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Re: ernie f

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:48 pm
by trevor
Excellent shot of the Mint Moth Ernie, especially when you consider how small they are.
Must look out for some Autumn Ladies Tresses too.


Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:22 am
by ernie f
Thanks, Trevor. I counted over 100 AL Tresses in bloom at Noar Hill, few were fully out but all had some blooms. If you know where to look in your area I am sure you will find some out now.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:31 am
by ernie f
Kingsley Common - 21st Aug 2018

The sun came out in the afternoon and it got quite hot. I thought I might go and see if the Small Coppers were out at Kingsley yet. I didn’t expect them to be because this location harbours a late brood and typically this begins around early September.

But being an eternal optimist I explored the grassy heath. It still showed the parching effects of our long hot summer…
Kingsley Common in the late summer of 2018.JPG
But perseverance paid dividends because there was one Small Copper. His home was in a little mini-valley covered with fresh, green Sheep's Sorrel and flowering Bell Heather but also rather a lot of creamy-white lichen.
Kinsgley Common covered with lichen.JPG
I stayed awhile to take pics and found he was the only one there. In fact he was the only one I saw on the entire heath today. He must have been around for some while because he already had a nick out of his wing from a close encounter with a bird. He also had one wing with cream where orange should be. Possibly yet another individual with a slight mutation formed during pupation. I have seen other species with such minor deformities this year and put it down to the heat.
Small Copper with cream blemish (1).JPG
Small Copper with cream blemish (4).JPG
Small Copper with cream blemish (6).JPG
Small Copper with cream blemish (7).JPG
Non-butterfly Snapshot of the day

The creamy-white lichen that covers the heath where the Small Copper lived is most probably Cladonia portentosa. My book says it can form extensive carpets and loves heathland.
Cladonia Portentosa (1).JPG

Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:29 am
by Andrew555
A great selection of shots from Old Winchester Hill Ernie, and I like the look of those stateside butterflies. :D

Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:12 pm
by Wurzel
Lovely sets of reports recently Ernie, those Adonis and Silver Spots were cracking looking specimens :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:16 pm
by ernie f
Thanks Wurzel and Andrew. Old Winch Hill has been pretty good recently.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:22 pm
by ernie f
Kingsley Common - 23d Aug 2018

Here once again for Small Coppers. Today I went to the same area and found two more Small Coppers but I did not see the one from the other day. I could tell because of the difference in the nicks in the wings between them all.
I checked for wing-roll but none have done it so far.

Non-butterfly Snapshot of the day

Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:26 pm
by ernie f
I submitted my last post before adding the Non-butterfly Snapshot!

I was going to mention that the fungi and lichens here are increasing in leaps and bounds. Although dogtooth lichen is out now, its mostly the grey sort. This location however in a few weeks time should have some of the rufous dogtooth lichen.
Peltigera rufescens Dogtooth (1).jpg

Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:43 pm
by Wurzel
Great set of Coppers, especially the last shot :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: That's such a good copper it's even got a bit of verdigris on the leading edges of the forewings :D

Have a goodun


Also for wing rolling; Short-tailed and Provencal Short-tailed Blue and Mazarine Blue.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:51 pm
by millerd
Those are terrific Small Copper shots, Ernie. :) That white lichen is common underfoot at Dawneys Hill, where I go to see SSB and Graylings. It seems to thrive in very dry places and someone told me it makes very good tinder for starting fires - but I've never tried myself... :)


Re: ernie f

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:04 pm
by David M
Those are interesting habitat shots, ernie, as they are in stark contrast to the green and verdant surroundings that have retaken the upper hand round my way.

The Small Copper looks as though its coming out in sympathy with its pale markings to reflect the parched terrain.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:39 am
by ernie f
Thanks, Guys.

Wurzel - I'll add your wing-rollers to the wing-roll topic.
Dave (Miller) - The white lichen is profuse where it occurs here but its by no means everywhere. Most of this heath is dry but I have yet to figure out what other factor plays a part in its presence.
David (M) - I agree. Usually when the Coppers first emerge they are vibrant orange but all three of the ones I have seen so far are very muted and as mentioned one was actually bleached on a forewing.


