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Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:02 pm
by David M
Good to see you back on here, Lee.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:27 pm
by Mark Colvin
Great to have you back Lee.

Make sure you ask permission if you want to leave again ... :wink:

Take care.

Kind regards. Mark

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:42 pm
by Susie
It's great to see you back, Lee. Looking forward to catching up with you very soon. :-)

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:45 pm
by Neil Freeman
Welcome back Lee, looking forward to seeing you post your great photos again :D


Neil F.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:16 pm
by millerd
Nice to have you back, Lee - thought about you only the other day when entering a deluge just by the Wrotham turning off the M26. Unfortunately the lovely countryside you've described was temporarily obscured...



Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:06 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks everyone :D

It's good to be back.


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:03 pm
by Gothic_dreams
Hey Lee, your report was an interesting read and i look forward to looking at your photos from spain, always interesting to see whats about in other parts of the world :)


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:21 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Chris.

I need to get a new hard drive first but you will see them at some point...

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:27 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Sunday 15th July 2012

With today being a much nicer day weather wise, I once again went in search of His Imperial Majesty at Dene Park this morning. I didn't know, but there was a Kent BC branch outing there too, and it wasn't long before I bumped into several more iris hunters and then the rest of the crowd, all gazing skyward. We didn't see any though while I was there, although I did leave before the rest. I did learn where the hotspots are though and where He had been seen in previous years.

A single Silver Washed Fritillary as I arrived, 3 White Admiral, 4 Comma, 5 Large Skipper and 15+ Meadow Brown being my tally.


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:19 pm
by Nick Broomer
Nice to see you posting again Lee.

All the best, Nick.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:41 pm
by essexbuzzard
Yes all the best Lee,from your neighbours in Essex. :)

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:33 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks chaps.

It IS good to be back :D

Best wishes


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:36 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Lee,

Welcome back from me too. Let's hope your attendance record improves this term.

Best Wishes, Neil

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:50 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Neil.

I'll put in some extra work to catch up, don't worry.

Best wishes,


Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:36 am
by Lee Hurrell
Sunday 22nd July

I had a lovely day today. I spent most of it in the sun, had 3 trips out, saw 5 firsts for the year, found another new colony near home of one of my favourite species and rounded it off by meeting up with Susie.

First up was Dene Park, once more in search of Him. I was unsuccessful but He had been seen earlier in the morning, hearing accounts from others I met. I did see: 2 male Silver Washed Fritillary, 2 White Admiral, 2 Red Admiral, 5 Comma, 3 Speckled Wood, 15+ Meadow Brown, 10 Gatekeeper (my first of the year), 1 Ringlet, 1 Large Skipper, 3 Large White and 4 Small White.

Later I walked along my local downs and was thrilled to see, along the entire length of the bits I walked, for about half a mile, at least 50 male Chalkhill Blues and 7 females. Everywhere I went they were there. It's perhaps not surprising they are present, given the perfect habitat, but it is another welcome species on my doorstep and made my day. I'd imagine this is also an unknown colony as I never see anyone up here, I know of no other reports and if you didn't know the village you wouldn't know the downs. Or how to get there really.

Also seen were 1 Red Admiral, 3 Comma, 25+ Meadow Brown, 3 Ringlet (another new species for home), 10 Gatekeeper and 2 Small White.

In the field I walk through to get to the downs I saw my first Small Skipper of the year (another new species for home), 5 Meadow Brown, 5 Gatekeeper and a Comma.

A Sparrowhawk and a Kestrel, both hunting, rounded off a lovely afternoon.

Later still, I'd arranged to meet Susie at Denbies. It was lovely to get out a bit further again; even though it's only 50 minutes from home, I think this was my first longer distance trip out this year. And of course it was lovely to see Susie.

As we stood talking with the sun setting behind us, Chalkhill Blues, Marbled Whites and Small Skippers all around us were finding roosts for the night.

Susie showed me some areas of the hill I didn't know and also found a mass roost site for Chalkhill Blues. One small area held many butterflies, with up to 10 together on a couple of adjoining grass stems.

Altogether, we saw: 1 Small Tortoiseshell (my first of the year), 25+ Marbled White (first of the year), 25+ Meadow Brown, 5 Gatekeeper, 1 Small Heath, 10+ Small Skipper (1 possible Essex) and 30+ male Chalkhill Blues and 1 female.

All together, a very nice day. :D

Again, (hopefully some nice), photos will follow.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:01 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Monday 23rd July

I just had to go after my local Chalkhills when I got home this evening. I didn't find a roost site but I did find a few individuals about to settle down.

In total I saw 2 male and 1 female Chalkhill Blue, 1 Comma, 2 Ringlet, 4 Meadow Brown and 1 Small Skipper.

I could get used to walking on the downs in lovely evening sunshine.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:06 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Tuesday 24th July

As I was home a little earlier tonight I had to go back. A surprise lay in the small field I walk through to get to the downs - a Marbled White, nectaring on buddleia. As far as I know, this is someway from the nearest colony and is another first for me at home. I was speaking to a Kent BC branch committee member recently about Kent sites for Marbled White and he suggested going to Dover...and then one turns up on my doorstep :D

1 male Gatekeeper and a male Small White were also in this field.

I carried on into the large field below the downs and found a Comma basking on the hedge just inside.

Up onto the downs and Chalkhill Blues were more numerous than last night. I walked further this time and found a roost site at the top of a hill in a patch of long grass.

I also saw another (the same?) Sparrowhawk and a Kestrel, this one with it's supper.

Another Comma was a few feet from the first on the way back.

In total I saw 15+ male and 5 female Chalkhill Blue, 2 Comma and 8 Meadow Brown

There WILL be some lovely photos to follow from this evening :D

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:48 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Thursday 26th July 2012

My third evening trip this week in search of roosting Chalkhill Blues. I headed straight for the roost site and sure enough they were there again although I didn't have long left of the sun. But I had enough. :D

10 male and 5 female Chalkhill Blue, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Meadow Brown, 2 Gatekeeper and 1 male Large White.

The downs are so beautiful in the evening sun.

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:07 pm
by essexbuzzard
Great stuff Lee,it's good to see you're getting to know your new area.
Chalkhill blues are wonderful,arent they? They seem to be having a good year. On the face of it,that's surprising,but perhaps the wet weather has promoted lush growth of the Horseshoe vetch. We don't have then in Essex,i can feel a trip Kent,Surrey or somewhere coming up! :)

Re: Lee Hurrell

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:48 am
by Lee Hurrell
Thanks Essexbuzzard. It's true I've missed a fair bit this season, but that means more to explore next year :D

If you fancy a trip south of the river, I'd be happy to show you my local patch, plus I'm only a couple of miles from the Kent branch's flagship reserve (which I'll be visiting anyday now!)

That invite extends to anyone who finds themselves in Kent, just send me a message.

Best wishes,
