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Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:49 am
by Buchan Boy
Monday 5th May 2014

Today I thought I'd take a leisurely drive across West Sussex into Hampshire,South on the A3 to the Queen Elizabeth Country Park.A trek up to the summit on Butser Hill,down the North side to Rake Bottom,a locality that I have always enjoyed.

Pictures can never do justice to how steep this actually is,there is an easier gradient that flanks the Western ridge......
Rake Bottom from the top.
Rake Bottom from the top.
There are two main Duke Of Burgundy colonies here,one at the top and one at the bottom of the valley,although on a day like today they will spread out across the lower parts of the valley so the colonies become less distinct.
Rake Bottom Duke Of Burgundy 1
Rake Bottom Duke Of Burgundy 1
The whole valley bottom was absolutely teaming with butterfly life,Grizzled's and Dingy Skippers aplenty.I tend to photograph all I see,or can get near,to check for aberrations later.

Along the valley bottom,where the wind eases"hot spots" occur,where all manor of butterfly species pick up when the sun arrives.
Rake Bottom typical habitat.
Rake Bottom typical habitat.
A couple of Grizzled Skippers
Rake Bottom Grizzled Skipper 1
Rake Bottom Grizzled Skipper 1
Rake Bottom Grizzled Skipper 2
Rake Bottom Grizzled Skipper 2
I'm forever hunting for the tarasaberration of these,no luck yet.
Dingy Skippers gloriously all over the place.
Rake Bottom Dingy Skipper
Rake Bottom Dingy Skipper
My first Small Heaths and Common Blues of the season
Rake Bottom Small Heath
Rake Bottom Small Heath
Rake Bottom Common Blue
Rake Bottom Common Blue
Another amazing showing by Green Hairstreaks,some as fresh as daisies,the frequency of encounters grew as I reached the second area of Dukes at the Northern end of the valley.
Rake Bottom Green Hairstreak
Rake Bottom Green Hairstreak
The second main population of Dukes live here,and a rather large population Green Hairstreaks.
Rake Bottom Bottom
Rake Bottom Bottom
Rake Bottom Duke Of Burgundy 1
Rake Bottom Duke Of Burgundy 1
Although,to be honest as I've already mentioned, they were all along the valley.
So,hoards of Grizzled and Dingy Skippers,probably 30/40 Dukes,hoards of Green Hairstreaks,Brimstones,Orange-tips,1 small heath and one Common Blue.A possible Painted Lady,but wouldn't settle.
The Hampshire South Downs are waking up nicely and a joy to be there it was,cant wait to retire!


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:21 am
by Wurzel
Great report Dave - I like reading about sites I've not visited and this seems to have a great range of species. Small Heath and Common Blues aren't out here yet but it looks like they're getting closer :D . That Green Hairstrak shot is an absolute cracker :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:54 pm
by Buchan Boy
Wednesday 7th May 2014

A break in the clouds,quickly legged it across to a small meadow in Buchan Park where a Female Brimstone came along to start egg-laying on a young alder.
Female Brimstone ovipositing on alder 1
Female Brimstone ovipositing on alder 1
Female Brimstone ovipositing on alder 2
Female Brimstone ovipositing on alder 2
Female Brimstone ovipositing on alder 3
Female Brimstone ovipositing on alder 3
Brimstone ovum on young alder.
Brimstone ovum on young alder.
I then watched a male approach as the female was still ovipositing,only to witness a remarkable display of repelling postures to negate the advances of the tenacious male.
It all seemed like a whirl of madness from the male until I got home and studied the shots.....
Female Brimstone repelling display 1
Female Brimstone repelling display 1
Female Brimstone repelling display 2
Female Brimstone repelling display 2
Female Brimstone repelling display 3
Female Brimstone repelling display 3
Female Brimstone repelling display 4
Female Brimstone repelling display 4
Female Brimstone repelling display 5
Female Brimstone repelling display 5
Female Brimstone repelling display 6
Female Brimstone repelling display 6
Female Brimstone repelling display 7
Female Brimstone repelling display 7
Female Brimstone repelling display 8
Female Brimstone repelling display 8
Female Brimstone repelling display 9
Female Brimstone repelling display 9
Female Brimstone repelling display 10
Female Brimstone repelling display 10
Female Brimstone repelling display 11
Female Brimstone repelling display 11
Female Brimstone repelling display 12
Female Brimstone repelling display 12
Female Brimstone repelling display 13
Female Brimstone repelling display 13
Female Brimstone repelling display 14
Female Brimstone repelling display 14
Female Brimstone repelling display 15
Female Brimstone repelling display 15
Female Brimstone repelling display 16
Female Brimstone repelling display 16
Female Brimstone repelling display 17
Female Brimstone repelling display 17
Female Brimstone repelling display 18
Female Brimstone repelling display 18
The female finally took to flight and they both crashed into the undergrowth,remarkable.
Female Brimstone Submission?
Female Brimstone Submission?
1/3200 shutter speeds are amazing,exposure comp. down a stop.180 macro at about 5 feet.
Sometimes animal behaviour is just as interesting 100yards from your doorstep!

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:20 pm
by Pauline
Amazing sequence of action shots - truly remarkable.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:27 pm
by Buchan Boy
Thanks Pauline,

I think I passed you at Butser on Monday,sorry your day was saddened by your anxiety with those youths!

I'll say hello next time I see you.


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:47 pm
by Vince Massimo
Amazing sequence, Dave :D .

