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Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:51 pm
by Lee Hurrell
I will, David - there's plenty more to come! :shock: :lol:

Dave, this was the only one I photographed that day (and have a few photos of you photographing her) although my notebook lists one male seen as well. That might have been after you left though, I seem to recall you were there when I arrived and left before I did. Quite early in the flight period I suspect.

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:07 pm
by Lee Hurrell
15th June 2014 - Further Fairmile

A week on and males Silver Studs were more in evidence, although not many as the weather wasn't great.
Silver Studded Blue, male, Fairmile Common, 15th June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, male, Fairmile Common, 15th June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, male, Fairmile Common, 15th June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, male, Fairmile Common, 15th June 2014
I also found two Beautiful Yellow Underwing caterpillars, which are as stunning as the adults. They live on moorland and feed on heather.
Beautiful Yellow Underwing caterpillar, Fairmile Common, 15th June 2014
Beautiful Yellow Underwing caterpillar, Fairmile Common, 15th June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:38 pm
by millerd
[quote="Lee Hurrell"
Dave, this was the only one I photographed that day (and have a few photos of you photographing her)
I'm really glad you didn't post any of those, Lee! :)


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:46 pm
by Lee Hurrell
20th June 2014

Another beautiful sunny evening at Howell Hill, in Ewell, Surrey.

Two of three Small Tortoiseshells sunbathing on the field margins on the way to the reserve.
Small Tortoiseshell, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Small Tortoiseshell, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Small Tortoiseshell, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Small Tortoiseshell, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Howell Hill is a top site for Small Blue, partly as it is full of its food plant, kidney vetch.
Kidney Vetch, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Kidney Vetch, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
It was a pleasure to see my first Marbled Whites of the year.
Marbled White, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled White, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled White, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled White, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled White, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled White, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled Whites, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled Whites, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled White, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014
Marbled White, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 20th June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:53 pm
by Lee Hurrell
millerd wrote: I'm really glad you didn't post any of those, Lee! :)
I promise I won't :lol:

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 8:49 pm
by Wurzel
Great Marbled Whites Lee - looking forward to catching up with the next installment :D

Have a goodun


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:14 pm
by David M
Nice to be reminded of how beautiful high summer is, Lee (and we've got another 15 months backlog to view!!!)

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:35 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Wurzel and David :)

21st June 2014 - Part 1

A quick visit to Fairmile Common for Silver Studded Blue.
Silver Studded Blue, female, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, female, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 21st June 2014
I also found a Comma.
Comma, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Comma, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Fairmile Common, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Fairmile Common, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Fairmile Common, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Fairmile Common, Surrey, 21st June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:57 pm
by Lee Hurrell
21st June 2014 - Part 2

I returned to a new site in the afternoon - Sheepleas, near West Horsley. It has a huge nettle meadow, surrounded by large wooded areas and further meadows, all with different characters and flora, depending on their past use. Surrey BC had been trying to get the nettle meadow as a second branch reserve. Unsurprisingly, plenty of nettle feeders breed here.
Sheepleas nettle meadow, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Sheepleas nettle meadow, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
First up though was a pristine Marbled White on a thistle in the hedgerow.
Marbled White, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Marbled White, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Marbled White, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Marbled White, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
I soon found someone enjoying the nettles.
Peacock, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Peacock, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
I saw around 8 Small Tortoiseshells, a couple of Red Admirals and Commas.

A Ringlet was in one of the neighbouring meadows. These were in good numbers along with Meadow Browns.
Ringlet, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Ringlet, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
This is one of the nearby meadows which contained many different plants to the nettle meadow.
Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
In a clearing nearby, I came across my first Silver Washed Fritillary of the year, a pristine male. There were three males along with a couple of Dark Green Fritillary.
Silver Washed Fritillary, male, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014
Silver Washed Fritillary, male, Sheepleas, West Horsley, Surrey, 21st June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:19 pm
by millerd
Great shots again, Lee. Would you believe I have never visited Sheepleas? A dreadful admission considering where it is and the number of times I drive past en route to Denbies from other sites in southwest Surrey. It looks a great spot. :)


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:42 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks again, Dave.

Sheepleas is lovely, and I've been quite a few times now. It's really close to Denbies, but you could easily spend several hours at each place.

Rather than keep bumping into each other all round the country, we could always arrange to meet there next year. :lol:

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:32 pm
by David M
Some amazing habitat in those images, Lee. You look to be quite spoiled for choice in your 'patch'.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:43 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks, David. I really am spoilt in Surrey :D

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:54 pm
by Lee Hurrell
22nd June 2014 - household visitors

During the day, I was visited by this rather tame juvenile starling to my windowsill, who hung around for a few photos.
Starling, juvenile, Epsom, Surrey, 22nd June 2014
Starling, juvenile, Epsom, Surrey, 22nd June 2014
During the evening, this Heart & Dart came to light.
Heart & Dart, Epsom, Surrey, 22nd June 2014
Heart & Dart, Epsom, Surrey, 22nd June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:26 pm
by Lee Hurrell
29th June 2014 - Juniper Bottom

Juniper Bottom is another favourite Surrey location, which forms part of the wider Box Hill complex. I usually start near the village of Mickleham and it's a beautiful walk through to Box Hill itself. It's a good site for botanists and I often see local students on field trips.
Field adjacent to the small car park, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Field adjacent to the small car park, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
I'm not sure which orchid this is:
Orchid, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Orchid, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Orchid, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Orchid, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
It's a good site for Dark Green Fritillary.
Dark Green Fritillary, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Dark Green Fritillary, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Marbled Whites and Ringlets are numerous.
Marbled White, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Marbled White, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Ringlet, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Ringlet, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Ringlet, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Ringlet, Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014
Juniper Bottom, Surrey, 29th June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:58 pm
by Wurzel
Great summer shots to keep us warm on this cold winters evening Lee, just in time too as my wood burner has completed the nights burn :D

Have a goodun


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:22 am
by Goldie M
Lovely to see shots of the MW Lee has I completely missed them this year. Goldie :D

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:22 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Wurzel and Goldie :)

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:17 pm
by Lee Hurrell
1st July 2014 - Bookham Common

Purple season and my first trip to Bookham. It's a beautiful site and will need repeated visits :)
Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
There were lots of browns about. Ringlets and Meadow Browns were in good numbers, plus a handful of Speckled Woods.
Speckled Wood, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Speckled Wood, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Meadow Brown, female, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Meadow Brown, female, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Meadow Brown, male, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Meadow Brown, male, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
I saw just the one Purple Emperor, but in flight and with no photo, but I did see a lots of different admirals.
Red Admiral, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Red Admiral, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
White Admiral, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
White Admiral, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Commas seen were nearly in double figures.
Comma, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Comma, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
One of my favourite images of a Large White.
Large White, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Large White, Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
Bookham Common, Surrey, 1st July 2014
I also also saw Purple Hairstreak and around 25 Silver Washed Fritillary.

I will return.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:24 am
by bugboy
I only discovered Bookham last year but it's already one of my favourite places to visit :)