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Re: May 2019

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 7:15 pm
by essexbuzzard
Splendid lady orchids, Allan. We are hoping to get down there again at some point.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 7:31 pm
by Chris Jackson
David M wrote:4 Marsh Fritillaries and 1 Small Pearl Bordered seen yesterday (16th) on Fairwood Common, Gower ..
Nice photo of the Small PBF, David, which I have no chance of seeing in my part of the south of France.
However, this is probably not the right place but it is certainly the right moment to sneak in a comparison between your photo of a UK Marsh Frit and one of its six French cousins, in this case Eurodryas aurinia provincialis :
David's Marsh Frit in the UK:
1MF(1).jpg (51.53 KiB) Viewed 3340 times
Chris's Marsh Frit ssp. provincialis in Marseilles:
aurinia31_83 Vallon du Cros 11May19 (3).JPG

Re: May 2019

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 8:27 pm
by Allan.W.
Thanks for comments Essex , the Ladies are now stunning ! and I reckon next week they,ll be at peak ,so try to get down ,
The Adonis and Small Blues should also be out now at Samphire Ho ! ( Along the beach ,in the hollows ,as Early Spiders ) ,
If you do get to Denge …….. mind where you tread on the entrance path ,must have passed 20 + Glowworm larvae ,noticed two or three that had come a cropper ! Also look out for Golden Sable moth ,now on the wing in Denge .
Good Hunting ! Regards Allan.W.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 10:37 pm
by David M
Chris Jackson is certainly the right moment to sneak in a comparison between your photo of a UK Marsh Frit and one of its six French cousins, in this case Eurodryas aurinia provincialis
Yes, there's quite a range in variation in this species, Chris. In a week's time, I shall be amongst perhaps the most extreme of all - form beckeri. :)

Re: May 2019

Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 3:53 pm
by downland boy
A few days ago, in Abbot's Wood, East Sussex, I came across a mating pair of Speckled Yellow moths (Pseudopanthera macularia), the female of which was being predated upon by a species of Jumping Spider (Evarcha falcata). The male eventually made his escape.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 8:03 pm
by Andrew555
Lots of Small Blue at Hutchinson's Bank in New Addington today. And during a period of sunshine a single Glanville Fritillary.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 8:09 pm
by Allan.W.
A couple of short visits today ,a quick stop at Dungeness in very hazy conditions ,not too much about but I did add
Common Blue and Brown Argus for the year ,2 of each ,and all males + 2 Small Coppers also singing Black Redstart and very noisy Peregrines !
The weather turned cloudy so we aborted our visit to Denge Wood ,and I decided to try to find Orange Conch moth in the warm but overcast conditions ,at my local Grizzle site ,after about an hour of searching ……… joy ! but the weather was improving ,it was now about 5.30pm
with some nice sunny periods ,and the Grizzles started to show ,over the next hour I managed 15 ,several Small Heath and the female Common Blue (pictured ) I also watched a Grizzle nectaring on a Hawthorn ,something I,ve not seen before.
Regards Allan.W.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 7:35 am
by Jack Harrison
Two new emergences this morning, 19th May. The net cover of the box was removed and they both subsequently flew away strongly.
Recall that these fellows had spent the winter in the fridge until 27th April. With hindsight (and lesson for next year) about two weeks earlier would have been better but I had wanted to avoid emergence while away on holiday.


Re: May 2019

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 2:06 pm
by Jack Harrison
Another three flown off this morning.


