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Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:52 pm
by jhanlon
I think the Landguard report may be result of a misunderstanding, someone posted a shot of the 2001 LT at Landguard. But I might be wrong. If anyone has one visiting their garden they might allow a few visitors. Donations to butterfly conservation?

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:07 am
by nomad
It would be interesting to see some of those taken at Minsmere of this species, who has them and is there a link to them. It does seem the other reports are most
likely to be this species, but you should have a confimed ID, before adding the records .

Best Wishes Peter.

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:20 am
by jhanlon

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:28 am
by jhanlon
Tho not sure if I'm convinced as to the I/d on those pics. Only viewing on a phone tho' which doesn't help

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:15 am
by Pete Eeles
Agreed - I wonder who's responsible for claiming that the Minsmere LT is actually Yellow-legged! So it looks like all of the "potential" sightings are questionable at the moment!

RSPB Minsmere (Suffolk)
Various reports on Twitter, including: ... 0122876928
Unclear as to why this is a Scarce (Yellow-legged) Tortoiseshell, and not Large Tortoiseshell.

Norwich (Norfolk) / Costessey (Norfolk)
A few reports on Twitter, including this one:
This sighting is under question, since there was a butterfly release not far away. Species released being determined.

Landguard (Suffolk)
Reported on Twitter here: and here: ... 1835073536
May have been a misrepresentation of a sighting from a previous year.

Layer de la Haye (Essex)
Reported on Twitter here:
Stated as "Large Tortoiseshell" with ID subsequently questioned as potentially "Yellow-legged / Scarce Tortoiseshell"


- Pete

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:20 am
by jhanlon
Another reported yesterday in garden at Burgh Castle, Gt Yarmouth for 2nd day (per bird info services)

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:16 am
by Mikhail
I can't see anything wrong with the Minsmere butterfly. It has a distinctly white mark near the apex of the forewing and the hindwing shows a broad dark border typical of xanthomelas. I'd say it was a cast-iron copper-bottomed Yellow-legged Torty. As for the Norwich insect, I might be persuaded to eat my Tilley hat if it turns out that either of the large tortoiseshells have been released.


Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:22 am
by Paul Wetton
Some photos of Y L Tort at Burgh Castle on link from Birdguides at ... 4576773264

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:01 am
by Pete Eeles
Mikhail wrote:I can't see anything wrong with the Minsmere butterfly. It has a distinctly white mark near the apex of the forewing and the hindwing shows a broad dark border typical of xanthomelas. I'd say it was a cast-iron copper-bottomed Yellow-legged Torty. As for the Norwich insect, I might be persuaded to eat my Tilley hat if it turns out that either of the large tortoiseshells have been released.

I don't have enough experience of the species to comment with any authority - but have seen photos of Large Tortoiseshell with prominent white markings and quite variable upper sides and undersides. Given the number of folks "twitching" the individual - surely there are photos of the legs somewhere?!


- Pete

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:18 am
by Paul Wetton
According to Minsmere twitter feed the Y L Tort hasn't been seen since 11 today.

The pictures of the one at Burgh Castle in a garden definitely show pale legs.

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:13 pm
by Pete Eeles
Current status (to the best of my knowledge):

RSPB Minsmere (Suffolk)
Various reports on Twitter, including: ... 0122876928
Photos seem to confirm this as a Scarce Tortoiseshell. Bill Stone (Suffolk Butterfly Recorder) provided a nice summary on the UK-Leps forum of links to images (and a video): ... otostream/ ... otostream/

Norwich (Norfolk) / Costessey (Norfolk)
A few reports on Twitter, including this one:
This sighting is under question, since there was a butterfly release not far away. Species released being determined.

Landguard (Suffolk)
Reported on Twitter here: and here: ... 1835073536
May have been a misrepresentation of a sighting from a previous year.

