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Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:06 am
by MikeOxon
Jack Harrison wrote:How is Glasdrum pronounced?
Hear it on - emphasis is on first syllable.


(p.s. this site also gives Grid ref: NN011451)

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:49 pm
by Rogerdodge
I shall make a stab at -
Wymondham - Wind um (wind as in breeze not as in up)
Costessey - Cot sea
Happisburgh - Haps burr

Try this one from my neck of the woods

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:54 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Or these from mine:



Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:13 pm
by Jack Harrison
Aren't we all bored with this non-butterfly weather? Drifting off topic is a pathetic manner. But, never mind.

I shall make a stab at -
Wymondham - Wind um (wind as in breeze not as in up)
Costessey - Cot sea
Happisburgh - Haps burr

Try this one from my neck of the woods
Correct about Wymondham = Wind'm
Costessey - wrong. = Cossee
Happisburgh = Haze-brrr

My guess: Woolfardisworthy = Woolfarty?

And Lee's quiz:
Ightham = Eye'm ?
Wrotham = Root'm ?
Shipbourne = Shibben?


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:51 pm
by Rogerdodge
Woolfardisworthy = Wool zur ee

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:12 pm
by ScottD
OK then try

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:15 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Jack Harrison wrote: And Lee's quiz:
Ightham = Eye'm ?
Wrotham = Root'm ?
Shipbourne = Shibben?
Wrotham and Shipbourne are correct, while Ightham is Eye'tm


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:36 pm
by David M
ScottD wrote:OK then try
I got caught out by the first one whilst working in Paisley many years ago. To a dumb Englishman, it was 'Miln-gavvie'. When I got ridiculed I asked how it SHOULD be pronounced - 'Mull-guy' was the answer.

Here in Wales things can be tricky too. Port Talbot is pronounced as though the 'ort' in 'Port' is a glottal stop - 'P'Talbot'. Hirwaun is 'Her-wine' and 'Ystradgynlais' is 'Uh-struh-g'n-lice'.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:54 pm
by MikeOxon
and, of course, a lot of people don't seem to know that the subject of this thread is a 'Chowed Skipper' :lol:


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:58 pm
by Jack Harrison
I have to say this is what I really LOVE about ukb. The conversation drifts -as it does in real-life - and we have a FUN chat. Some people will always moan: "Off topic" but thanks to Pete for allowing us free rein. (within reason).


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:54 am
by Lawts
I feel like I'm on the countdown to my Mull and Glasdrum trip now we've hit May.

However, I am a little concerned re. the weather. Being fairly new to butterflies I have a noddy question.

How influential is the weather in a run up to a flight period in terms of sun and temperature, or is everything still happening behind the scenes regardless and provided the weather is fine when you are there, it would still happen?

I'm amazed but encouraged to read about recent trips on the sightings page with Grizzled Skippers out and about. I just wouldn't have thought they could be given the Spring we've had.

So scenario on the run up to 26th May - sunny days and average temps. - Chequereds on the wing but what about:-

1) Sunny days - cool temps.
2) Cloudy rainy days - but average temps.
3) Cloudy rainy days - cool temps.

Do any of these affect/delay proceedings and even if you'd had these scenarios up to say the 22nd May, would four days of sun and decent temps. still mean butterflies out and about on the 26th?

Sorry for all the questions - just one more, at Glasdrum I've heard it's the area below the powerlines as has been said, but more key for me, what's the specific habitat?

Last year I tried for Silver-spotted at Aston Rowant. There was an obvious patch of wild flowers that had been left, and it was teaming with butterflies of various species. However, the target was nowhere to be seen. After about an hour and feeling dejected, I stopped and sat down to eat my sarnies on the short trimmed grass, and there they were, where they'd been all along.



Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:06 pm
by David M
I think you merely need to look at last year to see how resilient Chequered Skippers are.

Although April was lovely even in Scotland, May was pretty dire up there. However, these butterflies were still about during sunny breaks in the weather as they always are.

Given the dross we've had lately weatherwise, I'm hoping that there might be some relief towards the end of May and get up there myself. I'll take a chance if temperatures are in excess of 14c and reasonable sunny spells are forecast.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:04 pm
by dave brown
In part answer to your question. The best spot for CSkipper at Glasdrum is fairly obvious when you get there. The Power Lines every one talks about are about 100 metres up the only narrow footpath that leads from the car park. I don't remember any path leading off until you come to the cleared area under the lines. This area is only about 10 metres wide so just stand on the footpath and look in either direction along the overhead wires. You can't miss the right area, which is cleared, whilst the rest of the area was well wooded on our visit last year. There are scattered clumps of Bluebells and Buggle amongst the Moor Grass. I did not see a CS on our visit there last June in poor weather but presume the butterflies hang about on the bluebells. It is not a vast area like Aston Rowant. You do need a reasonable day of weather.
We did see CS at Ariundle Nature Reserve. Again this was very close to the car park, either side of the main track leading from the car park and within the first 100 metres. Infact our first one was only 10 metres into the walk and right by the track feeding on a Bluebell. The scenery in the area is stunning.

Best wishes for when you go.


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:04 pm
by essexbuzzard
I think you will need some sunny spells,especially if you want photo's. Temperature probably not important,as Glasdrum is sheltered,and can form its own little microclimate on bright days. If it is sunny,get there early-don't forget days are much longer north of the border at this time of year than in southern England. Arrive by 9AM if you can.
I think the emergance should be on time this year,or maybe a little early. The weather can be completely different up there,and this year is a classic example. On 3 May,in bright sunshine,it reached 21C in west Scotland. The same day,temps in East Anglia climbed no higher than a wintry 8C! They have definately had the best of the weather so far this spring.
Good luck.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:06 pm
by Lawts
Thanks all. It wasn't so much the weather on the day I was referring to, more the weather between now and then and the influence, (if any) that has.

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:41 pm
by selbypaul
Interesting to read everyone's comments, particularly with all the help on exactly where to look for the Chequered Skipper.

I've specifically booked the last two weeks of May of work, with the aim of heading up to Scotland, from Sheffield, at some point in that fortnight.

I've not picked the specific date yet as I'm waiting for some forecast good weather. Last year I booked ahead and for the 3 days I was up there, the temperature didn't rise above 8 degrees!

Will hopefully see some of you up there when I get there this year!

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:11 pm
by Jack Harrison
I can promise you all that at Glasdrum on Sunday 27th May when I will be there, there will definitely be some weather.


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 4:50 pm
by Rogerdodge
I can promise you all that at Glasdrum on Sunday 27th May when I will be there, there will definitely be some weather.
If you follow your standard for this year, it will be cold!
Let's hope it warms up for MY visit the following week!

Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:56 am
by Lawts
Well it's only a week away. At the risk of everyone falling about laughing have any been seen yet at Glasdrum, (he said searching for bobble hat and gloves)?

I am seriously thinking of staying longer on Mull and enjoying the birds for the day, rather than catching the early ferry and going to Glasdrum. It's just that I've got x3 birders with me who aren't into butterflies, but so far I've managed to secure Glasdrum on the Saturday. I've just read the article on Birdguides about delayed butterflies. I know west Scotland can have its own climate but.........

Mull - eagles, divers, otters, etc or.....


I'd appreciate info./thoughts


Re: Best Week For Chequered Skipper

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:19 pm
by David M
I wondered this myself and certainly wouldn't risk going the weekend after next unless I knew for sure that some had been seen. Hopefully, with things being behind this year, I may get the opportunity to visit in mid June (and try to locate Northern Brown Argus artaxerxes too).

As ever, all depends on the weather, but surely to God it has to brighten up and warm up sometime soon?