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Re: Goldie M

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:08 pm
by Wurzel
Cracking flight shots Goldie :D :mrgreen: It is getting close to kick off time :D

Have a goodun


Re: Goldie M

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:56 pm
by MikeOxon
Super shots, Goldie. I really enjoyed looking at these, especially the three brimstones!


Re: Goldie M

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:54 am
by Goldie M
Thanks for your kind comments Wurzel and Mike I hope this year throws up some thing really good for us to photograph :D

I've mentioned my high points of last year but I also had low points, my first was on visits I made to Gaits Barrow. Over a period of five months starting with April I went there at least a dozen times and I was disappointed in the amount of Butterflies I saw there in comparison with other years . I know a dozen doesn't seem a lot but as you know with Butterflies you get to know their flight times and try to coincide your visits with these times.

In 2013 a lot of coppicing was done at Gaits Barrow bushes, etc, the part where the Duke of Burgundy is situated looked quite bare, I thought at the time if this is going to help them in any way it's a good thing, last year to my surprise I saw very few Dukes and people remarked that the coppicing had been too rigorous the previous year , that was a real down for me I can only hope they've recovered this year.

I'm all for making the environment better for Butterflies but I'm of the opinion now that this can also hinder.

My next low was at East Blean Woods in Kent, coppicing had been done there in a previous year and this time I saw one Heath Fritillary, I was amazed, in early July? again some one said their caterpillar food plant had been over run by weeds etc. So instead of being greeted last year with dozens in the car park I saw one.

I know last year the Butterflies were earlier than usual but in EBW they usually fly late June to early August so I don't think that was an hinderance, I just hope when I visit Kent this year I'll see them all back to normal until then I'll stay rather doubtful about coppicing and what it entails. Goldie :)

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:59 pm
by Goldie M
Yesterday we went to Pennington Flash, the weather over the last few days has been really poor, Grey sky's every day and Sunday we had freezing fog not the sort of weather to go walking, yesterday however wasn't as cold so we decided to wrap up warm and brave the cold :D
When we got there we went to the first hide where we were told (must be a few weeks ago now) that a Water Rail had been spotted, no WR but loads of long Tailed Tits, after spending some time watching them we moved on to the second hide,I was surprised to see lots of bushes had been coppiced and we could see the lake with the various ducks swimming which was a great improvement on what it was like before. The space has opened up the area to more birds and this was proved when the Water Rail I was seeking suddenly walked out of the reeds by the side of the Lake and we all got our photos. :D
My thoughts after this were more possitive towards coppicing, if it does for the Butterflies in the long run like it's done for the birds it can only be good for them, hope fully this year will prove more positive for the Dukes at Gaits Barrow.
We also saw Nut Thatch, Reed Buntings, Bull Finch, it was a good day :D Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:32 pm
by David M
What a stroke of luck, Goldie. I've never seen one myself.

Hopefully the sun will re-emerge soon in your part of England.

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:56 pm
by Padfield
Amazing! I've never had views like that of water rail, wandering around so close. You certainly have a lucky streak, Goldie (or is it pure skill?)!


Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:30 pm
by Goldie M
I think it's more luck Guy than skill :D All the same I won't be modest I'll claim both :lol:

David the Sun's not shining yet but at least it's not as cold.
I took a few more shots whilst at Penn Flash and with having no Butterfly encounters yet :( I'll post a few Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:06 pm
by Wurzel
Cracking Water Rail Golide :D It takes me back years as it reminds me of my first ever one at Radipole Lake - it was running around the otuside of the main building separated by a disatnce of only double glazing :shock: Lovely Reed Buntings too :D
I too am still butterfly-less but I'm hoping that will change by the end of the week :?

Have a goodun


Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:12 pm
by Goldie M
Hi! Wurzel, It was my first Water Rail as well, It was different that's what struck me right a way, when I got home I read my book to make sure. :D Hope you see butterflies soon Wurzel :D

It's cold here to day, the birds water bowls were all frozen but at least the Sun is out, it's been Quite a nice few day's really and I noticed whilst at Penn Flash that the Ducks had started to pair off already, I always look for various signs with Birds and Animals they seem to know what's what with the weather so hope fully this is a good sign. Thought I'd just put a couple of orange Tip photos in (things to come) :D Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:56 pm
by trevor
HI Goldie,

That's something to put right this year!.Remember what they said about Fermyn, more purple
than you could shake a stick at :D .

All the best,

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:52 pm
by David M
Lovely reminder, Goldie.

This species is only 6-7 weeks away from reappearing and that should make us all thoroughly glad!

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:35 pm
by bugboy
David M wrote:Lovely reminder, Goldie.

This species is only 6-7 weeks away from reappearing and that should make us all thoroughly glad!
Yes indeed, my favourite native. Can't wait to see them flying relentlessly up and down the hedgrows again.

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:08 pm
by Goldie M
Yes everybody as you all say, just a few weeks to go now roll on. :D
Trevor, Im still working out the best time to go to Fermyn Woods, I don't want to miss the his highness :D Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:52 pm
by trevor
HI Goldie,

Don't fret about Fermyn, but do keep an eye on UKB personal diaries from about the last week of June.
I am sure we will all know about it when the first Emperor is seen there!!. People tend not to be able
to keep quiet about their Emperor sightings :lol: .

Best wishes,


Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:12 pm
by David M
Goldie M wrote:Im still working out the best time to go to Fermyn Woods, I don't want to miss the his highness :D Goldie :D
Just devote a week to being ready at the drop of a hat, Goldie.

No-one can predict the emergence date as it will depend on weather conditions generally from here through to late June.

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:35 pm
by Goldie M
Hi! Trevor and David, pouring with rain here at present UGH! I'm going to look forward to the last week in June, and take it from there, I want the Brown Hair Streak as well,(late July for that one) hope fully :D That's another journey( Steyning) I think all being well, I'll take your advice though and look for postings :D Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:45 pm
by trevor
HI Goldie,

Late July is a little early for the Brown Hairstreak, normally they are seen into August. Again keep an eye
on UKB around that time, and choose a sunny day,very important.

Best wishes .

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:46 pm
by trevor
HI Goldie,

Late July is a little early for the Brown Hairstreak, normally they are seen into August. Again keep an eye
on UKB around that time, and choose a sunny day,very important.

Best wishes .

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:13 pm
by David M
Alner's Gorse is an excellent spot for Brown Hairstreaks, Goldie, and it's straight down the M6 then the M5.

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:16 pm
by Wurzel
Lovely OT's Goldie, can it really be only 6-7 weeks until their emergence it will feel like forever :( If you're after Brown Hairstreak then I recommend Shipton Bellinger later in the season but if you're after early ones then try your luck at Alners Gorse as David M recommends - you can also get White-letter and Purple Hairstreak there too.

Have a goodun
