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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

Oops, I did indeed misunderstand. :(
I think the sex-brand on the Gatekeeper is more of a splodge than either a line or a spot. :) I saw a female today with no spots on either wing - yet another variation, I imagine. (Posted on the July sightings thread)

They really are hugely variable.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

I think that egg and our faces were indeed in allignment! :wink:
I just started another thread purely with all of my variations as nfreem also posted about them today. If you add your own shots to it would could set up our own version of the Cockayne! :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Yesterday I made a lunchtime dash out to Godshill to try and bag Grayling, I had 2 hours of "allowed time" and I was actually nervous about trying for it - new species, new site, limited time! So I put my faith in Alan Thornbury - the site guide on his website had a map with an arrow showing the hotspot, so I memorised the map and went for it!
As I headed towards the site, the sun went in and every driver in front of me decided to tootle along the road at 15 miles below the speed limit :evil:
Once I got to the car park I raced across the cricket pitch and then stopped at the top of the hill to drink in the glorious sight of heathland and the sun coming out! Starting to feel much happier I strolled down the hill, enjoying Meadow Browns that weren't in meadows, fresh looking Small Coppers and Gatekeepers that stood guard on braken that lined the path.
Dark Gatekeeper
Dark Gatekeeper
Nice fresh Small Copper,  but not here for that!
Nice fresh Small Copper, but not here for that!
Once at the bottom of the hill I crossed the brook and found myself in the triangle of paths that I memorised from the map. And praise be to the mighty Thornbury for there was my target. If my inner triangluation was correct I was actually standing under the arrow tip! :D
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I then spent the next 40 minutes or so watching, waiting,stalking and learning about these amazing creatures. I'd watch one fly, it would land in a patch of grass amongst the heather, then I'd cautiously move to the spot and it would be invisible!
It is in there somewhere - look top right...
It is in there somewhere - look top right...
In the end I learnt to just wander up and down the tracks and hope that some would land on the track itself or quite close to the edge. This did pay off and then the next surprising thing - how variable they appear to be, from black and white to creams and browns, and stunningly patterned so much so that they appear almost textured... One individual flashed the orange wing tip and allowed me to sex it ( :shock: ) - the lower black spot had a white spot in the centre which made the individual female? I was unlucky not get a shot of one nectaring on bell heather but it was such a brief occurance, almost like a plane refueling in mid air - land, drink, off, all in 2 seconds!
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Lower spot on the forewing is eyed = female?
Lower spot on the forewing is eyed = female?
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Time up I wandered up the hill happy and at peace.

Have a goodun


p.s. sorry for the ecclesiastical tinge to this post - but I am writing it on a Sunday :wink:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Philzoid »

Smashing pictures of the Grayling Wurzel :!: Love their crytic markings and the way they use them and position themselves to just blend in with the background. And, if you get a bit too close out comes the eyespot flash :)

Finger's crossed see some over Chobham Common (heathland) this w/e 8)

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

I took the family for a camping holiday to Gloucester last week. The camping site (Thistledown Farm) was totally amazing, with mixed woodland and a mixture of flower meadow and hedges...it was so good we spent the first 3 days practically on the campsite - apart from two brief forays to Stroud - one for sugar and one to have a tick removed from my leg (I feel that now I am a proper butterfly enthusiast as I have been blooded! :wink: ). It provided me plenty of opportunities to catch up with a few of the more common species although they were very flighty, including Peacock which I have struggled to see this year - it even allowed me to get a shot of the closed wings looking for all the world like a burnt leaf. A Small Copper tried to join us in our tent, as did a field vole and the Gatekeepers showed a nice range in variations (no spots, 2 spots, four spots etc). The list by the end of the holiday was; Green Veined White, Small White, Brimstone, Large White, Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Marbled White, Speckled Wood, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Small Skipper, Essex Skipper, Large Skipper, Peacock, Comma, Red Admiral and Small Copper. We also managed a little foray to Woodchester National Trust but more of that for another post :wink:
Having spent today digging spuds and mowing the lawn I think that tomorrow I might be able to swing a little visit to Shipton Bellinger to try for Brown Hairstreak and I'm also taking the girls to Martin Down in the morning (maybe Chalkhills and Silver Spotted?).

