Post by David M »

Love that final Small Copper, Allan. Looks like he's been in the ring with Mike Tyson. :)
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Re: August 2023

Post by Matsukaze »

Allan - aren't the hindwings on that Meadow Brown also aberrant?
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Re: August 2023

Post by Allan.W. »

Hello Matsukaze ,
Yes they are (abberant ) thats actually what drew me to it seemed to flash pale wings as it flew ,and its forewings have double pupilled spots and a pale colour as in AB; Semi-intermedia. .....................It was very striking !
Regards Allan.W.
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Re: August 2023

Post by millerd »

It may still be August (just!), but there was a distinct autumn tinge to the butterflies on my local patch today. I found (as I had yesterday as well) several newly emerged Commas, resplendent in their deep orange/rich brown hibernation colours.
Comma4 290823.JPG
Next to the tail end of the following individual, the meconium (waste products from its pupal stage) can be seen...
Comma2 290823.JPG
...and I think the same is true with this next one, though it's a bit further from the butterfly. This one should be recognisable in spring with its slightly underinflated forewing.
Comma1 290823.JPG
By complete contrast, this aged example of a hutchinsoni male was fiercely chasing all-comers (Red Admirals and a Speckled Wood) off his little patch of territory.
Comma3 290823.JPG
It's very late to be seeing this variety, but I have some thoughts on the subject of Comma broods which I hope to post soon... :)

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David M
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Re: August 2023

Post by David M »

Wednesday 30th, Teifi Marshes, Pembs:

Speckled Wood 20-30
Brown Hairstreak 7
Hedge Brown 7
Meadow Brown 6
Common Blue 4
Large White 2
Red Admiral 2
Green Veined White 2
Comma 2
Small Tortoiseshell 2
Small Copper 1
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Re: August 2023

Post by Pauline »

Some fresh looking specimens there David, nicely captured. I don't think I've seen 7 this whole season, let alone on one visit. It used to be possible at Noar Hill but not any more :(
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Re: August 2023

Post by Testudo Man »

Bank Holiday Monday (just gone). Location - Cliffe Pools, Kent. Approx 7 hours out in the field.
Hard going at times, but i did sight 5 Clouded Yellows. They all vanished after 1.00pm though.
Most numerous butterfly would have to be Small Heaths, there were at least 75+ seen!
I was hoping to see more "Cloudies", but might have another go there this weekend?
Witnessed (close up) a Starling murmuration, which was fantastic to see. I did capture a few shot of the birds, but only had my 60mm macro lens on!
Some images, cheers Paul. Most of the images are not cropped (the image of the Clouded Yellow nectaring on Oxtongue Thistle is cropped some).
One of the "Cloudies" was very small in size too!
The very small CY.

Starling Murmuration...images are S.O.O.C.
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David M
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Re: August 2023

Post by David M »

Pauline wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:43 pmSome fresh looking specimens there David, nicely captured...
Thanks, Pauline. They're quite late emerging at this site so they're still in decent nick even on the cusp of September.
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