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Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 9:58 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
Yep that sure is a nice Peacock photo there Trevor, those Greenies look very fresh too.



Re: Trevor

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 8:36 am
by kevling

Still catching up with the diaries. Love your photographs of the PBF and GH.

Regards Kev

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 7:39 pm
by trevor
Doug Neve and myself had planned a trip to Chantry Hill, and later on to Botany Bay, for today.
But with some reports of Duke of Burgundy at Kithurst Hill we decided to omit Chantry Hill
and head straight to Kithurst. What a brilliant decision !.
On arrival at about 08.30 the weather was absolutely perfect, and we soon saw the first of quite a few
Dingy Skippers. Dingy skipper duels were frequent, but I soon noticed that some duels also contained a
Duke !.
My first Duke was located perched on a Cowslip, allowing me an image of this combination which
thus far had eluded me.
Next, came the first of two exciting moments the morning had in store for us.
Doug observed a pair of Orange Tips heading for a corner of the field, he called me over
and in the few seconds it took me to get there they had landed and coupled !. Talk about quick work !.

The best was yet to come, when I spotted a Duke and Duchess wing flapping at each other, these then coupled.
Two mating pairs in one morning, and images of both. Does it get any better than this ?! :D .

It was also a pleasure to meet Mark Colvin and Colin Knight once again.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 7:00 am
by trevor
Many thanks folks for the kind comments.
I hope everyone made the most of the weekend weather.
Love the hat Katrina !.

Best wishes,

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:23 pm
by trevor
First mating pair
First mating pair
High cloud this morning, allowing only weak sunshine, would probably mean that the Pearl Bordered Fritillaries
would be less active, and be warming up on the ground.
That was the coffee time theory, all I had to do was put it in to practice.
The Pearl site is a 15 to 20 min. walk from the road and at 09.15 I saw my fist Butterfly of the morning.
For the first hour they were fairly placid, even allowing close up shots, and all were in lovely condition.
I then noticed some wing flapping action on a Bluebell, and hey presto they paired up and mated. This was the
first of two mating pairs seen and photographed.

That's what I call a pretty good morning ! :D .

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:49 pm
by millerd
Lovely Fritillaries, Trevor. The hazy sunshine was perfect for them, and you got some wonderful shots. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: PBF is next on my list!


Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 5:14 pm
by David M
Hazy, early morning sunshine is a Godsend, and by God you made the most of it, Trevor. Well done (once again)!

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 5:44 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
I don't know if it's your after shave Trevor but you really seem to be getting the butterflies 'in the mood' at the moment. Mating Dukes, Orange Tips, and 2 pairs of PBF's pairing up all in the space of a few days! Go on you can tell us - is it Hai Karate or Old Spice?

Seriously though fantastic finds and photos.



Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 7:43 pm
by trevor
No special potions, James, just good luck and right place, right time :D .
Enjoy your trip to see the Pearls, David, nice Duke images too.

Don't leave it too long Dave, Abbots PBF are in lovely condition at the moment.

Wishing you all success,

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 7:56 pm
by Neil Freeman
Butterflysaurus rex wrote:...Hai Karate...James
Hee hee! that takes me back a those old ads with Valerie Leon :wink:

Great reports and photos Trevor, you certainly look like you have been making the most of the recent upturn in the weather.



Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:05 am
by Goldie M
Fantastic shots Trevor, love the mating pairs, no sign of the Dukes here yet or the Pearls except at Warton where the Pearls have been seen, yesterday was too windy on the top of the Craig so only one seen and not by me :( Goldie :D

Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:22 am
by bugboy
You're certainly having a good run of things, all those matings, although I think I've cornered the market with mating Green-veined Whites this year :lol:!

Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:45 pm
by trevor
Today turned out to be a ' White ' day, as everything that stopped for long enough
for an image was white.
It rained here all morning, but we had some hot sunshine this afternoon. So I with
limited time for Butterfly watching I headed for the old railway. Lots of Holly Blues
were seen , but these were too involved in aerial combat to come within range.
So here is a selection of ' Whites ', including a female Orange Tip.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:13 pm
by Goldie M
More lovely images Trevor, Goldie :D

Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:12 pm
by Wurzel
Brilliant Pearls Trevor, and not just one but two mating pairs :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:44 pm
by trevor
Every Thursday I have to pass the turning for Kithurst Hill, and with the Dukes flying at the moment
I thought I'd pop in this morning, but the misty cloud was preventing the sun from warming the site
up properly. Consequently nothing was seen.
On the way home the opposite was true, and the very hot sun meant hardly any Butterflies.
But I did manage the best Dingy Skipper image obtained so far this year.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:10 pm
by trevor
The solitary Pearl. Was I pleased to see this one !.
The solitary Pearl. Was I pleased to see this one !.
This morning I went back to Abbots Wood to see the Pearl Bordered Fritillaries.
But this was a visit with a difference. This time I walked along two rides, where once
PBF. were abundant. The first ride was last visited in 2014, and then none were seen.
But today there was a good population, due it would seem to habitat restoration where
Bugle and Bluebells now grow in profusion, and scrub has been cleared.

The next ride I walked today, was the one I use every time I enter the Wood. In 2011
this area was alive with Pearls, but in 2014 I spotted two here and none last year.
Today one solitary Pearl was resident, probably from a neighbouring colony, and seeing it
made my day !. If a few more can find this area then it's re population is a possibility.

There is no doubt in my mind, the Abbots Wood Pearls are having a fabulous year.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 9:24 pm
by Wurzel
Good to hear some good news for this species Trevor! :D

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 5:28 pm
by trevor
Not a good day for Butterflying, cool wind, lots of cloud and occasional harsh sunshine.
Never the less I managed to find two new species for the year, a Brown Argus,
and later a very flighty male Wall Brown. Also seen a very attractive Speckled Wood,
and a Green veined White.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 8:16 pm
by millerd
Nice to see the Brown Argus, Trevor - wonderfully chocolate brown when new like that. :)