Have a goodun

Not a butterfly but not sure what species it is?
Not a butterfly but not sure what species it is?
Essex Skipper
Essex Skipper
Small Skipper
Small Skipper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Peacock - for sure
Peacock - for sure
Peacock - or is it a burnt leaf?
Peacock - or is it a burnt leaf?
Cabbage White
Cabbage White

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Willrow »

Your Dragonfly is a female Common Darter. Nice report and pics by the way Wurzel.

Bill :D

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Why not visit my website at http://www.dragonfly-days.co.uk
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Bill, on both counts! :D
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

During our holiday to Gloucester we decided to head to the local National Trust site, Woodchester, as a way to tear ourselves away from the campsite. It started off with a wander down a beech covered lane, and then it got steeper and some Dutch people coming up warned us that it was a long way...but we carried one, confident in the scale of the site map. Finally the beech woodland opened out into pasture as we continued to walk downhill - finally reaching the ruined Mansion. Apparently it is a haven for bats - but as it wasn't owned by the NT we didn't look in. We carried on to the first of the five lakes, all the time exchanging worried looks as our three year old teared further downhill oblivious to the prospect of having to walk back up! :?

Having seen the lake (we dicided not to mention the others) we thought that it might be a good idea to start the climb back up while the girls were in high spirits. Whilst they were having a little break (the first of many) I dodged round a field of thistles and tried to get some close shots of Peacocks - as there were 6 or 7 of them in the small patch.
Red Admiral
Red Admiral
While I was getting quite close a small odd looking brown butterfly flipped into view. I clicked away a few shots before realising that it was a White Letter Hairstreak! It may have been a bit worn and tatty but I'll take it for the pure surpise/luck value!
My lucky find...
My lucky find...
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Having got as many shots as I could I had to rejoin the family. When I told my wife of my lucky find she merely raised an eyebrow and then spent the rest of the entire torturous journey back up the hill shooting me suspicious looks...I swear it was just a lucky find, but I still don't think that I've persuaded her. :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

As my wife wanted to have a break at the weekend I agreed to look after the girls for the morning. So I loaded them and a picnic lunch into the car and set off to Martin Down. There were one or two Small Blues along the path up to Hanham Hill but we got there too early in the morning for Silver Spotted Skippers I don't think it was warm enough for them to be out and about. We then headed right to the top of the Down and had a little break for biscuits - but the weather wasn't very accomodating as the wind picked up. There were 2 Common Blues having a scrap, a couple of Small Heath and Meadow Browns and a Dark Green Fritillary.
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Once snack was over we had a bit more of a wander and then eventually ended up back at Hanham Hill where we had our picnic lunch. There were one or two Small Heath, Meadow Brown and a Brimstone. Still no Silver Spotted Skipper - so I'll have to make a trip back here or to Stockbridge - but I did find one of my target species - a female Chalkhill Blue.
My older daughter recieves a visitor
My older daughter recieves a visitor
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Once lunch was over we worked out back down the hill accompanied by various whites and browns and joined by a Small Copper near the car park on the path. As I gave my wife a break during the morning I thought that perhaps I'll might have been able to blag a break that afternoon... :wink:
This little fella waved us off...
This little fella waved us off...
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Having thought that I might have been able to blag an afternoon free I was quite surpised when I was actually able to - it seems that the White Letter Hairstreak has been accepted as a happy accident :D

So girls deposited in the garden and my wifes purchases perused, weather checked and found to be warm and sunny, I headed out to Shipton Bellinger to try my luck for Brown Hairstreak (the mighty Alan having already been successful). Once there I strolled up the track to the hegde and for a change wandered up the right hand side. Gatekeepers were about in good numbers and were very distracting when caught out of the corner of your eye - flitting by all orange and brown. There were also Speckled Woods and Green Veined Whites present.

