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Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:49 pm
by trevor
I went over to Rowland Wood this morning. It was largely cloudy but 18/9c.
I eventually found four species, three of them, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, and Small Skipper
were season firsts. It took a great deal of patience to obtain an open wing Meadow Brown,
whereas the Small Skipper was easy and just perched there for me!
I was pleased when the one and only Ringlet found today stopped bobbing around and
basked with wings fully open showing some stunning rings on it's upper side.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 5:25 pm
by trevor
Once again this morning, at Abbots Wood, the Meadow Brown dominated.
Conditions were ideal for finding both sexes basking with wings wide open,
and nearly all were in pristine condition.
The only other distraction was a very fresh, female, Red Admiral which despite
a patient wait, failed to come close enough for a shot. I did however
manage one closed wing shot on the one occasion it came within range.


Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 7:47 pm
by Wurzel
It was a bit of a marathon that's for sure :shock:
Love the first Meadow Brown shot on the latest post Trevor and that Small Skipper is a cracker. Soon be time for Him, I see Bugboy is off the mark already :shock: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:12 am
by David M
That was a fortunate set of conditions which led to those Meadow Browns opening up, Trevor. It's pretty rare to see them doing this so early in their flight season. Usually, they wait until late August when they're rather worn and bedraggled!

Great open wing shot of the Ringlet. They're velvety when fresh. :mrgreen:

Re: Trevor

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:01 pm
by trevor
I popped over to Abbots Wood early this morning, and soon saw my first White Admiral
of the year gliding high around the tree tops. I saw it another five times for over an hour
still high up. Then suddenly it came in from nowhere and landed on a bramble right in front of me!
The other notable sighting was a fresh male Silver Washed Fritillary which carried on flying.

As I filled in time waiting hopefully, for the above, a few basking Meadow Browns caught my eye.

A tentative start to Summer madness!

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:03 pm
by trevor
THE BEST LAID PLANS, and all that!

On my walk from the car to the triangle at Chiddingfold this morning I noticed
a fresh fox scat on the track. Using a stick I transferred the fox poo onto a dried
horse dropping from yesterday. Surely I had prepared an ideal banquet for the Emperor.
Almost immediately two Red Admirals landed on my preparation, and remained there.
Later on in the morning while having a well earned coffee, I watched as a Purple Emperor
homed in on my bait. It landed a short distance away and started to walk towards his lunch.

As the Emperor flew onto my bait it was spooked by the resident Red Admiral and was not seen again!

OH WELL........

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:20 pm
by millerd
That really is a great shot of the Emperor literally with his tongue hanging out at the prospect of lunch! :lol: It's a shame the Red Admiral spooked him. I had a similar situation the other day, but I managed to unsettle the Admiral and a nearby Emperor took advantage. :)



Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:53 pm
by trevor
On Saturday I was kindly tipped off by bugboy and Dave ( millerd ) that the
Purple Emperor was showing well and landing at Chiddingfold Forest.
With good reliable information like that I visited on Sunday, and sure enough,
about 10am the groundings started. Unfortunately the heat built quickly and
those Purple Emperors that landed in the sunshine didn't stay long, and the rest
chose deep shade under the trees where it was too dark for any decent shots.
When I returned home, and sorted through my images just two were worth posting.
Apart from the heat, and a camera full of poor images, it was great to see so many
Emperor groundings, even though the same specimens were seen multiple times.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 9:06 pm
by trevor
Cheers Dave. Today was much better both for me and the Emperors.

Thanks again for the info.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:03 pm
by trevor
Yesterdays Emperor adventure was more fulfilling than Sundays.
The temperature was perfect, and the sunlight was softer owing to a thin layer of high cloud.
PE groundings started later than Sunday, the first one being the one spooked by the Red Admiral.
The best grounding came around mid-day and was unfortunately on something nasty, but he was
down for a long time, in two sittings, flying into a nearby tree before returning for a second helping.
He finally opened up giving us a glimpse of purple, just before taking off.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:25 pm
by Wurzel
Fantastic stuff Trevor 8) :mrgreen: I'm hoping some will hang around til this weekend as I was busy with Whitters and Lulworths last weekend :wink: After several years of His Nibbs giving me the run around 'd have been happy with your first set of shots - so the later ones fall into the 'I wish I'd taken those, by comparison :wink: :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:21 am
by Goldie M
Lovely shots of the Emperor Trevor, the open winged shot is a beauty :mrgreen: Goldie :D

Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:55 am
by trevor
Thanks Wurzel & Goldie. I've seen plenty of Emperors this week, but not many good photo opps.

I've had a busy week, so a bit behind!.
On Tuesday morning I had a magical five mins. with a very placid White Admiral.
With very little else flying, on what I would have thought was a perfect early morning,
I noticed a White Admiral fly into an Oak, and just sit there. It was in a perfect position
for a side on closed wing shot. When it decided to flutter onto another leaf it attracted
the attention of another White admiral, which joined it. I thought for a moment I might
witness a mating pair, but no they eventually went their separate ways.

My earlier patience paid off!

Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:47 pm
by Neil Freeman
Some nice Emperor shots there Trevor but I really like the White Admiral photos, especially the double :mrgreen: :D

A few Purple Emperors reported from up here last weekend but nothing since, no doubt due to the gloom and drizzle we have had up until this morning.



Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:17 pm
by trevor
Good luck with the Emperors, Neil.
Certainly down here they are having one of their better years, and a little early.
Also plenty of White Admirals around too.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 6:16 am
by trevor
Of course there is the supporting cast to the Emperors performance.

The Silver Washed Fritillaries were magnificent, all fresh, and with one exception, all were males.
Also three Wood Whites were still around from the Spring brood, all egg laying females.
Fortunately one paused in an ideal spot for an image.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 10:58 am
by millerd
Those are terrific White Admiral shots, Trevor, and the SWF ones remind me I haven't properly caught up with this species this year. I'm pleased the Emperors played ball for you too - after last weekend's exclusive audience I haven't been back for another look. :) Those Wood Whites are amazingly durable: they'll be overlapping with the early second brood if they aren't careful (assuming there is one this year of course).



Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:12 pm
by trevor
Cheers Dave. Last Sunday I had plenty of Emperor groundings, most in deep shade.
Fewer on Monday, but managed some purple, Wednesday they were skittish, and
Friday the weather collapsed, none seen.
SWF numbers built throughout the week ( all males ).
A few years back I met Max Anderson at Chiddingfold, and we had a few Spring
Wood Whites, and a some newly emerged Summer brood ones on the same day.

Once again thanks for the tip off :D . The best week there since 2018.


Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:48 pm
by bugboy
Glad you had some Emperor action Trevor :). Most other years the little green man would come out but its been a marvelous season for them so far :D

Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 6:43 pm
by Wurzel
Cracking Emperors Trevor :D I managed to catch up with Him this afternoon - but only a hint of purple so a few more :mrgreen: :mrgreen: from me and also for the White Admirals and Silver-washed :D

Have a goodun
