Nick Broomer

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Lee Hurrell
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Some more lovely shots, Nick.

Your first Emperor from 28th June is an absolute stunner.

Best wishes,


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To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Lee,

Thankyou for your very kind comments on my photos, made my day. And the fact that i saw my 4th species of butterfly today, a Peacock, and all four species were seen on my lunch break from work. :D

All the best,


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David M
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Re: hideandseek

Post by David M »

Lee Hurrell wrote:Some more lovely shots, Nick.

Your first Emperor from 28th June is an absolute stunner.
Agreed. That must have been a heartstopper.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi David,

Thankyou for your very kind comment on my pictures.

It certainly was a heartstopper, lucky enough i was in the right position to get the angled shot as other photographers were also there.

Thanks again,


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Continuing with butterflies of C.W.
26.6,2011 060_1.jpg
This Comma was sitting rather high up on this Silver Birch on a very sunny ,
and hot June afternoon.One of the few opportunities i had of photographing
this insect.
24.9.2011 005 Brimstone_1.jpg
This Brimstone picture was taken on 24.9.2011 in the late summer/early autumn sun.
24.9.2011 male brimstone.jpg
This photo of this Brimstone was taken on the same day a few of minutes later.
24.9.2011 brimstone male.jpg
This Brimstone, again was taken on 24.9.2011 just a minute later. I think the sun
really brings out the beauty of these butterflies in these pictures.
30.5,2011 female stag beetle.jpg
I photographed this female Stag Beetle on a very overcast afternoon on 30.5.2011.
and this tired little fellow on her back was hitching a free ride.

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David M
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Re: hideandseek

Post by David M »

You've got the lighting just right for those Brimstone shots. Excellent images.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

David M wrote:You've got the lighting just right for those Brimstone shots. Excellent images.
Hi David,

Thankyou for your very kind comment on my pictures again, its really very nice of you.

I like to think of the sun as natures very own giant flashgun. The sun at certain times of the day or year can be exremely benefical to the photographer, whether it involves taking photos of buildings, landscapes, sunsets or wildlife, as in this case butterflies.

The three Brimstone pictures were taken between 12.31-12.38pm in late September [ 24.9 as i have already stated] when the sun is not so strong, but weaker, i feel giving a softer,radiant glow to anything it touches.

Thanks again,


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Continuing with butterflies of C.W.
29.6,2011 M.W. 3.jpg
This female Marbled White photo was taken early morning on 29.6.2011, capturing the dew drops not just on her wings, but also the five dew drops on her eye. [you have to click on the photo to get the full affect of the dew drops] Marbled Whites along with some other butterflies [with the same habits of roosting in the grass/vegetation, and never taking shelter when it rains] must have a waterproof membrane covering their eyes, and also an oil gland of some description [just guess work] to protect their body/wings from moisture, whether it be dew or rain. As they roost in the grass/vegetation and will just sit there on a grass stem etc. when its pouring with rain, with no affect to their wings/body becoming saturated. Whereas a lot of butterflies will shelter from the rain by hanging upside down on a leaf on a tree, even when roosting, ie, Gatekeepers, Ringlets and Meadow Browns. These are all observations taken in the field.

I have observed Marbled Whites, and other species of butterflies sitting in the pouring rain, and they were a lot dryer than i was, and i was wearing waterproof clothing.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

I went for a walk around Chiddingfold Wood today to see if i could spot a butterfly or two, and two is all i saw, one very tatty Red Admiral,and one flighty
male Brimstone. I did hear a Great spotted Woodpecker drumming plus a couple of Chiffchaffs singing away. Primroses were out in large numbers, but very little else, apart from Bees, hoverflies etc. which is all i managed to photograph, even though they were quite high in this Sallow. so the photos are not that great of the insects.
24.3.2011 wasp 007_1.jpg
This is a male Bee Fly that had been feeding on the Sallow as you can see by
the yellow pollen covered legs.
24.3.2011 wasp 008_1.jpg
This Bee Fly has also been on the Sallow, its back covered in pollen dust.
24.3.2011 wasp 015_1.jpg
I believe this is a Buff-Tailed Bumble Bee, not that sure.
24.3.2011 wasp 004_1.jpg
I have no idea what this little fellow, is maybe some kind of Wasp? and three more
pictures of the same insect below.
24.3.2011 wasp 013_1.jpg
Here is another one.
24.3.2011 wasp 020_1.jpg
And another one.
24.3.2011 wasp 023_1.jpg
And another one.
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Mark Colvin
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Nick,

That's a really lovely shot of the female Marbled White taken early morning with the dew glistening on its body. I remember seeing several like that last year though didn't get a shot like yours. :mrgreen:

Great stuff.

Kind regards. Mark

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Lee Hurrell
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Hi Nick,

I have to agree with Mark on your Marbled White - stunning.

