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Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:40 am
by Neil Hulme
Looks much more fun than the event I was ordered to attend at gunpoint.
"I hope that the forum members who weren't able to join us today may be able to join us next year!" I've put a marker down already.

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:02 am
by Susie
Marvellous, Neil, we'd love to have you along next year! :D

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:20 am
by jenks
Neils comments echo mine completely !. I did think seriously about joining you for your Winter social but a) Winchester is quite a long way from Cardiff ! and b) our office do was on Friday ( booked in July ) and I knew I wouldn`t be fit to drive on Saturday !. I have no doubt that your meal, company and conversation were better than ours. Our dessert, a chocolate roulade, was the type of swiss roll found in Tescos value range for 20p , with a bit of cream sprayed on top. £28 for a 2-course meal and this is the best Cardiff`s Park Inn can manage ? I`m glad you all had a good time ( yes, honestly ! ), if you have a social next year I shall try and join you and meet some more UK butterfliers.

Best wishes for Christmas and a good 2013 to you all.


Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:31 am
by Susie
Seasons greetings and best wishes to you too, Jenks.

The food was pretty good, especially as the pub was so busy with food orders. I've had some damn ropey meals in some very good restaurants at xmas in the past :lol: my breaded brie starter was yummy. I don't think anyone had any complaints about the food.

Xmas is such a busy time for everyone I am not sure it's really the best time for a get together, but October and November are pretty busy months too. I wonder if a late February pre-butterfly season get together would be better in future to kick off the new season, so maybe skip next year and have one at the beginning of 2014:

I'm also thinking of finding another location, The Old Forge is perfect apart from the dinner table layout which didnt give people a good opportunity to speak to anyone other than their immediate neighbours. If we do go back there i'll ensure the seating is better.

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:17 pm
by David M
The timing isn't great for those with fair distances to travel. December can be unpredictable weatherwise and, of course, it is dark by 4pm and the roads are often clogged up with Christmas shoppers.

I like the idea of an earlier get together, Susie. Perhaps mid to late March might be even more opportune, given that butterflies are generally starting to stretch their wings around that time. If the sun were to shine then maybe those present may get the chance to see a Tortoiseshell/Comma/Red Admiral as well as spend a convivial afternoon with like minds! :)

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:33 pm
by Susie
I can see your point David, but that can also be a problem. Few of us want to be inside on a day when butterflies are on the wing, in which case it would need to turn into a field trip.

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:35 pm
by MikeOxon
I was sorry not to be able to make it. I agree with others that December is not a great time (I realise that the date was forced upon us by other commitments for some key people). In my own case it clashed with another event that had to take priority. I feel that an Autumn date is preferable - we are all full of anecdotes about the previous season, missing our favourite activity, and travel is less likely to be disrupted. I appreciate, however, that Susie puts in a lot of effort preparing this event for us and am happy to go with what suits her best.


Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:20 pm
by Susie
Well there is no rush to decide on date or location, there is plenty of time for all of that next year :-)

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:27 pm
by millerd
I will join others in saying I thoroughly enjoyed myself yesterday. A convivial bunch of people in really nice surroundings and a spread of what I thought was really excellent food. There was the remains of a beautiful sunset as I walked back to the station, too! Again, many thanks to Susie for the organisation and it was great to see you all.

No quarrel with venue or timing - but if either changes, as long as notice is sufficient and public transport within a mile or two, I'll be there.

Happy Christmas!


Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:03 pm
by P.J.Underwood
I would like to echo all that has been said before.A good venue,excellent food-though the turkey was a little dry!-and good company.It allows us to meet up once a year at least.
I feel that going into December was probably a mistake.For me sometime in November would be ideal.A pub with a special room would probably be better.I have one at Milford I could recommend but there must be many in the central Hants area.Regarding seating I always go for a square arrangement with everyone sitting on the outside and a void in the middle.But it does depend how many people come.The more the merrier I say.
Thanks again Susie.

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:37 pm
by Susie
You're very welcome, PJ.

If November is the preferred month i'll find out when the AGMs are due and see what can be arranged.

I agree with PJ that a square table arrangement with a space in the middle is the best lay out for a small group and unfortunately I dont think they would have room for that at the Old Forge, but then it will depend on how many attendees there are.

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:45 pm
by Paul Harfield
Susie wrote:I hope that the forum members who weren't able to join us today may be able to join us next year! :)
I am not a great socialiser so did not pay much attention to this event, assuming it would be miles away. I happened to read through the thread on Friday and noticed the venue was really only just up the road from me. Unfortunately I was otherwise engaged :( otherwise I would have popped along and said hello :)

Looks like everyone had a great time, maybe next year for me.

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:43 pm
by Wurzel
Having waited all day for "the headache" to strike and it not coming I now think that it's safe to use my computer...

Thank you Susie for organinsing a cracking day it had everything - great food, great beer and even greater company! Same time/place next year? When do want the deposit? :wink:

Have a goodun


Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:17 pm
by essexbuzzard
Just to echo what others have said,i too had a very enjoyable day,it was great to meet everyone.
Many thanks go to Susie for organising it,and to Pete,Vince and all those behind the scenes at UKB,this site is a great credit to you all.
Cheers! :D

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:14 am
by Gruditch
The table set up is a bit strange, but not a deal breaker, I like the venue, the food was fantastic. :D Your never going to please everyone, you move to accommodate some, you inevitably lose others, then the ones you move for don't even turn up. :evil:

Regards Gruditch

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:48 pm
by Susie
I must admit I am a fan of the pub and do like it there. The staff are very pleasant and helpful and that's always a bonus. They'll even let you stay in the car park over night if you have a camper van! (But that may be been specialist treatment on account of splendid facial hair. I had better start growing mine now in readiness for next year :lol: :D )

I'm sure they will try and accommodate our table arrangements but what these may be will depend on how many people come along and we're a long way off deciding that.

So, my plan is for either a get together next November if it doesn't clash with BC AGMS or, if that isn't do-able, the following February in a pre-season kick off.

Thanks, Wurzel and Essexbuzzard. No deposit needed for next time hopefully :lol:

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:44 pm
by ChrisC
a quick chat with the waitress she said they seated 25 down there a couple of days before. not quite sure how. but i echo all the plaudits for Sue and the UKB Team.


Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:51 pm
by Matsukaze
Looks like you all had a good time - one of these days I shall have to get over and join you all.

In terms of timings my butterfly withdrawal symptoms are at their worst in late January - February; if this is typical perhaps that is the best time for a spot of group therapy?

Re: Winter Social 2012

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:24 pm
by Susie
If people wanted an impromtu get together next February there is nothing from stopping them from just suggesting a date and going for it. In reality if it isn't a large group you could just take over a corner of the bar area, as we did on Saturday, and have food there for anyone who wants it. No need to book or pay deposits then.

And Chris, no one's called me Sue for years, get with the times, boy :lol: