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Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:26 pm
by David M
Wow! You did well to see any Black Hairstreaks, EB, in particular one so seemingly fresh.

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:24 pm
by essexbuzzard
Thanks David,i did have my concerns about early emergence this year-everything is moving so fast,i'm struggling to keep up! I'm impressed to read about your trip to Oxfordshire for this species,such a long way from Swansea...

It's been several years since we visited Collard Hill to see the Large Blues. This week,with continueing good weather,we felt it was time to put that right and,on Wednesday,we went down to Somerset.

Large Blue numbers have been low at Collard for a couple of years,and it's hard to know why,as many other species have bounced back thanks to better weather. We arrived early,beating the Glastonbury traffic,and we had the slope to ourselves for a while. After about half an hour of searching,i disturbed a Large Blue from the grass,and followed it. I watched it for about two hours,reluctant to loose sight of it. It was just as well as,in the event,this was the only one we saw. There must have been others on site though,as this was a female and,once she had warmed up,she started to feed and lay eggs on the thyme flower buds. A few other people had arrived by now,and she gave a good display for all the morning visitors. :)

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:48 pm
by MikeOxon
You've certainly been getting around recently! Wonderful series of posts and I'm pleased you included some scenic shots, as well as the butterflies. It's nice to be reminded of the beautiful places on our island.


Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:00 pm
by essexbuzzard
Thanks Mike. I like to get a few scenic or habitat shots in where i can-i think it gives a bit of the feel of the place. But i don't know if others like it,so i value your feedback.


Stayed in Essex today,to visit a few local sites and get a few new species.

First up was Belfairs Hadleigh woods. This wood is full of Ringlets,Meadow Browns and Large Skippers. But it was the White Admirals i came to see-my first of the year. Several were flitting up in the canopy,weaving in and out,following the contours of the trees.Every now and then,one would glide down,fly around breifly then soar up again. Such splendid flyers. Occasionally one would stop to feed on the brambles,but only breifly.

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:32 pm
by essexbuzzard
After enjoying these,it was off to nearby Hadleigh Castle Country Park,for my annual White-letter Hairstreak feast. As i've mentioned before,this is the only site i know where adults reliably come down every year,to feed on brambles. Once in the right area,several were quickly spotted. The males were already past their best,but the females were splendid with lovely tails.
But there is more to Hadleigh than WLH.For sheer numbers,this is the best site for summer butterflies i know of in Essex. Large,Essex and my first Small Skippers of 2014 were seen,and Holly Blue,Small Torts,Hutchinsonii Commas, Red Admirals,Ringlest by the hundred,Meadow Browns and Marbles Whites. A super day was had! :D

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:20 pm
by David M
EB, that first White Letter shot is a gem.

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:12 am
by Katrina
The second one is a gem too!

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:13 pm
by Wurzel
Great shots Essex, I reckon all three WLH shots are brill, the first is lush, the second is glorious and the third I like as I can just imagine the butterfly stretching out it's front legs to try and reach the next flower on :D . And it was great to see an Essex Essex Skipper :D I too have found some Essex Skippers Essex but in Wiltshire...this is getting a bit confusing, I'll get my coat :lol:

Have a goodun


Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:21 pm
by essexbuzzard
Thanks David and Katrina for your compliments-glad you like them!

Several rare or unusural flowers grow at Hadleigh.The Depford Pink i one of them. This tiny relative of garden Carnations is rere in GB,though more common in Europe. This is the only place i have seen it in Britain. It grows about 18 inches tall,and flowers in late June and July. Each plant lasts just one year.

Spiny Restharrow also grows here.Though not so rare as the others,it is still uncommon. The woody stems bear thorns,and the lovely pink flowers are borne throughout the summer.

The Hairy Vetchling is a real rarity and,as a native,is probably restricted to Essex. It is a scrambling annual with pink flowers in summer,and grows in the grassy meadows at Hadleigh,and a few nearby places.

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:33 pm
by essexbuzzard
Good to hear from you Wurzel. I'm glad you have seen Essex Skippers over your way.They have been spreading north in recent years,but not west,as far as i know. So they are still a rarity in Dorset,and have never got established in Devon and Cornwall,as far as i know. Here in Essex,though,they are common-just about any patch of grass is likely to turn up a few adults in season.

Cycled through my local woods on my way to work on sunday. Amongst a multitude of Ringlets,Meadow Browns and Large Skippers,i found this cracking beauty-my first of the year! :D

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:38 am
by Willrow
Excellent summaries of your recent visits to some lovely location Mark, those photo's ain't half bad either :wink:

Great to meet you and Esther at Fermyn Woods yesterday...a fantastic day :)

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:30 pm
by essexbuzzard

It was time to catch up with His Imperial Majesty on Wendnesday. We arrived at 9 and already,quite a few cars had arrived-it was going to be a busy day!

Esther had never seen a Purple Emperor before,but that changed within miutes of arrival. Unfortunately a van chose that exact time to drive up the ride-oh well :? Soon i spotted some familiar faces-Phil and Rosalyn,who i met while looking for Long-tailed Blues last year. With them was Bill(Willrow)-great to meet you!

We were soon seeing Emperors and both Esther and me had a trousering. Another took great interest in Bills feet,staying long enough for plenty of Photo's. Yet another took a liking to one of the rucksacs,staying there for a considerable time. Several more grounded males were enjoyed,then,at lunchtime,we had a look to see what else was around.

A Wych Elm was searched and turned up an egg-laying White-letter Hairstreak. It was present for perhaps an hour. Suddenly,almost from under my feet,a male Purple Hairstreak flew up out of the grass,straight up into the trees,and completerly refusing to stip for photo's-this,for me,is the most difficult species to get pictures of,and it is one of the most common butterflies :? . Several White Admirals were seen,and several common species. A super day was had by all present. :D

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:32 pm
by Wurzel
Stunning shots of His Nibbs Essex :mrgreen: Is there a way of getting the blue on both wings - stand right over it, flash ?

Have a goodun


Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:57 pm
by Neil Freeman
Just catching up on your diary Essex, some great reports and photos, I cannot pick out any favourites, they all convey a good 'feel for the place'. I too like the scenic shots, they provide the context and are also enjoyable in themselves

I know what you mean about everything happening at once, I am already resigned to missing some species this year. Mind you that just means that plans are taking shape in the cobwebs of my mind for next year :wink:

Bye the way, many thanks for the great comments on my photos in your Irton Fell report :D



Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:58 am
by Willrow
Great Fermyn report Mark with some real 'tell a story' images...much enjoyed :wink:


Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:30 pm
by Rosalyn
It was certainly a good day. all the better for the company of fellow UK Butterfliers. Good to meet up with you again, and Esther. 2 pics of me with the Kodak, going viral? :lol: I too was miffed to miss out on the Purple Hairstreak we needed a bit more luck on our side, one for another day.

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:49 pm
by essexbuzzard
Thanks for the comments,guys. It was a most enjoyable day at Fermyn,and lovely to see meet up with some of you. Rosalyn,i've seen those pictures too! Fantastic stuff.

Wurzel,i never use the flash on my Lumix when taking butterfly pictures,i find they come out over exposed. I'm sure there is a way,but for someone whose brain went years ago,i've yet to work out how! When His Imperial Majesty is grounded,i just try to take photo's at slightly different angles,and it works-sometimes!

Just back from a short break in northern England.However,before we went on Monday,there was just time to take a look at the grassy common behind my house,to watch the waking Essex Skippers at dawn...

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:05 pm
by essexbuzzard
With the Tour de France coming through Essex today,and within a couple of miles of my home,i was in two minds what to do today. As it turned out,by the time the Tour left Canbridge,we had already arrived at Prees Heath in Shropshire. This Buttefly Conservation reserve is the last Midlands site for Silver-studded Blues. But the habitat area,and the amount of ling heather caterpillar plant is small,and only about a dozen SSB were seen at the most. I'm sure BC is doing all it can to increase the habitat here.

Despite low nunbers,the SSB were a delight to see,and the only chance i will get this year.After enjoying them for a couple of hours,and delays on the M6,it was on to Blackpool late afternoon for a walk,and to get something to eat.I've not been here for about 30 years,so it was nice to visit as an adult. A good start to the trip north. :)

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:10 pm
by essexbuzzard
Forgot to add the photo's! :lol:

Re: essex buzzard

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:16 am
by lee3764
Superb photos as always Mark! Did you receive my e-mail from a couple of days ago??
Just returned from a successful visit to The Lake District and Southern Scotland.
Cheers mate,
Lee Slaughter (Cornwall).