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Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:07 am
Thanks Nick. Top two were tripod I think (though I also took some from the monopod) The last one was on the monopod. Couldn't get a shot like that from above with a tripod really without whacking all the plants around with the legs and spooking the buterfly from that or with the legs themselves passing over it. Monopod is far superior

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:27 am
by Jack Harrison
I have one of these: ... lectronics

Costs as little as £10

Useful monopod and since my leg injury last autumn, I feel much happier using a stick on rough ground and slopes - doubles up for both purposes.


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:31 pm
by Algol

saw this fella today whilst walking around victoria fields in wigan

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:04 pm
by Deano
Thrilled to say that I've just seen my first Orange Tip of the year, in our garden. It was a male and it's 11 days earlier than my first of last year. As is often the case with my initial sightings, it was off before I could get anywhere near with my camera!

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:13 pm
by Jack Harrison
You are very lucky to get enough sun (presumably only from lunchtime onwards?). Here, not far west from you, it has been unremittingly dull all day. But even further to the west, (Wales, West Midlands, SW England) there has been gorgeous sunshine. The satellite animation is always worth looking at: ... gb&sat=vis


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:50 pm
by Gruditch
Great Orange-tip images Fishiee. :) A dull overcast day here in Hampshire, but we did find a single Grizzled Skipper on Stockbridge Down, my first of the season. :D

850 Grizzled Skipper 11.jpg
850 Grizzled Skipper 11.jpg (108.67 KiB) Viewed 986 times

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:52 pm
by nick patel
Numerous butterflies flitting around the M58 on the way into Liverpool today in the glorious sunshine, mostly small t/shells & whites (presumably Orange tips).


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:47 pm
by Deano
jackharr wrote:You are very lucky to get enough sun (presumably only from lunchtime onwards?). Here, not far west from you, it has been unremittingly dull all day. But even further to the west, (Wales, West Midlands, SW England) there has been gorgeous sunshine. The satellite animation is always worth looking at: ... gb&sat=vis

Hi Jack
Yes, you're right - the brief spells of sunshine were after lunch, and it was during one of these that I saw the Orange Tip. Other than those moments, like your home area, it was really dull!

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:28 pm
by Shirley Roulston
One or two butterflies to-day, I love your photos Fishee, mine is hopeless but here it is, I haven't got a macro lens yet, I'm not very sure what to buy. :(
DSC00937.JPG (68.07 KiB) Viewed 908 times

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:14 pm
by thepostieles
nice pic shirley :D

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:54 pm
by Dave McCormick
I saw either a GV White or a small white today, was passing in the car so could not get a pic or see 100% what it was, but it was a small white butterfly.

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:34 pm
by IAC
Hi all,
I do seem to be very busy just now chasing the rising tide of butterflies during this settled I walked from village of Chirnside, south to the Whiteadder river, then west following the Whiteadder as far as Blanerne Bridge...and what a haul...easily the best day so far..26 Peacock, 15 Small Tortoiseshell, 6 Orange Tip males, 2 Comma, 14 White butterflies....only 4 confirmed GVW..2 Small Large White amongst the remainder, and I am pretty sure no female Orange Tips among them either. Imposible to get photos today as they were very active...the Butterbur again looks to be a favourable nectar source by the river. Sadly this weather may not hold for too much the female Orange Tips may be a while yet. Cheers IAC.

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:04 pm
by Shirley Roulston
Nice photo Iac, I wonder if the male Orange Tip comes out first like the Gate Keeper, no one has put up a photo of a female yet. I found at least 6 Small Tort's along the field and managed a photo with the lens 55-200mm, I found that lens far easier than the Pansonic close up lens.
tort'sh 12.4.jpg
tort'sh 12.4.jpg (119.41 KiB) Viewed 811 times

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:13 pm
by IAC
Hi Shirley, thanks for the is true Orange Tip males appear first..usually 1 week or so before females in these parts. Garlic Mustard or Smock are its favourite plants..and the best days to get close to them with your close up lense is when it is dull and cool...look for the 2 plants I mentioned and you will eventually see them...warning must have the sight of an eagle, for they blend in brilliantly.
Cheers IAC.

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:46 pm
by geniculata
due to the poor weather down here on the south coast there's not alot around this weekend exept for three speckled wood on a short walk from barton common late this afternoon.


Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:41 pm
by Tony Moore
Dozens of Green Hairstreaks on Cannock Chase (SJ 982 180) this afternoon. :D .

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:46 am
by NickB
Truly jealous of all your sightings (particularly the Green Hairstreak) - over here in Cambridge the temperature has barely risen above 10-12C and humidity just now dropping below 90%; the sun remains stubbornly over a veil of low cloud, as it has done for the last 3 days! Briefly saw a glimmer earlier today - but back to the grot now! :(

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:01 pm
by Charles Nicol
I walked along Fleam Dyke near Cambridge today... the weather started overcast...& remained overcast until just before i arrived home :cry: :cry: :cry:

i did manage to find these green veined whites who were enjoying their bank holiday
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Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:40 pm
by thepostieles
i bet they were lol :D

Re: April 2009 Lepidoptera Sightings

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:14 pm
by NickB
Hurrah - finally the sun made an appearance and I got my butterfly fix! Several Peacock, a few ST's and several Small Whites and a couple of Large and GV too! And my first Speckie of the year (although my mother in Leeds reported one to me nearly a month ago!)
Speckled_Wood_1_low_MRC_13_April_2009.jpg (204.99 KiB) Viewed 628 times
ISO 200, f5.6 @1/100th
Small_White_1_low_MRC_13_April_2009.jpg (207.24 KiB) Viewed 627 times
ISO 200, f5.6 @1/100th
Nikon D300, Tamron 90mm macro + Kenco 1.4TC, monopod