Once at the top I tried round the corner and found Meadow Browns and a female Brimstone. I noticed another couple and tried the trick of "any luck" and as we got chatting I found out that I'd met Clive and Shirley - my first "meet" with people from the website! They then very kindly asked me to join them in checking out the spot where they'd found a male earlier and when we got there it was back - a clean, honeyed looking male. A cracking little critter and well happy with that! 8)
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We then worked our way to another local hot spot and htere were BH there - at least 2 maybe 3 but the spot made photography really difficult. :( Once back along the hedge the were 2 Holly Blue, a Comma and Gatekeepers and Browns all the way back.

It was great meeting up with Clive and Shirley and thank you to them for pleasent company and the Brown Hairstreak! :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Finally back after a few days with the in-laws in Wales. My in-laws live near to Aberaeron which would have been great if it had been April/May as there's a very good site for Marsh Fritillary - but in August there isn't too much about. Still made the most of the sun while it shone and wandered up and down the lane a few times. There were Gatekeepers a plenty all showing a range of spotting from none to very many and lots of flighty whites.
I also managed to take a family stroll along the old railway line that runs alongside the Aeron towards Llanachaeron. Up through the woods there were Speckled Woods and the odd Green Veined White. In one of the breaks there was a large Buddleia which held a Comma, a Red Admiral and 3 Peacocks. Further up the woods opened out into a couple of small fields on either side of the track. There were thistles an Knapweed a plenty but barbed wire prevented close up shots of the vanessids and whites that were around. Luckily one butterfly decided to feed right up close to the fence and as I gingerly approached it reveled itself to be a Painted Lady - my first and only so far this year! :D
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Once back I ambled round the garden and happily watched Speckies having a scrap, Holly Blues flitting around just out of reach and a very obliging Small Tortoishell.
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All very pleasent and restful - but my feet are itching to get back onto the chalk for those blues, hairstreaks and skippers!
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

I decided that the weather wasn't good enough for my first time visits (Stockbridge Down or Alners Gorse) and hopefully Thursday stays as good as it looks, so instead took a few hours out at Martin Down. I strolled along from the Sillens Lane car park towards Borkerkley Dyke and there wasn't an awful lot about - a few Meadow Browns and the odd white that decided to risk a mauling by the blustery wind, as well as a plucky little male Smessex that got dropped of briefly in the middle of the path.
Things weren't looking good but I was hoping to find some blues at the hot spot where the path transects Borkerley. And blues I did indeed find. First up were an Adonis and Chalkhill that landed for a brief pause in their dogfight. Then there were Meadow Browns setting off Common Blue males that would spook some Chalkhills. Then everything would hunker down while the wind ripped down the ditch before starting up once again when the sun peeked out from the clouds and the wind died back a little.
Two males (Chalkhill and Adonis) take a moment...
Two males (Chalkhill and Adonis) take a moment...
Male Adonis
Male Adonis
Male Chalkhill closed wing
Male Chalkhill closed wing
Male Chalkhill posing for an identification guide
Male Chalkhill posing for an identification guide
This theme continued up the hill all the way along the ditch with the odd Brown Argus, White or Gatekeeper getting involved in the fray. A Peacock and 2 Dark Green Fritillary put in an appearence but nothing messed with them apart from the pluckly little Brown Argus!
Plucky little devil
Plucky little devil
About half way up the wind died down a bit and I found the females - Adonis, Common Blue and Chalkhills. While I watched one female Chalkill she fluttered amongst to males, landed and then gently fluttered her wings, in what I thought was, invitation. One of the males seemed interested at first and became a blue blur around her, but then he swooped in a forced her from the perch. This happened 4 times, and then the female seemed to give up and went and hid under some larger leaves! :?
Quick get Barry White on, dim the lights...
Quick get Barry White on, dim the lights...
Don't worry it's not you...
Don't worry it's not you...
Having reached the top of the down I worked my way along and down to Hanham Hill but no luck again with the Silver Spots - it felt warm enough but perhaps it wasn't, or perhaps it was too windy? Oh well got to leave something for Stockbridge :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