Your first hoverfly is a bee fly I believe. I saw my first this week in the car park at work of all places, busy nectaring on a flowering rosemary bush.

Best wishes,


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To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Mark and Lee,

Thankyou both for your very kind comments on the Marbled White and the dew drops.

Lee thanks for the correct id on the Bee Fly, i will edit my post.

All the best,


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Sunday the 25th March.

I decided to visit a small patch of land very close to my home, that is a good spot for early butterflies, and where Cuckoo Flower grows in abundance.
And as it turned out, was an excellent choice. I saw seven Buzzards, four of which were flying high together in a blue cloudless sky, enjoying a relaxing
flight in the heat of the midday sun. Down by the river a two foot Pike was observed, until it disappeared down stream. Birds seemed to be singing from
every tree or bush, bees and butterflies nectaring on nearby Sallow, or just bathing in the sun.
25.3.2011 002_1.jpg
And the Cuckoo Flowers were out in force.
25.3.2011 cuckoo flower_1.jpg
Some more Cuckoo Flowers.
25.3.2011 129-1_1.jpg
This is a Tachinid [parasite fly] probably either T. ursina or T. lurida, but
without a picture of its back end a correct id cannot be confirmed.
25.3.2011 159_1.jpg
Here is a photo of the same insects mating.
25.3.2011 R.A. ovipositing_1.jpg
What made my day was finding this R.A. ovipositing.
25.3.2011 029_1.jpg
Laying an egg on this small Nettle leaf, about 15mm in length, sitting
just below some larger leaves.
25.3.2011 048-2_1.jpg
Here is another egg the same R.A. laid about 45 minutes later. top
leaf,bottom right, just by the stem.
25.3.2011 047-1_1.jpg
Here is a close-up photo of one of the eggs laid.
25.3.2011 073_1.jpg
This is the other one laid, quite remarkable, all that detail on such a tiny egg.

Other Butterflies seen, 15 Comma, 8 Peacock, 6 Red Admiral, 3 Tortoiseshell, 2 male Orange-Tip, one Holly Blue.
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mark Colvin
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Nick,

Some more nice work. My favourite shot is the Tachinids in cop.

Keep up the good work.

Kind regards. Mark

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Continuation, March 25th.

I said on David M`s personal diary on 24th March, that i have`nt got a picture of a Peacock yet,
but i hope to rectify that tomorrow, if all goes well.
Well it did.They were rather flighty, so i had to take this photo at a distance, so not
to disturb the butterfly.
25.3.2011 Lesser Celandine.jpg
This little Beetle, about 3mm in length was busy running around this Lesser Celandine
flower, probably looking for his/hers next meal.

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Thanks for the kind comments Mark, glad you like the photo of the Tachinids copulating, me to.

All the best,


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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Isle of Wight trip, 29.3.2012.

I joined Mark Colvin today on a enjoyable days butterflying on the Isle of Wight, to visit two sites in particular, Woodhouse Copse and Walter`s Copse.

Our first stop was Woodhouse Copse, [which we visited twice] which is a site of special scientific interest [SSSI].

So while i left Mark photographing objects of scientific interest, an assortment of empty discarded beer cans, [probably bringing back memories of his misspent youth :D ] i was watching a Red Squirrel sitting, busily feeding him/herself on a small dead Pine tree, and photographing a very fresh Speckled Wood......
29.3.2011 speckled wood .jpg

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Nick Broomer
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Re: hideandseek

Post by Nick Broomer »

Continuation, Isle of Wight trip.

Then it was of to Walter`s Copse, what we thought was our best chance of seeing the allusive L.T., but it was`nt to be, wrong time, wrong day.
Was it a wasted journey?, of cause not, you live and learn. and i was in good company.

Then the following day Mike Gibbons saw a L.T. in the same area where we were patroling for a few hours, [well done Mike] makes you want to cry.
[but i wont] Thats life, as Mark said, "i will have to go back".

Some of the birds seen, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Treecreeper, Goldcrest, Little Egret.

Butterflies seen, Brimstone, Comma, Orange-Tip, Speckled Wood, and Peacock.
30.3.2012 008-1_1.jpg
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: hideandseek

Post by P.J.Underwood »

[quote="hideandseek"]Isle of Wight trip, 29.3.2012.

" i was watching a Red Squirrel sitting, busily feeding him/herself on a small dead Pine tree,"
Nick,Was it like this one-sorry,I couldn't resist !
Red squirrel 4 (2).jpg

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Re: hideandseek

Post by Padfield »

hideandseek wrote:Thats life, as Mark said, "i will have to go back".
And in my diary page...
hideandseek wrote:I bet you`re glad you went back for another go for the Nettle Tree Butterfly.
So I take it you're going back... :D

In this business we need patience, luck, skill, grace and quite a lot of perseverance!!


PS - lovely shot, P.J.

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