For me the winner is No.4, but I would like to see a selection added to the Species-Specific Album in due course. I will be sending a PM with a list :) .


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:38 pm
by Padfield
Those pictures are quite surreal, Dave. They freeze moments you never quite see when you're there, because it all looks an energetic blur. I love them.


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:47 pm
by Chris Jackson
Great set of photos Dave from the 5th and 7th of May. You obviously know how to use your photo gear!
Its good to see the context photos - they set the scene well.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:15 pm
by David M
Absolutely magnificent sequence, Dave. Possibly the best I've ever seen on this site.

My personal favourite is number 4 showing both sexes with wings open.

Thanks for a) the effort you put in to get them, and b) taking the time to share them.


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:34 pm
by Katrina
Fantastic detail for on the wing shots! Wonderful sequence of photos. I like number 6 the best.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:36 pm
by Pete Eeles
Buchan Boy wrote:Sometimes animal behaviour is just as interesting 100yards from your doorstep!
Indeed! Absolutely stunning photos - best I've seen of Brimstones in flight. Superb!


- Pete

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:12 pm
by Buchan Boy
Thankyou Guys,and Guy!

Truth be told,the power of a 7D is awesome,and I'm still learning more everyday,that sequence of shots took 400 photographs in about 3 minutes,having the Female in one position whilst she repulsed the assault was also a bonus.

I'd been practising with exposure compensation for a while,and quickly learnt that whites need nearly a full stop down to not over expose in full sunlight.

The best thing though is not worrying about image quality at 800/1200 ISO,rediculous a few years ago.You can keep very fast shutter speeds in not so great light.Brilliant.

Personally,I love No 6,theres a certain menace going on there! :twisted:

Thanks again.


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:59 pm
by Pauline
Hi Dave, where were you when I needed you?? :lol: :lol: I am always reassured when I see folk with cameras as I have always found them to be genuine but I thought you'd be long gone. If I'd known you were still there I'd have been a lot happier. Great shots btw, love the Grizzled Skipper and the Common Blue.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:50 pm
by MikeOxon
May I add my appreciation of your 'action' shots. In the case of Brimstones, they also provide a rare opportunity to view the uppersides. Splendid stuff :D


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:01 pm
by Willrow
Can you get much better than this...special!!! Superb Dave, it inspires.

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:21 pm
by Lee Hurrell
I have to agree, stunning Brimstone photos!

Best wishes,


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:55 pm
by Neil Freeman
What can I say about the Brimstone sequence that hasn't already been said, fantastic images, well done!



Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:34 pm
by Buchan Boy
Many thanks for all your kind words, glad to contribute to this wondrous website.

Friday 9th May 2014

Had a couple of hours in my local park today,periods of sunshine,windy,but no showers luckily.

The local Odonata is starting to move from the ponds to terra firma,then to the air,Buchan Park's SSSI is based around the marvellous array of Dragonflies and Damselflies it posseses.

Large Red Damseflies are away quite well.
Buchan Park Large Red Damselfly immature.
Buchan Park Large Red Damselfly immature.
Buchan Park Large Red Damselfly adult Male
Buchan Park Large Red Damselfly adult Male
But great joy arrived when I spotted my first Downy Emerald of the year,quite a distance from where she emerged as well.These are a speciality of this area and emerge earlier than its cousin The Brilliant Emerald,which it shares habitat with.

Quite difficult to get close to in normal circumstances,so I'm glad I got these.
Buchan Park Downy Emerald Female 1
Buchan Park Downy Emerald Female 1
Buchan Park Downy Emerald Female 2
Buchan Park Downy Emerald Female 2
In upcoming years I'm going to devote proper time to studying these around this area,its always cool to confirm presence early in the season.

On to Orthoptera,and I'd lost touch with the colony of Slender Groundhoppers up here,but bumped into them again,i only came across two though,but confirmed presence again.
Buchan Park Slender Groundhopper
Buchan Park Slender Groundhopper
There were also some butterflies around.
This Peacock was looking a tad weary
Buchan Park Peacock
Buchan Park Peacock
Brimstones on the Bluebells,always a delight
Buchan Park Brimstone
Buchan Park Brimstone
Green-veined White on Garlic Mustard
Buchan Park Green-veined White Male
Buchan Park Green-veined White Male
Still struggling with Holly Blues this year,not managed a photo yet,only seen two!
The Downy Emerald more than consoled me though,happy with that. :D

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 5:25 pm
by Wurzel
Been doing a bit of catching up and really glad I did - that Brimstone sequence is just amazing :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D Wow!

Have a goodun


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 3:18 pm
by Buchan Boy
Saturday 17th May 2014

It started sunny,cloud came over and it got quite humid,a first for this year so far I reckon,humidity that is.

Local patch stuff,checking on the meadows and woody edges down my Rusper Road bit.Was hoping for a first Brown Argus but no joy.

But there was other stuff around.
Rusper Road Beautiful Demoiselle Female
Rusper Road Beautiful Demoiselle Female
Rusper Road Speckled Wood
Rusper Road Speckled Wood
The first Small Coppers and Common Blues have just starting emerging in my neck of the woods......... :D
Rusper Road Small Copper
Rusper Road Small Copper
Rusper Road Common Blue
Rusper Road Common Blue
Rusper Road Common Blue 2
Rusper Road Common Blue 2
Rusper Road Small Copper 2
Rusper Road Small Copper 2
Rusper Road Small Copper 3
Rusper Road Small Copper 3