I was on family duty today - but as always I took my camera just in case! My wofe and I took or girls to "Flowers of Hatch" near Tisbury. Almost didn't get there as my Sat Nav decided to send me up a farmers track and then an ox drove! Once we did manage to find the farm we had a cracking morning. You start of by a bunting strewn shed at the top of the field where you pick up scissors and a bucket and then you stroll around the "wildflowers" helping yourself and poppinghtem in the bucket. I was more interested in the large area of thistles at the bottom of the field where there wasa Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper and at least 4 male Common Blue. There were also whites around and I manged to get a shot of what I think is a small white as well as a cracking Small Copper.
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From there we headed across Fovant to Sixpenny Handley to my dads allotment. It was temping to have a quick look in at Garston - but if I play my cards right today and keep butterflies on the down-low I should be able to get out tomorrow on my own :wink: Once there we had a picnic before setting to work digging 4 rows of spuds (Pentland Javelin and Wijia for the potato enthusiasts - I'm sure there must be some out there! :lol: ). Over the lunch there were a few fly-bys from a Red Admiral; Gatekeeper and Small Tortoieshell nectared up in a small patch of herbs but the whites provided the entertainment. One of the plots was obviously into cabbages in a big way, with 2 thirds dedicated to the brassica! The whole plot was well weeded and surrounded by netting. But this didn't stop the whites, they just flew into it and then squeezed through, and then had a little party in there - presumably safe from their predators! When we left; sweat on the brow, hands dirty and boot laden down with many kilos of spuds; there were at least 7 whites all in the net :D I did feel sorry for the growers really... :(
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Keeping the butterflies on the down-low yesterday worked so I was allowed out today over lunch 8). The weather felt warm so I headed to Stockbridge Down for the first time. By the time I got there it wasn't as warm and very windy. Ahhhh what is it with me trying for Silver Spotted Skipper :twisted: ? Still there was a new site to explore and Chalkhills all over the place. Found a good little place half way up the path where the hedge provided a wind break. Sat down and waited and htey came to me. Managed to find one two aberrants...
Female arcuata
Female arcuata
Female arcuata
Female arcuata
What is going on with the antennae - one is huge!
What is going on with the antennae - one is huge!
Male post-obsoleta
Male post-obsoleta
Then had a look around and discovered how big the site actually is, some earthworks, a small wooded area and plenty of short turfed downland. There were Meadow Browns and Gatekeeper, Common Blues and even a Chalkhill up the woodland area. A Dark Green Fritillary headed by looking a bit tatty wheras the Small Copper I saw looked very fresh and dapper, as did the Brown Argus that I eventually managed to find sitting still for once!
But there were still no skippers! I'd spent 2 hours looking and even the company if the Whitearses (Wheatears :wink: ) was starting to wane. As is so often the way I was doing the slow walk back to the car park when I spied one. Well actually it almost hit me in the face like a bullet due to the tail wind! :shock: Then there was another at the edge of the path which sat still enough for a photo or two, and another that was sitting in the middle of the path and almost ended up with a Merrel tread print across it's abdomen. Luckily it flew and I managed to follow it to where it landed and then I clicked away in the hope that some shots would come out as the wind was really blowing now and on the exposed hillside the nectaring butterfly was rocking forward and backward insanely.
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Looks like the luck of a new site paid off - I'll be back here next year I think! :D So now there's female Brown Hairstreak and then I guess I'll dig out the old telescope and get back to the birding - unless there are some late Wall's knocking around? :wink:
Have a goodun