Re: May 2019

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 4:10 pm
by Jack Harrison
One of my new boys warming up.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 4:15 pm
by P.J.Underwood
Small Copper.JPG
Small Blue.JPG
Small Blue 1.JPG
Pearl Bordered Fritillary.JPG
Holly Blue.JPG
Duke of Burgundy.JPG
Grizzled Skipper.JPG
Dingy Skipper.JPG
Adonis Blue.JPG
Our year properly started four days ago. With W.P. and M.T.G. we first went to Botany Bay and saw about 20 Wood Whites.That was our first target.Then off to Noar Hill for the Duke of Burgundy. We quickly saw about 10 of these together with two Green Hairstreaks and many Dingy Skippers.
The following day we went to Rewell Wood.The cold wind was coming back but we still managed about 12 Pearl Bordered Frits. and a single Holly Blue.Kithurst hill was more sheltered,ablaze with flowers and we met up with the Duke of Burgundy again and Dingy and Grizzled skippers and a Small Copper were noted.Then to Mill Hill where we found our first Adonis.
For the final day in cloudy cold conditions at Hutchinsons Bank we failed with the Glanville Fritillary,but saw over 100 Little Blues,an amazing sight. They roosted at the top of the grass most of the time and were easy to see and for a brief period when the sun came out they opened their wings for us-amazing.
I have added a few photo's.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 7:32 pm
by MrSp0ck
Andrew555 wrote:Lots of Small Blue at Hutchinson's Bank in New Addington today. And during a period of sunshine a single Glanville Fritillary.

The male Glanville looks fresh, they are still emerging, the last few days have not been ideal weather to see them, you dont get that problem with the Small Blues, clouds of them below the gate on the big scrape when its dull.

Havnt been on site since Friday, so dont know how things were today.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 8:45 pm
by David M
Andrew555 wrote:Lots of Small Blue at Hutchinson's Bank in New Addington today. And during a period of sunshine a single Glanville Fritillary
Fabulous images, Andrew. That Small Blue needs to go in the species gallery so intense are its blue scales.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 4:55 pm
by Lee Hurrell
I was at Hutchinson's Bank between 4 and 6pm yesterday where a single female Glanville Fritillary, a pristine male Adonis Blue, lots of Small Blue, Speckled Wood, Orange Tip, Brimstone, Small Copper and Small Heath kept me busy.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:15 pm
by millerd
My first Large Skipper of 2019 seen on my local patch just west of Heathrow today.
LS1 200519.JPG

Re: May 2019

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:21 pm
by millerd
A Marsh Fritillary ab. seen on a Wiltshire hillside near Warminster on Sunday 19th May. The butterfly suffered from congenital defects aside from its aberrant wing pattern. Nevertheless quite a striking individual.
MFab1 190519.JPG

Re: May 2019

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:27 pm
by MrSp0ck
At Hutchinsons Bank today

Clouds of Small Blue mostly males, 170+ on the transect alone, a Glanville Fritillary female, and the Male Adonis Blue.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 8:08 pm
by David M
millerd wrote:My first Large Skipper of 2019 seen on my local patch just west of Heathrow today.
I wasn't expecting these for at least another week. That shows we're still ahead of last year in spite of the cool spell between Easter and May Bank Holiday.

Re: May 2019

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:47 pm
by Andrew555
MrSp0ck wrote:
The male Glanville looks fresh, they are still emerging, the last few days have not been ideal weather to see them, you dont get that problem with the Small Blues, clouds of them below the gate on the big scrape when its dull.

Havnt been on site since Friday, so dont know how things were today.
Hi MrSp0ck, it was my first time there and my first ever Glanville, so I was well chuffed. :D

I found the Small Blues around the gate, amazing!
David M wrote:
Fabulous images, Andrew. That Small Blue needs to go in the species gallery so intense are its blue scales.
Thanks David. He did stand out from the many others.


Re: May 2019

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 3:18 pm
by John W
Andrew555 wrote:Lots of Small Blue at Hutchinson's Bank in New Addington today. And during a period of sunshine a single Glanville Fritillary.
Lovely shots Andrew, especially the Glanville underside!

I went to Hutchinsons Bank on Sunday afternoon - it was too cloudy for Glanvilles but I did see about 20 Small Blues roosting on a clump of grass by the gate at the bottom of the scape, including 3 mating pairs!
hb - 1.jpg
hb - 2.jpg
John W