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Re: Art Frames

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:47 am
by Art Frames
On a more serious note I thought I'd better start doing what Trevor told me to do and add in some of my stories from France. I am trying to broaden my European trips beyond France but it has been a favourite place for 30 years and I have been able to find some very special butterfly places there. This year I have a butterfly trip to Hungary, but we may also manage a family trip to France. :)

Last year as well as a trip to the Cevennes (more later) my wife and I spent a couple of weeks in the Aude . My joy in France is the amount of places that are relatively unspoilt and so we aim for likely places (especially rural Gites with any indication of wildlife nearby) and we nearly always find glorious walks rich in butterflies, dragonflies and wildflowers. We stayed in a small village, Arques, just south of Carcassonne - near to the Pyrenees.

One very hot day (well I am English but even so...), it was too hot to walk we set off on a walk which was set out on maps and leaflets from a lovely village, Couiza. You cross a small stone bridge, watching the dragonflies in the sparkling crystal clear water of a trout stream.

ImageSkimmer – Orthetrum sp by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

Within two minutes we were lost. That is fairly typical. We Brits are far too reliant on signs and maps (which I think need to be updated when they are wrong or the route is moved a little rather than just shrugging your shoulders and saying 'c'est la vie'), but after a few reruns and taking a more liberal view of the map we found the footpath again. But getting lost had some side benefits including a Large Tortoiseshell posing on a tree. So the few minutes wandering about were well spent.

ImageLarge Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis polychloros in France by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

The walk involved climbing a mountain (map and wife say - small hill) and every time I thought I had reached the end of my capacity and suggested I might lay down and be brought back down in a box something caught my eye and refilled my batteries. So the walk was punctuated with dozens of small stops for butterflies. I probably took a couple of hundred pictures that day. Including some gorgeous fresh specimens like this Colias sp (probably Bergers?)

ImageColias sp by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

But I am in danger of losing the point of the tale by dwelling on these early stages. It was on returning to the start of the walk where my day exploded into life. After four hours (over mid-day) walking in 30 degree heat. I was just staggering to the end of the path when I saw this...for several seconds I was beyond words and actions. Then I took about twenty identical shots (well you do need to be certain) of a butterfly I'd not seen resting before.

ImageLesser Purple Emperor ssp Clytie by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

At the time I wasn't totally sure what this 'lifer' was just what it nearly looked like. But it was my first Lesser Purple Emperor ssp Clytie. Once I had these shots it flew off and I then immediately recognised a 'what was that...?' butterfly that I'd seen several of but which had not had the good manners to settle up till then.

As you can imagine I had trouble the next day visiting Cathar ruins and non butterfly walks (but fairs fair it is a holiday not a safari). But I wanted to go back to that tree. It was a plum tree, large and in full fruit. I had a good feeling about it. My wife and I visited it three times in all and each time was more wonderful. On the second visit I was looking for my Lesser Purple Emperor when I saw a gliding flash and said there it is, but it wasn't it was instead another 'lifer' a Two Tailed Pasha. It was hard to get a shot in the tree and the butterfly was very active, so I squished a plum....

ImageTwo Tailed Pasha - Charaxes jasius by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

The Lesser PE was also there. And I spent some very special moments running around and trying to get pictures. It was just like being a kid in a sweet shop. Bliss and double bliss.

ImageLesser Purple Emperor ssp Clytie by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

ImageTwo Tailed Pasha - Charaxes jasius by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

ImageTwo Tailed Pasha - Charaxes jasius by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

It is a very special plum tree, in a very unremarkable patch of waste ground, lovingly ignored by locals. What a remarkable place is France. :)

PS I never did get a topside shot of the Lesser PE but there is always this year. :D

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:22 pm
by bugboy
Wonderful stuff Peter. I would fill this reply up with green faces of envy but this is a family site so here's just 3 to be getting on with :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I strongly suspect there will be many more envy inducing images to come though!

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:06 pm
by Padfield
Every picture tells a story. I especially like the one through the leaves of the pasha on a plum, with an expression that says, 'How am I going to get into this?'

Who knows what stories this summer will bring ...


