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Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:23 pm
by Wurzel
Cracking shots Lee - especially the stained glass ones - I wouldn't mind a few of those in my collection :mrgreen: :D

Have a goodun


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:01 pm
by Goldie M
Love the shots Lee, I'm trying this year to get a shot of a Grizzled Skipper, not got any yet, don't suppose there's any in Kent is there? Goldie :D

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:23 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Dave, Mike, Wurzel and Goldie! :D

Goldie, there are quite a few sites for Grizzled Skipper in Kent, are you visiting? I can recommend a few, if you wish. They are mainly along the north downs. I found a colony of my own when I lived in Kent a few years ago, which was lovely!

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:57 pm
by Goldie M
Hi! Lee, I don't think I'll be in Kent until middle of August, if there's any around then I'd love to know where, I expect I'll be much too late then, but I'd love to see a LTB, also we plan to go to Sussex for a couple of days to look for BH's, while we're down there , It's going to be all go :lol: Goldie :D

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:48 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Hi Goldie, you will be to late for Grizzled Skipper by then but you will see plenty of summer butterflies. Have a lovely time.

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:21 pm
by Lee Hurrell
31st May 2014 - Part 1

A slightly longer trip out today in hope of an early Heath Fritillary in Kent. I had never been to East Blean Woods before and I had never seen Heath Fritillary in England.

It's a lovely place and I had it all to myself.
East Blean Woods, Kent, 31st May 2014
East Blean Woods, Kent, 31st May 2014
East Blean Woods, Kent, 31st May 2014
East Blean Woods, Kent, 31st May 2014
I found some nice wildlife, but no Heath Fritillaries.
Finally, I did find just the one Heath Fritillary, just not in the form I had hoped for. Still, I'm counting it :) A very handsome cat it was too.
Heath Fritillary, final in-star larva, East Blean Woods, Kent, 31st May 2014
Heath Fritillary, final in-star larva, East Blean Woods, Kent, 31st May 2014
Heath Fritillary, final in-star larva, East Blean Woods, Kent, 31st May 2014
Heath Fritillary, final in-star larva, East Blean Woods, Kent, 31st May 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:15 pm
by Lee Hurrell
31st May 2014 - Part 2

I called into Hutchinson's Bank on the way home but the weather was not in my favour. Still, there was plenty to see.
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
This was a wonderfully marked male upperside, with quite a thick black border.
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
While this different male, had a vivid underside.
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Common Blue, male, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Cinnabar, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Cinnabar, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Small Blue, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014
Small Blue, Hutchinson's Bank, Surrey, 31st May 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:32 pm
by Lee Hurrell
It is that time of year when I finally find some spare time. Onward with the catching up... :lol:

1st June 2014 - Part 1

In the hope of an early silver stud, I visited what is now a fairly local site, Fairmile Common. No silver or studs, but lots of green and hair on offer. I saw five in total.
Green Hairstreak, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Green Hairstreak, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Green Hairstreak, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Green Hairstreak, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Green Hairstreak, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Green Hairstreak, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Green Hairstreak in context, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Green Hairstreak in context, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Fairmile Common, Surrey, 1st June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:12 pm
by millerd
Hi, Lee. It's been a while... The sort of catching up you have to do puts Wurzel to shame! :)

Spectacular wild roses on that site - I photographed them a year earlier in 2013 when looking for SSB.



Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:10 pm
by Wurzel
I agree Dave :lol: Mind you Lee you are catching me up - I better get a wriggle on! :shock: :lol:

Have a goodun


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:06 pm
by David M
I'm relying on your backlog to keep me going through the winter, Lee!

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:16 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Dave, Wurzel and David.

I will try to keep you going :D More to come over the weekend.

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 11:15 pm
by Lee Hurrell
1st June 2014 - Part 2

Another local site, which is thankfully within walking distance, is Howell Hill. It's a Local Nature Reserve and an important site for Small Blue. I walk through some lovely field edges to get there, which are abundant with flowers and extra habitat.

I can almost guarantee Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks along here.
Peacock, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Peacock, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blues are also found here.
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
This male lacks the usual cell spot that distinguishes between Common and Chapman's Blue.
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Inside Howell Hill, Small Blues are everywhere.
Small Blue, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Small Blue, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Small Blue, mating pair, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Small Blue, mating pair, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Small Blue, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Small Blue, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blues are also frequent and usually include some stunningly blue females.
Common Blue, female, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, female, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, female, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Common Blue, female, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 1st June 2014
Howell Hill is also a haven for orchids and there are many varieties to be found here.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:41 pm
by Wurzel
Cracking shots Lee. That female Blue is a beaut and lovely Small Blues :D :mrgreen: Your male Common Blue is really interesting as not only does is lack the cell spot but also the orange lunules are very pale, almost non-existent...interesting ab :D
Have a goodun


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:50 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Wurzel.

Icarus certainly is a variable species.

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:56 pm
by Lee Hurrell
1st June 2014 - last part

This beautiful White Ermine came to light in Epsom, during the evening.
White Ermine, Epsom, Surrey, 1st June 2014
White Ermine, Epsom, Surrey, 1st June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:48 pm
by Lee Hurrell
6th June 2014 - Fairmile Common

A quick evening visit to Fairmile Common for Silver Studded Blues proved fruitless but I did find this lovely Common Heath.
Common Heath, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 6th June 2014
Common Heath, Fairmile Common, Surrey, 6th June 2014
7th / 8th June 2014 - Leicestershire

I was visiting family on the outskirts of Leicester, where the suburbs meet the countryside in a lovely location.
Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Here, I found my first Large Skippers of the year.
Large Skipper, male, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 7th June 2014
Large Skipper, male, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 7th June 2014
Large Skipper pair, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Large Skipper pair, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Large Skipper, male, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Large Skipper, male, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Large Skipper, male, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Large Skipper, male, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Large Skipper habitat, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Large Skipper habitat, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
I also found a Cinnabar moth trying to hide.
Cinnabar, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 7th June 2014
Cinnabar, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 7th June 2014
A couple of new brood Small Tortoiseshells and a huge Peacock were also here.
Small Tortoiseshell, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
Small Tortoiseshell, Thurcaston Park, Leicestershire, 8th June 2014
On the way home, I popped into Fairmile Common once more. I bumped into Dave Miller, who is always a pleasure to meet and we met a lot in 2014!

Thankfully, the Silver Studded Blues were also there.
Silver Studded Blue, female, Fairmile Common, 8th June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, female, Fairmile Common, 8th June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, female, Fairmile Common, 8th June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, female, Fairmile Common, 8th June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, female, Fairmile Common, 8th June 2014
Silver Studded Blue, female, Fairmile Common, 8th June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:23 pm
by Lee Hurrell
13th June 2014 - Howell Hill

An evening trip to Howell Hill, my favourite local spot.
Small Tortoiseshell, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Small Tortoiseshell, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Comma, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Comma, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Common Blue, male, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Small Heath, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Small Heath, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Pyramidal Orchid, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Pyramidal Orchid, Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014
Howell Hill, Ewell, Surrey, 13th June 2014

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:18 pm
by David M
Keep 'em coming, Lee! They may be more than a year out of date but already they're making me yearn for next spring. :)

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:58 pm
by millerd
Hi Lee - I remember that visit to Fairmile Common and have a few photos of that female too - in fact wasn't she the only one there that day? No males at all, which seemed odd at the time... :)
