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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

An interesting selection there, Wurzel. I've also always enjoyed the sight of Scarce Swallowtails, ever since my first trips to the Greek Islands back in the 1970s. Really exotic-looking, which seemed to fit with the excitement of my first holidays abroad. Your photos bring it all back! :) :mrgreen:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Love that Swallow Tail Wurzel, it's a pity we can't have them over here, that really would be great. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Just catching up on your Portugal trip Wurzel. Some interesting stuff there and great photos :D

My youngest son and his girlfriend were due to fly out there at the end of the month but as you can probably guess that has been canned.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D Yep they were also the more common Swallowtail in Portugal while I was there :shock: :D And it was very kite like :D
Cheers Dave :D Glad to have stirred up happy memories Dave - I think we're going to need them in the coming weeks :?
Cheers Goldie :D I know they would certainly make an attractive addition to the UK fauna - perhaps if global warming continues they'll be over here soon :) That is one plus side I suppose :?
Cheers Neil :D Sorry to hear about the cancelled trip Neil - I reckon that my 2020 getaway could go the same way :( But if it means staying healthy then so be it...
Stay safe all.

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Day 2 - Part 2 – Out and about the site….31-07-2019

My next foray out came shortly after arriving back from the last this time I needed to pick up some more toilet paper from the main house so I set off on a slightly roundabout route to run my errand. I called in at the lush trackway that I’d spied earlier. My hunch about it’s butterfly pulling power proved accurate almost immediately as the normally flighty and unapproachable Southern Gatekeepers actually sat still, occasionally posed and one even opened up to reveal the very tidy sex brand of the male. On one small bush I counted a Holly Blue, Small Copper, 2 Hedgies and 3 Southern Gatekeepers. From a different bush something much larger took off, a Cardinal. I managed a few snatch shots as it flew about though most ended up as ‘record’ shots because it insisted on flying and landing above head height on the foliage that overhung the path from the terrace above. Still at least I ‘had’ my Cardinal. As I was leaving another Copper caught my eye. At first, having now gotten used to seeing Miniscule Amount of Coppers that’s what I thought it was but as it turned I could see the square of spots on the underside among the others so I knew that I had a Sooty Copper. As it turned and opened up the forewings I spied that it had ‘tails’ which checking later meant that this was an Iberian Sooty Copper. Shots of two lifers in as many minutes – since when is butterflying this easy?
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I carried on my quest for the ‘Roll of the Bog’ but was brought to a standstill just shy of the house. I had unwittingly spooked a Cardinal (for such a big butterfly they’re surprisingly good at disappearing) so I watched with bated breath as it soared by and on down the slope. Suddenly it veered back and landed neatly on a clump of yellow flowers. Somehow I managed to scramble down the slope and get enough purchase for a few shots. I think it took a liking to me as it moved round the bush into an even better position. I dutifully returned with the required loo paper, albeit somewhat later than expected and chilled for a bit in the camp with a coffee and my shots to look through.
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Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Wurzel wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:57 pm
Cheers Neil :D Sorry to hear about the cancelled trip Neil - I reckon that my 2020 getaway could go the same way :( But if it means staying healthy then so be it...
Stay safe all.

Have a goodun

At least he got a full refund. I reckon quite few of us will end up with cancelled trips this year, especially if they are in the next few months.

On a brighter note, that Cardinal is a cracking butterfly :mrgreen: :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

Your penultimate image of that Cardinal, is stunning.
Mind you there is more of a chance of finding Cardinal over here,
than to try and find a toilet roll for sale.

Hope you can escape for some exercise,
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Janet Turnbull »

Those pics of the Cardinal are stunners, Wurzel! :mrgreen:
We've had to cancel a trip too - we were going to walk the Ridgeway in May, with butterflying on the side. At least the wildlife will get a bit of peace this year!
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Re: Wurzel

Post by bugboy »

You might well actually catch up this year Wurzel! Some very good looking butterflies there, love the Sooty Copper :mrgreen:
Some addictions are good for the soul!
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, I love the comment from Trevor about the Cardinal and the Toilet Roll :lol: Lovely Butterflies, may be things will buck up sooner than we think and you'll manage a Holiday, my Daughters had to cancel her's and my Grandson hasn't got back from Mexico yet, it's worrying. Goldie :)
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Neil :D I'm hoping that there might be a few months respite between June and September - ever the optimist :?
Cheers Trevor :D I've heard that Toilet Rolls are the only thing keeping the London Stock Exchange going at the moment :wink:
Cheers Janet :D Yeah I've really noticed the birds and butterflies more this spring - the songs are soooo loud now they're not drowned out by cars pedestrian chatter :D
Cheers Bugboy :D You never know Bugboy stranger things have happened :shock: :lol:
Cheers Goldie :D I hope your Grandson is okay. I like your optimism and I'm hoping the recent Oxford study is correct, fingers crossed :?

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

My Grandson got home okay Wurzel, thank God, he got a talking too though from my Daughter :D Goldie :D
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Re: Wurzel

Post by ernie f »

Just saw your jumping squirrel pic, Wurzel. Amazing. We have two in our garden at the moment - a male and female I think as the male is pursuing the female and although she is not running away she is certainly playing hard to get. She moves a few paces and waits, then he follows, then she moves a few more paces and waits and he follows again. Its quite funny to watch.
Ernie F
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Glad he got back OK Goldie - although depending on the severity of the telling off perhaps he'd rather have stayed away :wink: :lol:
Cheers Ernie :D Sounds like the female is making sure that the male is definitely up to scratch :) I wish him luck - sounds like he needs it :lol:

Day 2 - Part 3 – Out and about the site….31-07-2019

The girls wanted to head to the pool again so again I escorted them down and once they were in I again ventured forth. Down through the Olive groves I went getting a bite from a monstrous fly (possibly a Mammothfly?) on the way and making the wrong call as to which of two butterflies to follow. As I was setting off a male Sooty and two BAs flew in from opposite sides of the track. In the ensuing melee I tried to follow what I thought was the Sooty but in the end was the SBA. Dusty and tired I stumbled upon a Lang’s back at the pool when picking the girls up.
Spot the Tree Grayling...
Spot the Tree Grayling...
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The final venture of the day took me round the various trackways again. The heavily vegetated little spot held some nice Southern Gatekeepers, a Wall and a lovely fresh Holly Blue. Further along the path a Spotted Fritillary landed. It was a male but looked nothing like the artificial orange ones from the Dordogne. I wondered if it was a Lesser Spotted Frit at the time but looking more closely at it later it was just a Spotted – though of a different race possibly to those in the Dordogne. It was a cracking butterfly and should have been the perfect end to the day but foolishly I carried on, seeking a Striped Grayling but not finding one despite walking all the way down the track to the main road and then back up. This meant that the final butterfly of the day was a Meadow Brown (hopefully it’ll be a Dusky :wink: ) but the perfect ending came later as I sat on the decking/veranda sipping red wine and watching the sun setting behind the mountain.
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Not too shabby a view to enjoy with a glass of vino to hand...
Not too shabby a view to enjoy with a glass of vino to hand...
Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Day 3 01-08-2019

The breakfast walk brought Specklies (the brightest yet), Wall and Grayling. On the way back a Cardinal flew into the small field to greet us. It landed up high but I could just make out the reddish underwing shining through. It then led me on a bit of a merry dance. It would fly into a Chestnut tree, I’d watch it and then walk to the spot and it would have disappeared . As I’d sway left and right to locate it, it would take off and repeat! It made me grateful for the easy shots I got yesterday.
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The girls headed off for the pool and I slowly made my way down, taking in the little trackway first. It was a hive of activity with all the usual suspects in droves with the added bonus of a pair of Cardindal. As I was coming away a really tiny, moth like butterfly buzzed about. As I leant in I realised it was a Grizzlie of some description although I won’t sure which one. The row of tiny spots along the margin of the forewings suggested Red –underwing but it was off in a flash after only two shots. Slightly annoyed I carried on stopping for an unusual looking Small Heath.
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Further on the now dusty track I encountered the little buzz ball again and this time I was able to clearly see the red under wing – ace a lifer and I’d finally seen a Portugese skipper that I was able to identify. It was a right little beauty. After this I carried on pool-wards – calling in at the garden on the way where a Painted Lady messed around almost literally in the garden and then on the compost heap...
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Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

That last Skipper shot is a great one to come back with of a new species on your life list, Wurzel! :) That Cardinal earlier on is a splendid butterfly too. :mrgreen:


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Re: Wurzel

Post by essexbuzzard »

Red-underwing Skippers are gorgeous little creatures, aren’t they? And a bit easier to identify than the rest of the group...
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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

As I said before the Grizzly types over there are a nightmare to tell apart,
great that you seem to have something of a grasp of the subject!.

Another great report,

Stay safe and well exercised,
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Dave :D I was dead chuffed with that shot as it made the ID really easy 8)
Cheers Essex :D They were very charismatic little critters and made our Grizzlies look positively grumpy :wink:
Cheers Trevor :D I was all read up ready for the Grizzlies but apart from a Southern Grizzlie this was the only only species that I encountered - still it was a cracker :D

Day 3 Part 2 01-08-2019

I set out to check the drainage channel at the end of the road and there were a multitude of Grayling trying to distract me on the walk down the dirt track. After the searing heat of the 10 minute walk on Asphalt it was a relief to stumble down the hill into the shade for a few minutes while I checked out the lay of the land. It looked great and so I set about trying to ignore the Hedgie, SBA’s and Small Coppers to concentrate on those species that I’d spent less time with. First up was a Lang’s and then a Spotted Frit of the sandy coloured form. It’s not as spectacular as those I’d seen in France but still a lovely sight. My heart stopped for a moment when a larger, brown Fritillary appeared. It started again soon enough when it turned out to be a Dingy. Another Grizzlie-esque Skipper appeared and distracted me before I saw my first Mallow Skipper. I managed a shot and then a SBA saw it off, the little sod! Still I had that one shot. I checked out a few more including a fantastic Iberian Sooty and then watched a Southern White Admiral cutting its way down the slope before trudging back to the pool and then back to the tent.
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As I walked up the ‘front path’ to the tent I spied to white butterflies. On my left was a Bath White and on my right a sort of pale Marbled White. I watched the Bath White but it carried going ceaselessly down the track once it was past me and then I lost it as it glided down the terraces. Turning I was able to watch the Marbled White land and I could see it was a lot less chequered – so an Iberian Marbled White.
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Have a goodun and stay safe.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

I'm really enjoying your posts Wurzel, they cheer me up in my rather bleak episodes of solitude, :D

I'm wondering what can happen next!!! two years ago I lost my Husband, the following year I fractured my foot, this year we've got the virus, I should be depressed but for some reason my curiosity has got the better of me and i'm just watching and listening to the reactions of it all , may be I've gone ( Whacko ) already. :lol: Goldie :D
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