Re: Art Frames

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:14 pm
by David M
Art Frames wrote:My joy in France is the amount of places that are relatively unspoilt and so we aim for likely places (especially rural Gites with any indication of wildlife nearby) and we nearly always find glorious walks rich in butterflies, dragonflies and wildflowers.
Agree entirely, Peter. For a Brit, it's a butterfly paradise. The French are probably quite blasé as these magnificent specimens fly around them due to them being entirely familiar. Your "child in a sweet shop" analogy sums it up perfectly.

I think I'm going to like having you on board here. :)

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:11 pm
by Art Frames
Thank you Bugboy, David and Guy. I'm glad others will like some of these and share my love of France

I didn't know what the little green man was for. It just says Mr Green, so I was none the wiser. But I'd hate to create envy just interest and joy.

It is funny in France when local people ask what you are doing photographing insects on waste ground. You do get some puzzled looks when you explain. But many of the farmers I have met really do get the point and have real solid knowledge. I will eventually tell the tale of the working goat farm in la Brenne which was a perfect wildlife paradise. :D

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:38 pm
by Art Frames
Just to add some more colour and another 'lifer' from that holiday in France (started above) I have just uploaded four more pictures from when I was up the hill in the midday sun.

As you can imagine, your tiredness and aching limbs disappear when you start seeing Cleopatras flying with you. Unfortunately, they were faster than I was and the temperature kept them moving until we walked into an area of wildflowers and more settled butterflies.

So I managed to get a Cleopatra against the light to show off the 'smashing orangey bit' in the middle (I think of them as Jaffa cakes) :D

ImageCleopatra - Gonepteryx cleopatra by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

...and then just as you get one settled butterfly a Swallowtail came along. It was, true to form, not in settling mood. And 70% of the shots were moving. This one was a seconds pause....

ImageSwallowtail - Papilio machaon by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

As always with a Swallowtail I could post dozens of pictures. There is something about being amongst Swallowtails which makes me 'snap-happy'.

But Julia eventually managed to steer me onwards, but only as far as a Weavers Fritillary. Which had managed to find the most unfortunate lighting conditions to settle. Some butterflies show such a lack of support! But one or two were quite nice after a bit of fiddling in Lightroom.

ImageWeaver's Fritillary - Boloria dia by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

And finally, a 'lifer' for that holiday a Spanish Gatekeeper. After years of checking out Gatekeepers in France, on this holiday we saw all three (I'll add the Southern later :D ). It was a holiday to remember.

ImageSpanish Gatekeeper - Pyronia bathseba by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

To be honest reposting these has made me envious of my younger self having a great time in France.
So Bugboy I'll beat you to it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:24 pm
by Wurzel
Wow! Some stunning shots there Art Frames :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: and one for luck :mrgreen: :lol:
When you book your gites do you use a travel company or do you just surf the interweb? I'm trying to persuade my wife that this is an ideal area to take the kids too :wink:

Have a goodun


Re: Art Frames

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:35 pm
by bugboy
Art Frames wrote:To be honest reposting these has made me envious of my younger self having a great time in France.
So Bugboy I'll beat you to it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
How very underhand of you!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: and several more just for that Swallowtail! I know exactly what you mean there, I saw my very first Swallowtail at Strumpshaw fen last year and my finger didn't leave the shutter button until it vanished off over the horizon! :lol:

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:13 pm
by Art Frames
Thanks Wurzel and Bugboy.

I love my French trips, but wish the UK could get some of the butterflies as part of Brexit. :wink:

I have much more to post, stop me when I get tedious :roll:

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:20 pm
by David M
Lovely, crisp images, Peter. I await your Southern Gatekeeper with great interest, as it is a French species I am yet to see.

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:31 pm
by Art Frames
I will post more from France later, but just been stalking a bee fly in the garden.

First time in the garden for bee flies. I have just replanted and dug in several tons of manure, with huge increases in the number of worms so it is now a haven for worm parasites.

Lit with a led video light and one off camera flash.

ImageBee Fly - Bombylius major by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

ImageBee Fly - Bombylius major by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

ImageBee Fly - Bombylius major by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

ImageBee Fly - Bombylius major by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:23 pm
by MikeOxon
That's a very impressive series of macro shots, Peter. You were lucky to have such a co-operative Bee-fly. I need to get out earlier in the morning, before they get too active!