Re: ernie f

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:38 pm
by ernie f
Old Winchester Hill - 24th Aug 2018

Adonis Blues again. There are still a lot of them here and pretty much all of them fresh. I was able to add one female to my annual count bringing my total here for 2nd brooders to 30 and my annual count here (both broods) to 36. This is in fact a record for me and I have been told there is another batch on the far side of the Iron Age Hillfort, still on the same reserve, but I am not sure yet whether I shall make another visit this year in order to find them.

The Adonis Blue is a “Pootiful” Butterfly!
on poo a.JPG
on poo c.JPG
on poo b.JPG
Also one SS Skip, a few Chalkhills, some fresh but far fewer than seen recently, Common Blue, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood, Small Heath, but no Clouded Yellows. I think they must have been there but hunkered down as it was cool and breezy and while I was there it got quite overcast after a sunny start.

Non-butterfly Snapshot of the day

Another thing that was not there were the usual thousands of Autumn Gentian. Here is a picture of the hillside that they like from a previous year at around this time (perhaps a week or so later). You may need to click on the pic to enlarge it to see the plants better.
10,000 Autumn Gentian (6).JPG
But today I was hard-pressed to find one or two even though they are out and flourishing at Noar Hill at the moment. On a better note though, the Autumn Ladies Tresses are coming out now and there are quite a few of those along the path at Old Winch.


Talking of things that “aren’t there”. What has happened to all the Brimstones? I saw one on the 2nd Aug and none since then.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:50 pm
by Wurzel
That is a cracking Adonis shot Ernie :mrgreen: even if it is on something much less pleasent :shock: :roll: :lol:

Have a goodun


Re: ernie f

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 7:31 am
by David M
Wow! I needed sunglasses for that first Adonis, ernie. You should put a warning on such posts!! :)

Re: ernie f

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:07 am
by Goldie M
Hi! ernie, I can only give you greens for all those lovely Coppers and Adonis Blues :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: not having seen any of them this year so far and with the weather we've had not lightly to either :( Goldie :D

Re: ernie f

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:10 pm
by ernie f
Thank you all. I think I am finally getting the hang of the new camera.

Re: ernie f

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:28 pm
by ernie f
Broxhead Common - 28th August 2018

I was worried about the possible plight of the Small Coppers at Broxhead after the long, hot summer days (remember those?) But today I counted 11 here. Only a couple in the lek though. Four were amongst the heather at the top of the path and two of those were males who really had it in for each other. They had one sparring match and then rested but then resumed and this bout lasted for around two minutes. I left them to it as I walked on but its my guess they were doing this on and off every time they had recouped enough energy to do so.
copper a.JPG
copper b.JPG
copper c.JPG
copper d.JPG
copper e.JPG
copper f.JPG
copper g.JPG
One settled on some heather and looked as though he might do a wing-roll for me but he didn't. He was just arranging himself properly on a bloom so as to nectar from it. Blast! I have never seen one do a wing-roll yet.

But I did get a first for me - a Beautiful Yellow Underwing moth (I think). You may need to click on the image to enlarge it.
Beautiful Yellow Underwing (1).JPG
Also a Specklie, a Small White, a single Meadow Brown and a few female Common Blues.

Non-butterfly Snapshot of the day

Last year in September while coming here for the Coppers I came across a Cup fungus growing directly out of the sand beside the path. I think its a Peziza michelii.
Peziza michelii (1).JPG

Re: ernie f

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 8:15 pm
by millerd
The Copper in the third shot down is a splendid individual, with understated forewing spots and a blue-badger to boot! Very nice. :)


Re: ernie f

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:35 pm
by Wurzel
I echo Dave's comments Ernie, great find that one :D Also great is the way that you caught the golden sheen from the fore wing on the penultimate shot :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun
