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Re: June 2019

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 7:28 pm
by Testudo Man
Yesterday (Saturday) i spent the day at Eynsford in Kent, the target species being DGF and MW's.
I arrived at approx 11.00am...but didnt leave until just past, 9 hours, out in the field!
Wall to wall sunshine, didnt really help in trying to get close to the DGF's, so i had to wait until late evening, before they started to come in to roost.
No cloud around 7.00pm, so the DGF's still carried on basking, whilst most of the other species were all at roost.
I would say, there could have been 20+ males in the area, but they were definitely the last ones to bed!

I shot 100's of images (2 cameras) so need to go through them all later, an pick out the "good ones", but heres a few to start with.
Cheers Paul. No images are cropped.

When the DGF's are not on the Knapweed, they like the Red Clover.
Quite hard to find the DGF's in the long grasses, this one shares a roosting spot with a probable Small Skipper.
This one is still basking beyond 7.30pm!!
Both male and female MW's were quite active, an probably 100+ in numbers.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:00 pm
by David M
Testudo Man wrote:...Quite hard to find the DGF's in the long grasses, this one shares a roosting spot with a probable Small Skipper.
Nice set of images, TM.

From what I can see, I think your skipper is most likely an Essex.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 5:11 am
by David M
Jack Harrison wrote:..There has been a major influx of Painted Ladies to north east Scotland.1...Not all are as fresh as this one!
:D That one probably went the long way round, Jack!

There were hundreds of PLs about in NW Italy last week, so with easterly winds for much of this week, I expect many, many more will arrive on our shores.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:09 am
by Jack Harrison
Little doubt that 2019 will become a bumper "Painted Lady" year. August/Spetember should be vintage.


Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:57 pm
by millerd
Jack Harrison wrote:Little doubt that 2019 will become a bumper "Painted Lady" year...

I saw 16 on my local patch near Heathrow this morning, despite sunless muggy overcast conditions with spots of rain. I think this could well be more than I've seen here in all the years since 2009 combined: It looks like a major influx is underway.


Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:33 pm
by Lee Hurrell
I have just been outside at work in Basingstoke for 5 minutes and watched 3 Painted Ladies fly past in a west northwesterly direction. They are still on their way!

Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:13 pm
by Vince Massimo
Yesterday at Widewater Lagoon, Lancing on the Sussex coast I counted 6 Painted Lady during the day. Then, while out for a walk along the seafront in the evening I saw two more butterflies spiraling in the air at 21.13. This happened a couple of times, with the victor returning to his perch high on a fence. He continued to take flight even though it was cloudy and just a few minutes before sunset.
Painted Lady at 21.13 - Lancing, Sussex 23-June-2019
Painted Lady at 21.13 - Lancing, Sussex 23-June-2019
The temperature at the time was 20C with hardly any wind.

The previous day I also found an ancient male Peacock still holding territory.
Peacock - Lancing, Sussex 22-June-2019
Peacock - Lancing, Sussex 22-June-2019

Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:27 pm
by Jack Harrison
In the last great PL year, 2016, I had one come to light in the moth trap!


Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:15 pm
by Allan.W.
40 ,Painted Ladies reported at Dungeness Bird Observatory yesterday (23rd),and apparently ,numbers rising by the day !
Regards Allan.W.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:26 pm
by Allan.W.
As an add on to the above post ,about 2 hours ago the Romney marsh countryside project leader counted 120 Painted Ladies,on a short cycle jaunt on Romney Marsh (Kent )……………………………. They,re coming !!

Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:51 pm
by essexbuzzard
Plenty of Painted Lady’s in Essex too, despite dull muggy conditions. But they are mostly worn, tired adults. Anyone else noticed this? Compare with Clouded Yellows, which often arrive in mint condition.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:07 pm
by sonomoha
This looks like a very promising season we are on, given the numbers of Painted ladies and the various fritts :o :o Really happy to follow the thread and its amazing content. Congrats to all.
At the moment, I see some tired blues, a bit more Marbled whites and also some fresh Meadow browns. Probably some skippers this week with the sun back in bristol. Photos are Sunday 23rd, Eastwood Farm local Nature Reserve, Bristol.
nice week to all ! :D

Re: June 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:52 pm
by David M
Jack Harrison wrote:Little doubt that 2019 will become a bumper "Painted Lady" year. August/Spetember should be vintage.
Let's hope so, Jack. From what I saw in NW Italy, there are thousands heading north right now.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:47 pm
by KeithS
Painted Lady probably third most common butterfly at Ranscombe reserve in North Kent (after Meadow Brown and Marbled White). The PLs are having a good year around here, in keeping with everywhere else it seems. They seem very pale and this fits in with the likelihood of them being rather tired cross-Channel migrants.

Also seems a very good year around here for Peacock larvae: every nettle patch is festooned with colonies of them. Never seen so many. Not so good for the Small Tortoiseshell, have seen hardly any until today (saw three adults, looking newly emerged). Numbers of Common Blues and Large/Small Whites also down after last year’s bonanza. Ringlets and Small Heaths about in good numbers, also have seen a couple of DGFs. Yet to see any White Admirals, SWFs or Gatekeepers, may still be too early around here.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:02 am
by downland boy
Mating pair of Silver-washed Fritillary (female form valezina) seen 25/6/19 near Hailsham, East Sussex. Downland boy.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:22 pm
by peterc
downland boy wrote:Mating pair of Silver-washed Fritillary (female form valezina) seen 25/6/19 near Hailsham, East Sussex. Downland boy.
Fantastic downland boy. Not many Silver-washed around yet from what I have read.


Re: June 2019

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:28 pm
by peterc
On my local patch in the Norton Green area today I came across a Ringlet with no ocelli on both pairs of wings. I don't know how unusual this is. Has anyone else come across this variation?


Re: June 2019

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:44 pm
by David M
downland boy wrote:Mating pair of Silver-washed Fritillary (female form valezina) seen 25/6/19 near Hailsham, East Sussex.
Fantastic shot, DB. Never seen that before.

Re: June 2019

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:30 pm
by tomlantaff
That mating pair of SWF is superb! Certainly none out on my walk today in Belfairs Nature Reserve, likewise White Admirals. Shouldn't be long now...

Aside from the first few Ringlets of the year, I can only contribute this wonderful female Meadow Brown from today:
Next stop Dartmoor on Sunday!


Re: June 2019

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:43 pm
by bugboy
Bookham today, 4 new species for the year, here's a sneak peek, full details coming to a PD near you sometime in the future! (Millerd might get there before me :lol:)