I use similar lighting techniques for flower photography, where I also use the 'stacking' capability of my E-M1. I am impressed with the depth of field you have achieved at f/8, which is presumably down to carefully-chosen camera angles. If you have any technical tips to share, I'd be interested to hear from you, since I use similar equipment but mainly for flowers, where my subjects are more easily controlled :)


Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:50 pm
by trevor
Terrific images Peter, now you are showing us all up !.
I'm glad that Large Tortoiseshell image was taken in France, if it had been
found over here most of us would have been sent into a jealous rage :evil: .

As for the Swallowtail, that really is too much.

All the best,

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 2:59 pm
by Art Frames
MikeOxon wrote:That's a very impressive series of macro shots, Peter. You were lucky to have such a co-operative Bee-fly. I need to get out earlier in the morning, before they get too active!

I use similar lighting techniques for flower photography, where I also use the 'stacking' capability of my E-M1. I am impressed with the depth of field you have achieved at f/8, which is presumably down to carefully-chosen camera angles. If you have any technical tips to share, I'd be interested to hear from you, since I use similar equipment but mainly for flowers, where my subjects are more easily controlled :)

Mike thank you for your kind words. I have seen a few of yours and will go and look again. So many diaries so little time.

I tried the EM1 when it was first announced, I had a preorder. But I returned three with shutter shock and misfocus issues. I waited for the em5 mk2 and have been happy but I was annoyed when they added focus stacking to the 1 and not the 5. :)

This was with the 60mm macro lens, which I find you need to work hard to keep at 1 to 1 with autofocus, so a lot of these slipped back to 1 to 2. I think the eye was closest working distance. I have a number which don't show the eye details :wink:

Mostly I use natural light but it was so dull this morning those were hopeless. So I got some lights. I prefer the led light to show me what is lit. The flash just added some backlight.

So I am just the same really, nothing fancy really just lots of shots and only show those where focus looks about OK :D

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:01 pm
by Art Frames
trevor wrote:Terrific images Peter, now you are showing us all up !.
I'm glad that Large Tortoiseshell image was taken in France, if it had been
found over here most of us would have been sent into a jealous rage :evil: .

As for the Swallowtail, that really is too much.

All the best,
You would have loved the swallowtails Trevor. We'd have never got you away! Now I know which upset you then I can look some out :lol:

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:16 pm
by trevor
Don't worry Peter, I'll upstage you when the Emperor appears this summer.
In the mean time I can take (just about) any image you can throw at me.

Keep 'em coming.

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:59 pm
by Art Frames
Back to France...a couple of days after my previous story I had another day of new experiences. :shock:

In addition to walking and photographing wildlife we also fit in visiting historic sites. The Aude is Cathar country. So there is a lot to visit, mostly Castles. They seem to enjoy building them on high places with a sheer drop on all sides. As I am terrified by heights Julia sometimes needs to visit them without me. But often the car parks are quite interesting butterfly sites. And on this day it gave me time to wander and discover four new 'lifers'. :D

I'll start for David M's sake with my first ever time with the Southern Gatekeeper. I have checked Gatekeepers all over France not realising that I needed to be in a car park in 30+degree heat with quite scrubby plants and gravel, stones. Once found I then hoped I'd see more - but that was my chance for the holiday. So I took shots of this male but was distracted by other butterflies so I have no female to share.

ImageSouthern Gatekeeper - Pyronia cecilia by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

ImageSouthern Gatekeeper - Pyronia cecilia by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

ImageSouthern Gatekeeper - Pyronia cecilia by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

ImageSouthern Gatekeeper - Pyronia cecilia by Peter Willmott, on Flickr

So, half way into the holiday I had seen all three gatekeepers. I managed to keep seeing Spanish and the Northern version all of the holiday...but despite visiting many car parks I think it will be another trip before I see the Southern again :D

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:57 pm
by David M
That's good enough for me. Peter.....and I'll remember your tips about car parks! :)

Re: Art Frames

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:41 pm
by Wurzel
I love all things Gatekeeper Art Framesso that individual is a real gem :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D
Have a goodun


Re: Art Frames

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:34 pm
by MikeOxon
Lovely series of shots, Peter. I especially like the second one, where the vivid colour of the upper-wings stands out against the muted background - a true 'Art' shot :)
