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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:30 pm
by Nick Broomer

I looked around for the Spectacled Warbler after its disappearing trick, but no joy. A few minutes had passed, when i caught sight of him again, flying just above the ground and away from me, then up and over a high bank of rock, disappearing out of sight. But all of a sudden three birds flew across the skyline, down across the rocks, furiously chasing one another. I discarded the idea that they were Barthelots Pipits, because they communally feed in small numbers at this time of year. That just left the Spectacled Warbler, [no other small bird would have been in this habitat at this time of year] i reached for my binoculars, put them to my eyes, and sure enough they were the S.W.`s. they were arguing over feeding territory.So i walked over, climbed halfway up the rocky embankment, when one of the birds sat for a rest, right on the highest stone, with a lovely blue sky making the Warbler standout. It was a fair distance away but i took a photo anyway.
canary 378_1.jpg
What i did`nt realize is, that there were two birds. I was that far away i could`nt see the other one from where i was.
fuerteventura 378_1.jpg
One cropped picture. Then another one landed to my right a bit closer, and to my surprise, started singing.
fuerteventura 381-5_2.jpg
Now thats what you call luck, and that was my last photo.[what a way to end] :D

The biggest thrill i got from this holiday was seeing and photographing the Creamed Coloured Courser, getting close enough to both the Canary Island Chat and the Spectacled Warbler to get a picture, and last but not least, seeing the Greenish Black Tip butterfly, my biggest regret was not being able to photograph it.

Here are a few pictures of the smaller birds, insects and the Stone Curlew, before i cropped them, to give you an idea on the distance i was from the subject,
making focusing difficult, especially taking in the wind factor. Which was quite strong at times and would blow my camera about.
canary 105_1.jpg
canary 374_1_1.jpg
canary 421_1.jpg
canary 436_1.jpg
I would also like to thank everyone who took the time to help with id`s, and those of you who made very generous comments about my work, photos on this thread, thankyou all again,


Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:24 am
by P.J.Underwood
A cracking photo of a spectacled warbler.I'll set you a challenge for next year-a nightingale in the Chiddingfold forest,but you might have to get up early!

Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:53 am
by Lee Hurrell
A lovely report, Nick, with some stunning photos.

Good work, it was worth all the effort!

All the best,


Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:31 pm
by Nick Broomer
Hi Lee,

Thankyou for your kind comments, i`m pleased you enjojed the report. I was supposed be on holiday with my wife, its a good job she is very understanding. :D

As for my photography, it was knowing, and understanding the subject bird, also an element of luck, [a lot] being in the right place at the right time, and predicting what the subject bird would do next, as in the case of the Spectacled Warbler, for the last picture, and both the Courser, and Canary Island Chat. Its also the buzz of the challenge, you against the the subject, whether if it is a bird, butterfly or any other insect or animal. Some you win, some you don`t, but when you do win,what a great sense of achievement and satisfaction you get.But at the end of the day you can only photograph whats in front of you, even if its only a record shot.

Thanks again Lee,

all the best for the future,


Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:12 pm
by Nick Broomer
Hi Philip,

I `m glad you like the the picture of the Spectacled Warbler, its nice of you to say so.

Regarding photographing a Nightingale in Chiddingfold Wood, i might rise to the challenge as long as it does`nt get in the way of my butterfly photography. But i will not be getting up early in the morning, no need. There are two good times of the year that might make it possible, so you will have to wait and see.

Back in the summer i had a Nightingale bathing in my garden pond, now that was a sight worth seeing.

All the best,


Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:32 pm
by Gibster
hideandseek wrote:Back in the summer i had a Nightingale bathing in my garden pond, now that was a sight worth seeing.
What a cracking come-back, lol :lol: