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Re: Paul Wetton

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:22 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Just to add similar views, Paul.

Great report and some stunning photos. I also particularly like the landscapes, it really adds to the report and makes me feel like I was there!

Impressive species tally too!



Re: Paul Wetton

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:54 pm
by Paul Wetton
Thanks for the kind comments guys.

All the photos are Helens bar a couple when I nicked the camera whilst filming in awkward positions that only one of us could fit into. I had over 3000 to pick and choose from. There's a bit of sharpening on some but she did a brilliant job whilst I was lugging the video camera around.

Michael, I'll be preparing a DVD of the photos just for us, using my video editing software as its quite good with low res photos for the TV and its possible to add titles and sound if required.

You can't beat a grat mountain landscape. We didn't take as many photos of all the landscapes we saw as Helen was so busy with the macro lens but I'm sure we'll go back for more in years to come.

Thanks again

Re: Paul Wetton

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:29 pm
by Paul Wetton
I promised Pauline I would post a trip report from the Outer Hebrides last year and unfortunately never got round to it.
However, going back this year for a week followed by a few days at Glenloy Lodge near Fort William I got my act together and produced a report with the help of Helens photos.

Again as it is quite a large report here is the link to the report on my website.

Re: Paul Wetton

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:42 pm
by David M
Glorious images, Paul. It's almost impossible to believe you saw all this in the UK. It's a completely different world - austere, yet beautiful, scenic, and replete with wildlife scarcely seen anywhere else in these isles.

Re: Paul Wetton

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:27 am
by Pauline
Better late than never Paul :lol: .... but well worth the wait :D Marvellous photos of the wildlife and scenery and interesting report. I am kicking myself as years ago I stayed in Fort William but did not know about the Pine Martins then :( . You must be absolutely delighted with all you saw on that trip :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Paul Wetton

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:46 am
by Paul Wetton
Hi Pauline

Yes we were delighted with the wildlife we saw but I'm going to have to go back and get some more video footage with a camera thats working properly or an operator thats working properly.
I hope to go back again this year to look for Black Rats on the Shiant Islands as they are going to be erradicated by 2015 being a non native, to make way for more Sea Birds. I personally don't think they are a problem on one island. Apparently there has been funding by the EU to the tune of 100's of thousands to poison them all. Shame.