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Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:53 pm
by LancsRover
Hi Charles, how lucky you are to only lose 2 stone when away on your hols, we can't afford to eat in restaurants(coming from the poor north) and we have to forage off the campsite and local fields for anything to eat and usually come back to England half our body weight :(
A few examples below.

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:11 pm
by Charles Nicol
LancsRover wrote:Hi Charles, how lucky you are to only lose 2 stone when away on your hols, we can't afford to eat in restaurants(coming from the poor north) and we have to forage off the campsite and local fields for anything to eat and usually come back to England half our body weight :(
A few examples below.
hehehe mirin' your Stone Age diet Russ :wink:

a slug a day helps you work rest and play :lol:

i saw quite a few interesting fungi in France but was not brave enough to nibble :shock:

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:13 pm
by Charles Nicol
David M wrote:
Charles Nicol wrote:the real challenge is to stay at the new weight now i am back here
Indeed, Charles. Sadly, we don't have the same temperatures which lend themselves to walking long distances and seeing the pounds fall off! :(
i have resisted microwave meals so far since returning...

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:04 pm
by LancsRover
I thought my diet would appeal to your sense of humour Charles, I must admit I only tried the blackberries :D , your fungi look very interesting, that red cap looks deadly, but "I know nothing" as manuel would say.
I'm now in the Pyrenees and found this fungi at Lac d'Estaing today.

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 8:56 pm
by Charles Nicol
LancsRover wrote:I thought my diet would appeal to your sense of humour Charles, I must admit I only tried the blackberries :D , your fungi look very interesting, that red cap looks deadly, but "I know nothing" as manuel would say.
I'm now in the Pyrenees and found this fungi at Lac d'Estaing today.
this chart may help: ... les-ma.jpg

the skull and crossbones indicate are NOT to be eaten :wink:

In France you can take your fungi to the local chemist for advice about whether it is comestible or non...

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:52 am
by Sylvie_h
Hi Charles,

Your red mushroom is a russula. I am not sure about the other two. In order to identify mushrooms, it is essential to check the gills and the stem and you will need of course a good book. The color of the spores is also very important in the identification process, especially when the mushroom is similar to another species. You will need to pick one specimen and leave it overnight on a white sheet of paper. The spores will stick to the paper and will confirm your identification when you look at them in the morning.

PS: I use 'Mushrooms and Other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe - Paperback – by Roger Phillips' which is good for identification.

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:03 am
by Roger Gibbons
I believe (but correct me if I'm wrong) that you can take any mushroom to a pharmacy and they will tell you if it's edible. You often see posters of mushrooms in pharmacies. Not that I've ever tried this.


Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:23 am
by Sylvie_h

Roger is right, anywhere in France, you can take the mushrooms to a chemist (pharmacien) and they will tell you if they are edible (comestible) - if this is what you want anyway.
Some mushrooms are very much alike, a good example is the chanterelle (which is edible and delicious by the way) and the false chanterelle (which is poisonous), they are both the same colour and the same shape...

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:36 pm
by Charles Nicol
Merci Roger & Sylvie...

i am too cowardly to try out mushrooms which don't come from Tesco :?

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:04 pm
by Tony Moore
Mon Pauvre Charles,

You really don't know what you are missing. The first time you taste a dish of freshly and personally collected Ceps (Boletus edulis), which have been cooked gently in cream with a little garlic, salt and pepper.... C'est formidable.
I considered suggesting that you would think that you had died and gone to heaven, but in the event of an ID mistake, that might be too near the truth for comfort :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

Antoine M.

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:31 pm
by David M
Tony Moore wrote:
I considered suggesting that you would think that you had died and gone to heaven, but in the event of an ID mistake, that might be to near the truth for comfort

Must admit, until Sylvie mentioned it I never knew chanterelles had a toxic lookalike. Like Charles, I prefer to leave the sorting to the experts!

Re: Aude 2015

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:54 pm
by Charles Nicol
Tony Moore wrote:Mon Pauvre Charles,

You really don't know what you are missing. The first time you taste a dish of freshly and personally collected Ceps (Boletus edulis), which have been cooked gently in cream with a little garlic, salt and pepper.... C'est formidable.
I considered suggesting that you would think that you had died and gone to heaven, but in the event of an ID mistake, that might be too near the truth for comfort :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

Antoine M.
merci Antoine... you are a fun guy :lol: :lol: