Lee Hurrell

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Lee Hurrell
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Thanks Michael :D

Indeed - I was half expecting to see Edward Woodward trapped inside a giant straw man on the way back down :shock:

By the way, do you know why he had so many letter d's in his name?



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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Lee,

Glad you got close to some Sussex Grayling ... a rare sight indeed!

I just love those Chalkhill Blues. I don't think I'll ever get bored at looking at photos of them.

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by millerd »

Lee Hurrell wrote:

By the way, do you know why he had so many letter d's in his name?
I don't know, Lee, why did he have so many letter d's in his name?

(expectant pause for punchline...)

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Lee Hurrell
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Thanks for picking it up, Dave...

Because if he didn't, he would be called Ewar Woowar.

I'll get me coat....

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Mark Colvin wrote:Hi Lee,

Glad you got close to some Sussex Grayling ... a rare sight indeed!

I just love those Chalkhill Blues. I don't think I'll ever get bored at looking at photos of them.

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark
Thanks Mark. I know what you mean - certainly one of my favourites.



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Lee Hurrell
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Some late reports from last week...

Tuesday 2nd August

A visit to my local cemetery after work in warm sunshine yielded 2 Gatekeeper, 3 Meadow Brown, 1 Speckled Wood, 3 Green Veined White, 2 Small White, 3 male Common Blue, 1 Small Copper and most excitingly a male Essex Skipper, the first one I have ever seen there.
This brings the species seen within the cemetery to 20 - not bad for a small site in West London! I'll let my local BC branch know too.

Wednesday 3rd August

Another after work visit, this time to West Middlesex Golf Course, in a last ditch attempt for local Hairstreaks.

I saw 3 Purple, all out of reach along with 1 Holly Blue, 1 Green Veined White, 2 Gatekeeper, 2 Speckled Wood, 2 Comma and 1 Red Admiral.

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

One evening a couple of weeks ago we had some visitors in the apple tree.
These were taken with the FZ45 on full zoom from a distance of about 20-25 feet. I was quite impressed!



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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Sunday 21st August - Betulae at Bernwood

I returned to Bernwood Meadows today as Brown Hairstreaks should be at about their peak. There was a small herd of cows in the meadow near the car park who obviously thought I was going to feed them as they followed me initially as I walked in. I watched them eat some of the young blackthorn shoots so I hope they don't eat all the eggs....

The forecast had been for a sunny day and I Ieft home to a glorious morning but as I arrived at around 11am it had clouded over. I met a lovely couple, Alan and Kerry, who were armed with a video camera. They left for Whitecross Green Wood and I walked the entire circumference of the meadows and saw a few browns and blues but no Brown Hairstreaks. I went back to the car for an early lunch just as the sun was beginning to come out properly.

I then met some fellow Hairstreak hunters, Kevin and Ian, both from Cambridgeshire and a couple from Bristol, and we searched the thin meadow. Kevin had seen 2 in an oak tree over the road from the meadow and we watched these for a while. I walked on toward the end and at exactly 1pm this lady literally landed at my feet!
I called the others over and hopefully we all got some photos, we certainly all saw her. She flew up into the hedge and I watched her ovi-posturing - I didn't find and eggs subsequently. We also found a tatty male that stayed on a thistle for a most of our time there.

As it was now proper Hairstreak weather Kevin, Ian and I split up and I had another 2 females down low, both in lovely fresh condition.
They were stunning!

A couple of Red Admirals were in the meadow.
While some third brood Speckled Woods were fresh out.
This female Meadow Brown seemed pretty fresh but very pale; I think she had no orange pigment in her scales.
Common Blues were present in small numbers while the second picture is I think a strangely marked Brown Argus.
Sightings for Bernwood Meadows:

6 Brown Hairstreak (at least 3 females, 1 male)
15+ Common Blue
5 Brown Argus
2 Red Admiral
6 Speckled Wood
20+ Gatekeeper
15+ Meadow Brown
10+ Green Veined White

I was debating whether to stay on at Bernwood (it's not every day you have several Brown Hairstreaks land at your feet) but the lure of coridon was strong. So I called into Aston Rowant on the way home but Chalkhill Blue were surprisingly few. I didn't see one until I reached the bottom of the slope.
I'd met Ian from earlier here and showed him where to look for Silver Spotted Skippers - they were in good numbers still, with some fresh individuals. I also saw two courting pairs, with (presumably) the male vibrating his wings near the female, although I didn't get a good photo of this.
At the bottom of the slope near the gate there are huge patches of wild thyme and this was covered in butterflies. Some stunningly fresh Brown Argus were beautiful:
While this female was superbly attired!
Also on the thyme were the most Small Tortoiseshells I have seen in one place in many years - I counted 8. That topped off a terrific day :D
Sightings for Aston Rowant:

25+ Silver Spotted Skipper
10+ Chalk Hill Blue
10+ Common Blue+
8 Brown Argus
6 Small Copper
8 Small Tortoisehell
30+ Meadow Brown
15+ Small Heath
2 Green Veined White

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Pawpawsaurus »

A very nice set of shots, Lee - I'm jealous of the Brown Hairstreaks especially. :mrgreen:

I've not yet made it to Aston Rowant. I keep intending to stop off there on the way home (or at Yoesden Bank for Adonis), but there's never enough time left.


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Mark Colvin
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Lee,

Nice report and pictures. I particularly like the first Brown Hairstreak shot and the Aston Rowant shots of Brown Argus where a lovely blue hue is picked up (or is that just my eyes). Did you take these with the Panasonic?

By the way you get some strange 'sparrows' in Greenford!

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Michaeljf »

Hi Lee,
great report as ever - with some lovely pictures - and good to see you are still 'pulling the ladies' with ease :lol: I would have loved to have popped back to Bernwood on Sunday but we'd travelled too far on Saturday to even think about it. It must be quite a reasonable year for Brown Hairstreaks there apart from those unlucky folks that haven't seen them properly (sorry Paul! :( :wink: ). Who knows, I may yet venture up to Oxford again before this year is out! :)

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Willrow »

Hello Lee,

I must say that your Bernwood and Aston Rowant picture sets are first rate and that trip report is more than good too, and it seemed to be spent in good company as a bonus :) Reports such yours get me all fired up for yet another trip south...I could have migrated by now :lol:

Bill :D

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Thank you all for your kind comments, very nice of you and much appreciated! :D
Pawpawsaurus wrote: I keep intending to stop off there on the way home (or at Yoesden Bank for Adonis), but there's never enough time left.
I've been to Yoesden Bank several times but always in spring, it's a lovely site!
Mark Colvin wrote:I particularly like the first Brown Hairstreak shot and the Aston Rowant shots of Brown Argus where a lovely blue hue is picked up (or is that just my eyes). Did you take these with the Panasonic?
They were taken with the Panasonic. There is a blue hue; that individual had that wonderful rainbow effect you see on a freshly emerged Brown Argus with different colours visible depending on the light.
Mark Colvin wrote:By the way you get some strange 'sparrows' in Greenford!
Yes indeed, quite noisy they are too! But charming in their own way.
Michaeljf wrote: good to see you are still 'pulling the ladies' with ease :lol:
Ahem, best not tell someone then...although I was quite impressed with the photo :D
Willrow wrote:I must say that your Bernwood and Aston Rowant picture sets are first rate and that trip report is more than good too
High praise from you, Bill! :D

Thanks all once again.

Best wishes,

Last edited by Lee Hurrell on Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

I've been pretty busy recently and haven't been out in what seems like ages.

I've seen a few whites and Speckled Woods at home and at work although we did have an Old Lady (HUGE), a Mottled Beauty and one of the smaller Yellow Underwings to light at home last week.



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Mark Colvin
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Lee,

I knew I'd start a trend!
Lee Hurrell wrote:although we did have an Old Lady (HUGE), a Mottled Beauty and one of the smaller Yellow Underwings to light at home last week.
At least with 'Bathroom Entomology' you can do it all year round. :wink:

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark

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Lee Hurrell
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

I must admit I do like seeing what moths I get at home although I don't record them - I should really.

I'm looking forward to my first Angle Shades of the year - another reminder of childhood.


Last edited by Lee Hurrell on Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

The 'front room entomology' continues with a first for the house this week - a Willow Beauty!

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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

After what seems like an age, I had an hour to myself today and had a very enjoyable hour over in the cemetery.

I only saw 20+ Speckled Woods and 8 Small Whites but it was lovely to be surrounded by butterflies again.

This female had a lovely indigo hue, not something I've seen before.
Her underside also had a lovely sage green and violet colouration. She was taking minerals, again, not something I've seen Speckled Woods doing.
Another female.
Males were fighting over sheltered, sunny spots and many aerial dogfights ensued. At one point I could see 5 or 6 all fighting over one section of hedge!

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Mark Colvin
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Lee,

I'm really glad you managed to get out at last.

Great composition in the last shot. Really nice.

Keep up the good work and remember, despite some comments on the forum, the season's NOT over yet!

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark

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Lee Hurrell
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Re: Lee Hurrell

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Thanks Mark, really nice of you to say - that means a lot :D

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To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
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