Layer de la Haye (Essex)
Reported on Twitter here:
Stated as "Large Tortoiseshell" with ID subsequently questioned as potentially "Yellow-legged / Scarce Tortoiseshell"

Burgh Castle (Norfolk)
Reported here: ... 4576773264
Comments state "Also mentioned on Bird Guides was that there had been a release of non-native species of butterflies recently at Coloney" (although I can't find this location on a map!).


- Pete

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:52 pm
by langtonbirder
Hi Pete,
Rare Bird Alert are giving the potential butterfly release sight as Colney (so Coloney looks like a mistyping). Its near Norwich sighting.

Steve Smith

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:52 pm
by Pete Eeles
Ah! Thanks Steve!


- Pete

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:54 pm
by Jack Harrison
Just been looking at the winds in East Anglia for past few days. In general light winds from a westerly point since last weekend. Colney (the alleged release site in western outskirts of Norwich) is vaguely upwind of the reported sightings.

However, on and before 10th July, there were light southeasterly winds.

Any information as to date of alleged release?


Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:54 pm
by adrian riley
Hi, Gang
All of the images I have seen refer most certainly to Yellowlegs. A good indicator on the upperside is the square, rather than triangular, shape of the prominent black marking in the basal third of the hindwing. It is made even more prominent by being surrounded by the orange ground colour. In polychloros this area is generally diffusely dark.
Unfortunately no photo, but I saw another individual of this species at a secure private site in north Norfolk this morning. I have obtained permission to go back.
I am keeping a log of the sightings on
Good hunting,
Adrian Riley

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:48 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Ade - especially for the diagnostics! Some on your home patch too :)



Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:09 pm
by The Annoying Czech
Several YLT sightings has been reported in Czech Rep. after nearly a decade, mainly from south-eastern Moravia.

So, I can confirm.

Actually, I ask myself a question if anyone knows where its distribution range approximately ends. Given the fact everything eastwards from CZ is vaguely or poorly explored.

Btw, we also have a clear marks Argynnis pandora to spread northwards.

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:29 pm
by petesmith
Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell seen and photographed at Chambers Farm Wood Lincolnshire a couple of days ago. Other "Large Tortoiseshell" sightings further north in the county may well be this species!

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:41 pm
by HarassedDad
It appears that Norfolk has three. The photos from Burgh castle I've seen appear good, and Adrian doesn't make mistakes. I reckon it makes my concerns about the release at Colney rather moot. I'm still awaiting details and photographs of the release which occurred on Wednesday 9th. (I still have two other sightings of possible european species to eliminate), but at this point I don't think there's much chance that the release had anything to do with the individual at Costessey. It's just a ridiculous co-incidence that the two sites are so close. The appearance of two other individuals is pretty conclusive that these are migrants. The big question is where else they'll turn up? My moneys on Horsey Dunes, north of Great Yarmouth if anyone's up that way.

Re: Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell Invasion in the Netherlands!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:43 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks all - another summary to date:

RSPB Minsmere (Suffolk)
Various reports on Twitter, including: ... 0122876928
Photos seem to confirm this as a Scarce Tortoiseshell. Bill Stone (Suffolk Butterfly Recorder) provided a nice summary on the UK-Leps forum of links to images (and a video): ... otostream/ ... otostream/

Norwich (Norfolk) / Costessey (Norfolk)
A few reports on Twitter, including this one:
This sighting is under question, since there was a butterfly release not far away. Species released being determined.

Burgh Castle (Norfolk)
Reported here: ... 4576773264
Comments state "Also mentioned on Bird Guides was that there had been a release of non-native species of butterflies recently at Colney" and may be the same specimen as above.

Landguard (Suffolk)
Reported on Twitter here: and here: ... 1835073536
May have been a misrepresentation of a sighting from a previous year.

Layer de la Haye (Essex)
Reported on Twitter here:
Stated as "Large Tortoiseshell" with ID subsequently questioned as potentially "Yellow-legged / Scarce Tortoiseshell"

Chambers Farm Wood (Lincolnshire)
Reported by Pete Smith here: ... 174#p88177

Sandwich (Kent)
Reported here (with photos): ... 6394886145


- Pete