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Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:20 pm
by Hoggers
Hi Trevor, you sound a bit like me - there aren't many things I'm NOT interested in! I always thought Astronomy was a rather cold subject, I've always concentrated on living things, but somehow I got curious about the Sun. That was my introduction to Astronomy and I've never regretted the time ( and inevitably ) money spent enjoying it.

I looked on a " Space Weather " website David and it warned that those sunspots are a high risk of producing Earth-bound flares!

With today bringing my first butterfly of the year it looks like things are heating up!

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:51 pm
by millerd
I take it you are looking forward to the partial eclipse on 20th of this month, Hoggers. Partial, but quite a deep one apparently. I'm looking forward to your photos, and any more tips you have for safe observation.


Re: Hoggers

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:52 pm
by Hoggers
I am indeed looking forwards to the eclipse, Dave, I may even get the day off work!

As for safe observation the pin hole method is ideal. For further tips there are two excellent Astronomy magazines currently in the shops both of which go into considerable detail about how to watch and photograph the eclipse (with one you even get a free pair of "solar specs"!)

I got home from work early today and spent a couple of hours in the garden. Lots of Crocuses now and a few Daffs. No butterflies alas but I did see a Bumblebee.

I took a look at the sun. There were some spectacular prominences on view. I hope this poor photo gives an idea of what could be seen
Here's a view of the whole disc, firstly in mono
The bright white patch was particularly noticeable and so too the snake-like filaments.

And a couple I've added colour to

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:34 pm
by Hoggers
A wonderful surprise awaited me when I took a look at the sun this morning: a superb arching prominence
(I have to turn the exposure right up in order to image the prominences which is why there's a white disc.)

Here's the best close-up I can get with my equipment
I've added a little colour.

When I see this in Hydrogen-Alpha through my 'scope it's glorious, like lava from a volcano.

The earth would easily pass through that archway! There were several other proms on display as you can see.

And here's the full disc coloured in with the main prominence just about on show
Back on Planet Earth, there's lots of Froggy Activity in my pond, particularly at night, but no spawn as yet.

There's a good forecast for tomorrow so I'm hoping to see a butterfly or two.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:53 pm
by Hoggers
Well, the Met Office forecast was spot on: we had a gorgeous day. But sadly my own forecast of seeing a butterfly or two was wide of the mark!

Two hours patrolling the riverbank (normally a dead cert for Small Tortoiseshells) and a visit to three locations in a near-by wood where I expected Peacocks, Commas and Brimstones all came to nothing.

Not a flutter!

We looked everywhere
No luck!

But on such a lovely day it was good fun to be out of the house.

So I settled for a look at the sun - no difficulty finding that at least!

A large sun spot is just coming into view
Apparently it is already responsible for radio blackouts in Indonesia
And there were some nice proms
Though they were not quite so loopy yesterday!

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:26 pm
by Hoggers
I heard my first Yellowhammer singing this morning as I walked the dogs.

Plenty of fine warm sunshine today. My Crocuses are blooming and the Daffs aren't far behind
While working in the garden I saw three kinds of Bee
I think this one's a Buff-tailed Bumblebee.

Not sure about this one
But this one is, I think, a Tree Bee
It was good to see them back again.

This attractive Picture-winged fly waved at me
My Basset was enjoying the sunshine
And then at long last we had a visit from a Small Tortoiseshell
I sure am glad I planted those Crocuses
I saw three in all.

Later on my first Brimstone of the year was seen flying across the A2070 (I didn't see whether it got to the other side!)

As for the sun that was shining down on us, this is how it looked
The sunspot was flaring still as you can see in the mono image
And there were a number of fine prominences
Shine on, Big Orange!

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:07 am
by Maximus
Nice pics of our star, and the Small Tortoiseshells and others in your garden :D

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:22 pm
by Hoggers
Thanks Maximus, it was great to see so much activity in the garden.

Even more activity went on during the hours of darkness because when I looked in two of my ponds this morning I found lots of frog's spawn
These are the two ponds I put in a couple of years ago so I'm especially pleased that they've quickly become established
My main pond was installed about 30 years ago. No spawn has appeared in it so far this year but I've seen frogs in it recently so hopefully they'll get down to business soon.

Watching spawn turn into tadpoles and then into little frogs is a marvellous past-time and very much part of my year

It wouldn't be Spring without it!

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:14 pm
by Wurzel
Great to see the frog spawn Hoggers - looks like spring is definitely here. That is indeed a Tree Bee :D

Have a goodun


Re: Hoggers

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:27 pm
by Hoggers
Thanks Wurzel, I think I've now got more than my fair share of frog's spawn, the ponds are full of it!

An early finish at work and the sun was shining! Perfect!

Out with the dogs I saw some Lesser Celandines and a few Blackthorns just coming into flower. Skylarks singing from up high.

