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Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:12 pm
by David M
Chris Jackson wrote:The worst thing is 'work' getting in the way of my hobby.
Don't I know it!

At least you don't have the trauma of working Monday to Friday only to see Saturday & Sunday wiped out by atrocious weather for several weeks on end.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:21 pm
by Roger Gibbons

I agree with Guy. I actually think it is melanops because:
1. the blue colour looks to be the paler steely blue of melanops rather than the purer blue of alexis.
2. the flight period of melanops is usually rather earlier than alexis.
3. the upf apical markings are usually a smooth black border for alexis, widening as you approach the apex. The has rather triangular black indents that I would usually associate with melanops.
4. most significantly, those uns marginal markings, even ghosted as these are (and I have seen many melanops with very much the same markings) would be highly unlikely in alexis, so much so that in my book that rules out alexis.

I would never say never, but but it would be exceptional if it could be shown to be alexis.

You say it's one of the locations I mentioned to you. The only one I can think of at that altitude is SteB. Is this it? I have seen melanops this location. If not maybe you could clarify (in code if need be). Melanops is not uncommon - I have seen it in thirteen different locations, so it would not be a surprise.


PS just seen the other one you posted. That looks like melanops as well to me.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:18 am
by Chris Jackson
Thank you for your analysis, Roger. I shall go through my (very few) existing photos of alexis and try and determine what I saw last year.
Yes, this individual was seen at the SteB.
Reminder of the butterfly (Species No. 24 : Black-eyed Blue). My first lifer of 2016 :D and before the end of March!:
alexis8 male Vallon 28Mar16 (2).JPG
alexis8 male Vallon 28Mar16 (1a).JPG
context - Vallon28Mar16.JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:12 am
by Padfield
I'm glad Roger agrees! To add one further feature: the underside forewing spots of alexis tend to the outer margin as they go south, while those of melanops turn round and go back basally, as in these two pictures:

(spots tend to the margin)

(spots go back in after the first three)

That was what alerted me in my happy Adnams state last night!


Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:26 am
by Chris Jackson
That is a good way of differentiating between the two species, Guy.
And also proves that Adnams is a source of inspiration :D .
More power to your elbow !

EDIT : Using your method, Guy, I have worked out that ALL the photos in my 'Green-underside' album were in fact 'Black-eyed', except this one, which corresponds thus to Green-underside:
ça marche !!

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:21 am
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
I'm catching up with some of my recent sightings.
SPECIES No. 26 : Brown Argus
SPECIES No. 27 : Dingy Skipper
SPECIES No. 28 : Wood White
SPECIES No. 29 : Provence Orange Tip
First Dingy Skipper sighting this year - on time compared with last year:
tages5_83 Caramy Mazaugues 06Apr16 (17).JPG
An interesting moth - Eurranthis plummistaria:
fidonie plumeuse Caramy Mazaugues 06Apr16 (19).JPG
First male Provence Orange Tip of 2016. Its LHP, Bucklers Mustard (not shown here), is just coming to maturity:
euphenoides11 male St Marcel 06Apr16 (19).JPG
euphenoides11 male St Marcel 06Apr16 (13a).JPG
Here is the host plant of the Southern Festoon (aristoloche rotundifolia), just waiting for the butterflies to put in an appearance:
aristoloche rotundifolia2 06Apr16 (6).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:30 pm
by LancsRover
Nice shots of the Prov. Orange Tip Chris, I saw a couple flying but no photo's :mrgreen:
Cheers Russ.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:11 pm
by David M
Nice little haul of newcomers there, Chris. Good to see Provence Orange Tip emerging. One of my very favourite species.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:25 pm
by Chris Jackson
Thanks for your comments, Russ and David,
I'm sure I've got my 'eye on the ball', to within a week, regarding new species, so this Provence Orange Tip emergence must be quite recent in Marseilles.
The only reason I managed to get these 2 photos was because I quickly put away my tempramental new DSLR and snatched up my trusty FZ150 - no messing about - photos in the can - looking at butterflies, not at complicated settings - job done - :D .
A bigger challenge will be decent photos of the female. :shock:
How I love image opportunities 8) and not camera settings.
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:17 pm
by Matsukaze
Oddly enough the Biscutella I have been growing from Provençal seed here in Somerset is just coming into flower now. I'm not expecting the butterfly, unfortunately.

