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Re: Botany Bay

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:28 pm
by P.J.Underwood
Excellent,just as I am off to see what I can find on the island of Falster,Southern Denmark.

Re: Botany Bay

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:59 pm
by P.J.Underwood
A Clouded Yellow.-It was very pleasant today returning to the wood after a month's absence and having it all to myself.At times butterflies were coming from all angles-the season was certainly finishing much stronger than the meagre beginning.The Wood Whites are still going,I saw about a dozen.There were also many Large and Small Whites,a few Green Veined Whites,male and female Brimstones,Gatekeepers,Meadow Browns,many small Speckled Woods,Peacocks,two Red Admirals,a tortoiseshell,a Comma,a few old Silver Washed Fritillaries and a Common Blue.Then to crown it all a Clouded Yellow appeared.I had never seen one in Surrey before,I thought they belonged to the coast.But there it was,some 30 miles inland.

Re: Botany Bay

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:02 pm
by P.J.Underwood
Today,in the morning sun I saw my first butterfly of the year-a male brimstone -on Hambledon Common.This decided me to pop along to Botany Bay and see what was on offer.I found eleven male brimstones,one female brimstone,and a Comma.Thus my season has begun.

Re: Botany Bay

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:32 pm
by JohnR
Dog owners, flutterby hunters and pedestrians beware of Botany Bay. The tick numbers are the highest that I have heard of. A neigbour's light coloured dog had 38 on his coat whilst a black dog was still having ticks removed three days later.

Re: Botany Bay

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:50 pm
by P.J.Underwood
The time is here.A week ago ,at the end of the first brood Wood Whites,butterflies of any type were scarce.Now all is different.Ringlets everywhere,followed by Speckled Wood's,Meadow Brown's small skippers, the occasional Red admiral and White admiral,Comma,Silver Washed fritillary,and today,for me,the prize.My first Purple Emperors.I met Paul Day at the Triangle,and he said two were seen yesterday and he had already seen three.I saw two within half an hour.The week is just beginning!