A sudden dark flitter caught my eye
One of two Small Tortoiseshells that I saw on my walk

Back home I noticed this rather pale chap
He was gently croaking surrounded by great gloops of spawn
Looking further up the garden I found this glorious Peacock sunning itself on the fence
What a beauty
As I stood gazing at the Crocuses and Daffodils I spied another butterfly close to where I'd seen the Peacock. This time I could see it was flapping wildly and all did not seem to be well. I stepped closer and found it was in fact a Small Tortoiseshell caught in what looked like a disused old spider's web

I know that professional photographers have a (fairly) strict code of non-interference but I'm not a professional (!) and so immediately determined to free the butterfly.

However, to my horror I saw that the web was very much occupied
And she looked hungry . The spider was quickly bearing down on the snared butterfly so it was a race between us as to who could get there first.

Alas, the spider won and I could only stand by as it grappled at close quarters with the panic stricken butterfly.

What a waste, I thought! Months of hibernation all for nothing!

But then to my surprise I saw that the Tortoiseshell was not giving up the struggle but fighting furiously and in no way subdued. It beat its wings with great energy and after a few seconds I saw the spider give up and move away!

The Tortoiseshell was now pulling at a single strand of webbing
And then it was free. What a relief! Maybe the butterfly fought so hard that the spider couldn't get in a position to sink in its fangs?

I like a happy ending and as for the spider, well, I'm sure there are plenty of Dipterian flies for it to eat.

Gazing placidly down upon this and all the other dramas that make up this world of ours was the sun
The mono pictures show more detail
Plenty of dramatic prominences to be seen
As for friday's eclipse,I'm nearly ready. I've booked the day off work.

Now all I've got to do is invent something that will clear a sky of clouds...

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:00 pm
by trevor
HI Hoggers,

Can we rely on you for some images of the eclipse this week ? ( hope it's not too cloudy ).
I note that we both saw our first Peacock today!, and pristine specimens as well.

All the best,

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:03 am
by Maximus
Very nice photos, Hoggers, the Peacock in particular :D Hope you get some good shots of the solar eclipse on Friday :wink:

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:26 pm
by Hoggers
Many thanks for the comments. It was wonderful to see a Peacock again and in such fine condition too.

While I'm not making the trip to the Faroe Islands on friday morning where they'll be treated to a total eclipse, I will be stationed in my back garden in Kent awaiting an 85% partial eclipse.

Alas, the forecast isn't promising and I although some determined souls charter aeroplanes to get above the cloudy stuff and track the eclipse that way, I'll be down on the ground praying for a chink in the clouds.

But it's still an event even if clouds spoil the view. Back in 1999 during the last eclipse I was out over the fields and it was just magical. The birds began calling and swooping about as if evening had come and it was time to go to roost. The temperature dropped and the quality of the darkness that fell was unlike that experienced every evening at sunset.

So plenty to enjoy (and it'll be a day off work for me as well!!)

Plenty of cloud today but by the time I got home the sky had cleared giving me a view of the sun.

I was treated to a spectacular show of titanic prominences flaring out into space
Even my basic equipment gives some idea of it
Here's the full disc with added colour
And in monochrome

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:14 pm
by Goldie M
I'm looking forward to your photo's of the eclipse Hoggers, not sure We'll get to see it here in the North if the weather changes Goldie :D

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:51 pm
by David M
Goldie M wrote:I'm looking forward to your photo's of the eclipse Hoggers..
Me too. I just hope the forecast is accurate.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:51 am
by trevor


Re: Hoggers

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:48 pm
by Hoggers
Many thanks for all the good wishes but sadly this is the view I had from my garden throughout the eclipse
All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Despite all our preparations!
The cloud was so thick I couldn't even tell where the sun was let alone see it!

Still, it was interesting. As maximum approached I saw small charms of Goldfinches and Greenfinches gathering. A Blackbird began to sing out a few strains of song and was joined by my garden Robin. Most noticeably,the Collard Doves and Wood pigeons all stopped calling about 10 minutes before the eclipse was at its maximum here and remained silent for twenty minutes afterwards before cooing again.

Although I couldn't see the eclipse for myself I'd recorded the "Stargazers Eclipse Special" on BBC One (and there's a second episode tonight on BBC Two) and so I've seen some of the footage which was spectacular, particularly from an aeroplane above the Faroe Islands.


Roll on 2026!

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:08 pm
by trevor
Never mind, nice try !

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:54 pm
by David M
So sad for you, Hoggers, especially given your preparation.

By contrast, skies were clear all day here in Swansea, though I must say I was a tad disappointed by the spectacle.

Although the eclipse was 87%, it was almost impossible to see the disc of the moon covering the sun as the sun remained so bright.

It was spooky how dark it got though, and the birds all fell silent too.

Temperatures dropped noticeably as well.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:36 pm
by Neil Freeman
Hi Hoggers,

Sorry the weather didn't work out for you. It was quite good here in the midlands with just a thin high overcast at peak time. I was at work but managed to catch a few minutes and watched it through some borrowed welding googles. Without them it was still too bright to see anything happening although it did go a bit darker and everything seemed to go quiet for a few minutes.