Are the caterpillars as easy to observe as our Orange-tip's caterpillars?

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:26 pm
by David M
Chris Jackson wrote:A bigger challenge will be decent photos of the female.
To be honest, Chris, I think you'll find the females far easier subjects than the males and, if Orange Tip behaviour is anything to go by, if you go looking for them on a fairly cloudy day you may be surprised at just how accommodating they can be when conditions are cool.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:33 am
Find the host plant. They roost on it most of the time and in my experience in the Luberon are one of the easiest butterflies to find roosting. I can find dozens of them sometimes 3 or more to a plant.

Once it's warm they are almost impossible but early or late searching the host plant they are easy :)

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:33 am
by Chris Jackson
I think you're right David, light cloud cover could be useful.
Matsukaze wrote: ... Are the caterpillars as easy to observe as our Orange-tip's caterpillars?
The caterpillar is very easy to spot on Biscutella laevigata, here are 3 (different caterpillars) from last year. Unless I'm mistaken, they should be euphenoides, the other possibility would be crameri.
01 May 2015
euphenoides - larva16 on Biscutella laevigata P Bruyères 01 May 2015.JPG
26 April 2015
euphenoides - larva14 on Biscutella laevigata P Bruyères 26 Apr 2015.JPG
12 April 2014
euphenoides - larva8 on Biscutella laevigata St Marcel 12 Apr 2014 (2).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:38 am
by Chris Jackson
FISHiEE wrote:Find the host plant. They roost on it most of the time and in my experience in the Luberon are one of the easiest butterflies to find roosting. I can find dozens of them sometimes 3 or more to a plant.
Once it's warm they are almost impossible but early or late searching the host plant they are easy :)
Thanks FISHiEE,
It just so happens I will be in La Drôme next week (a little higher than the Luberon), so I'll be keeping my eyes open.

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:43 am
by Roger Gibbons

David's and John's advice is very good. The males never stop flying and when they alight to nectar usually on the Biscutella laevigata it waves around making a still photo impossible. I did see a male nicely settled with wings open once in April 2011 when I as with Rogerdodge, Reverdin and and NickB (at the location I think you have visited - la Roq) and the three visitors took some very nice photos and then just I was about to have a go, the sun came out.


Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:18 am
by Chris Jackson
Hello Roger,
The Mistral wind is blowing at 80 km/h down here at the moment so Provence Orange Tips (and everything else) will have to wait.
We will be at Montbrun-les-bains in La Drôme next week so I hope the weather will be good.
I should think your mind is turning to travelling as well ?
See you soon I hope.

When I said female Provence OTs are a challenge, I meant beating my own photo of 2014 is my challenge. I must try and get the antennae straight next time - they look disorderly otherwise 8) :
euphenoides7_13 female P Bruyères 13 Apr 2014 (9).JPG
à bientôt

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:17 pm
by CFB
Hello Chris,

Coincidence, I saw my first Provence Orange-tip of the year this morning, a female.
There is hardly any wind here today :) .

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:32 pm
by Chris Jackson
Thanks for the alert, Colin.
I always presumed that the males were around before the females.
Here in Marseilles, it occurs to me that OTs and POTs have a strict 5 to 6 week maximum flight period. In previous years there have been one or two weekends of bad 'April showers' weather, followed by easter weekend, or other, and before I've known it, the flight period was over :roll: .
Hope you get your male soon.
Cheers, Chris

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 3:03 pm
by CFB
Hello Chris,

This afternoon I found a male Provence Orange-tip to go with yesterday's female :) :) :) .

Re: Marseilles and its region 2016

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:24 am
by Chris Jackson
Excellent upperside shot, Colin. 10 out of 10.