ps Cheers to Piers for the identification of the aberrants! :D

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Re: Wurzel

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Today was a day of firsts...I decided that having been in since last week (shudder) it was time to get out there again and try to blag a female Brown Hairstreak - I've already managed a male but why not be greedy :D
The first "first" of the day was the actual site - Alners Gorse. Thanks to Zonda :D for some simple directions that made my visit really easy. This really is a cracking reserve, nice gentle walk, loads of good habitat and some real crackers of butterflies 8) . Started off strolling down the hill noting plenty of activity along the hedges. Gatekeepers and Meadow Browns aplenty, a few whites around and various shades of Speckled Woods (some really fresh, others on their last legs!). Following the advice I turned left at the bottom and checked out ever thistle on the way. The last couple of times I've been after the Brostreak I've almost given myself a headache staring high up into the branches or analysing the brambles so to look for the contrast of orange against purple made it much easier. I certainly paid off as by the time I'd reached the gate I'd found my first female :D . She seemed to have had enough nectar and decided to have a break and so headed for the safety of a bush but I managed to follow and relocate her.
First of the day
First of the day
You can't hide there!
You can't hide there!
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I then spent the next hour just wandering up and down the hedge from the gate to the large bramble bush at the bottom of the approach path. It was here that I got another first - a male that decided to flash me his wings :D He was a bit tatty but allowances can be made so long as he's been involved in providing some photo subjects for me next year :wink:
Tatty old male - hopefully this is a sign that he's been hard at work...
Tatty old male - hopefully this is a sign that he's been hard at work...
Back down at the gate I found another tatty old male. The fact that he is still around seemd to be because of the confusion caused by his tails - which he was lacking!
Male - it seems the "tails" might confuse predators
Male - it seems the "tails" might confuse predators

After this I thought that I should have a look around to see what else the Gorse has to offer. So far it had felt very autumnal with all the butterflies being brown and orange in colour - but we're in summer (just) so I sought out some more colour. I managed to find a Purple Hairstreak, a Red Admiral, a couple of Peacocks and Small Tortoiseshell as well as a couple fo Smessex Skippers and at least 4 male Common Blues which brightened the day up to match the warming sun. From the edge I wandered back along the main path winding my way back to the first hedge and the gate. Something caught my eye...far too yellow to be a White, too yellow to be a Brimstone and as it flew towards me at head height I could make out the black tips and edges to the forewings. A clouded Yellow :o well I hadn't expected that today...to be honest I hadn't expected to see one ever really! I watched it land and then overcame the urge to catch a photo, letting it settle. As I clicked away I hoped that it would open it's wings but it seemed that it wasn't going too and was adamant that it wasn't going anywhere else!
Surprise of the day
Surprise of the day
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Shock over and another first, I headed back to the gate and had my lunch (lime and chilli pickle this time with cucumber ends and tomatoes from the garden) and waite for the sun to come back out. When it did I found a few more males and one or two more females. I clicked away almost in a daze having got the yellow...
Pristine female
Pristine female
Open wing female
Open wing female
One last shot...
One last shot...
This really is an amazing site - even without my "tick" from today - and I'll be back here again.
That could well be it for this year :( - unless I can find a good site for Wall in this locale, but if it is then what a way to go - out with a bang! 8)
Have a goodun


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Neil Hulme
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Hulme »

Nice one Wurzel - happy days :D . Next time try to get your Brown Hairstreak to actually sit on a sloe.... I've been waiting for years. Lovely specimen of Clouded Yellow.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

Lovely Hairstreak, and splendid Clouded Yellow - I haven't seen one for nearly two years (but that time there were hundreds...)

You commented: "...I hoped that it would open it's wings but it seemed that it wasn't going to..." I'm afraid you could wait for a very long time. That really would be a once in a lifetime shot!


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers for your comments Dave and Neil! I reckon that I can get a Brostreak on a Sloe next year and a nice open wing shot of the the Clouded Yellow then as well - ever the optimist - or is that fantasist :lol: :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by MikeOxon »

Wurzel wrote:a nice open wing shot of the the Clouded Yellow
To the best of my knowledge, Clouded Yellow never open their wings at rest, so you'll have to get an in-flight shot! This is a crop from a very distant shot I took a few years ago.
BBOWT Bix reserve, nr. Henley - August 2004
BBOWT Bix reserve, nr. Henley - August 2004
Cloud4.jpg (41.31 KiB) Viewed 142438 times
Incidentally, Brimstones are also said not to open their wings at rest but they do occasionally when courting.

Good luck!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

MikeOxon wrote:
To the best of my knowledge, Clouded Yellow never open their wings at rest, so you'll have to get an in-flight shot! This is a crop from a very distant shot I took a few years ago.
Good spot that, Wurzel. Clouded Yellows are always a highly pleasant bonus.

Mike, what kind of shutter speed do you need to get butterflies in flight without blurring?

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