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Posts: 7054
Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:31 pm
Location: Heathrow

Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

Cheers, Wurzel - I've never seen the West Country population of Heaths, but if they're as good as the Essex and Kent ones, it'll be well worth the effort. :)

23rd June: part three.

I now set off for home, but for the sake of variety (and for the hell of it!) I decided to go across the Dartford Bridge and round the south side of the M25 - and so complete the whole circuit. Amazingly, the traffic was as kind as it had been earlier in the day and I found myself approaching J9 in pretty good time, so turned off and popped up to Box Hill.

It was now completely cloudy, but the Marbled Whites were still flying (though still no DGF as yet).
MW2 230624.JPG
MW4 230624.JPG
MW5 230624.JPG
MW7 230624.JPG
MW9 230624.JPG
One adopted an inverted pose against the light, providing an unusual shot.
MW1 230624.JPG
I wandered over to the kidney vetch patch and was surprised to find a Small Blue (after their apparent absence three days earlier) - and even more surprised to see it was a male.
SB3 230624.JPG
Sharing the vetch patch was a Large Skipper.
LS1 230624.JPG
They seem a bit thin on the ground this year.

After a bit of refreshment, I finally completed the circle and went home. :)

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