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Re: April 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:50 pm
by NickB
A_T wrote: Also a Red Admiral - am I right in thinking this is probably one that has overwintered in the UK?
Yep! It probably did. I haven't seen any over here recently; in fact very few reported compared to other Nymphalidae, and most of those earlier in the year....
...which probably shows that the UK is still at best marginal for these butterflies to over-winter in most years.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:01 pm
by Crispin
2 Painted Lady chasing Kingston near Lewes. Also Holly Blue, S. Tort, Peacock, Orange Tip, S. White & Brimstone & possible L. Wight.

Loads of Orang tips today.

22.6c 100% sun - It is like summer!

But it is dry :?

Re: April 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:16 pm
by robevans
Quite surprised to get buzzed by a Painted Lady this afternoon near Cookham, Berks. Is it usual to have them about so early?

Re: April 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:53 pm
by Susie
The first brown hairstreak egg has hatched in my garden today. They were all intact yesterday. I can't find where the critter has gone though and the egg is quite a distance from the nearest bud so I hope it has made it there safely. I'm getting all maternal and concerned over these little chaps already. :lol:

Re: April 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:02 pm
by Pete Eeles
Just back from Copenhagen and missed the start of the hot spell. Went to take a look at the Purple Hairstreak ova I've been monitoring and, of course, they've all hatched (none were hatched on Monday). Spring hath Sprungeth for sure.


- Pete

Re: April 2011

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:00 pm
by millerd
A first for the year in my local patch near Heathrow were a trio of Green-veined Whites. One day I'll manage a halfway decent shot of one with its wings open. Here's an attempt, plus a Small White also seen today.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:53 pm
by Rogerdodge
I really think that all the signs are there for this being a superb butterfly season - at least the early part.
Mention of massive Marsh Frit webs, early Grizzlies and DoB, .
In just one hour in my postage stamp, semi-rural garden I have just had probably my best one hour count ever - in any month!
Orange-tip, Holly Blue, Speckled Wood, Comma, Green-veined White, Small White, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell,
I am really torn as to what to do tomorrow.
Do I head to Marsland to see if PBFs are emerging even earlier than last year (9th)?, or head up to the moor for Green Hairstreak?, or to the Blackdown Hills to see if the extraordinary early DoB in Kent has been copied down here?
What a wonderful dilema to have..........

Really sorry to be missing the Photographic Workshop this year. The first I have missed.
I can assure all of you that are going for the first time that you will have a great time.

Also got a new camera bag today (yes another one) for the trip to Provence/Alpes Maritime.

(Just 14 sleeps)

Re: April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:46 pm
by NickB
Rogerdodge wrote:....Also got a new camera bag today (yes another one) for the trip to Provence/Alpes Maritime.
(Just 14 sleeps)
...and you really do need that new camera bag, I know Roger.
I mean, as all those who have seen your presentations at the Workshop will attest, it isn't as though you have enough kit, is it? :roll:
I will no doubt hear the merits of the purchase in 14 days.... :lol:

Re: April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:07 pm
by Rogerdodge
This new bag has given me a net increase in bag count of zero.
The very nice man in the camera shop (who treats me as a long lost best friend every time I walk in - I wonder why?) gave me a good trade in on my old Lowepro AWII Rucksac bag that I had hardly ever used - it was meant to carry my 500 f4.5, but I got a Think Tank Glass Taxi for that instead.
The new bag is a Kata 3n1-33. It is a sling type bag (also a backpack if need be) and gives me instant access to either of 2 SLRs, and carries another lens (100-400) a flash and my sandwiches. ... sion=Photo
It is an object of desire
Like every bag I have ever bought, this is the canine undercarriage. At least until the next one..................

Am I the only one that has this love/hate relationship with camera bags?
This time it is the REAL thing.

Wait a minute - that cute little Tamrac bag is smiling at me.........

Re: April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:33 pm
by A_T
On the NW Wales Coast - two more Red Admirals today - one at 700+ metres!

Re: April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:49 pm
by NickB
Rogerdodge wrote:Nick
This time it is the REAL thing.
Wow! Kata 3n1-33 !
Definitely the DBs of camera bags :wink:
Three more Speckies today and a couple of Brimstone (1 f), a Peacock, several Small & GVW and HB in the Cemetery.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:00 pm
by Neil Freeman
A glorious sunny afternnon here in the West midlands. Managed to spend a couple of hours pottering around in the back garden.
I have a resident population of Speckled Wood which thrives among the trees shrubs and overgrown bottom end of the garden and I saw the first examples today. At least 2 males that had set up seperate 'watch areas' and were busy chasing anything that entered their airspace.
Also had a steady procession of Holly Blues passing through the garden throughout the afternoon, at least I assumed they were seperate individuals and not the same 1 or 2 circling round and round.
And then to complete a lovely afternoon, a male Orange Tip did a circuit before being chased off by one of the Speckled Woods.
With a bit of luck with the weather over the weekend I will hopefully get some photos....

Re: April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:38 pm
by Millar153
20 Small Torts in Lagan Meadows, Belfast today! Up to their usual tricks - males chasing females, males sitting behind females, males dancing with females etc etc!

No Orange Tips though - maybe 16:30 a bit late in the day despite the glorious sun - but a few micros about. Saw a migrant warbler on my walk - either willow/wood/chiffchaff - and possibly heard a chiffchaff too. Best way to relax after an art exam!!!

Oh, and a plume moth back at home.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:15 am
by Zonda
Beautiful Green HS pic on Flickr, posted by Paul Ritchie,, Hants. :D

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:41 am
by Neil Hulme
Dingy Skipper now out on Mill Hill at Shoreham. Numbers of Grizzled building here. See viewtopic.php?t=4065&start=1000.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:29 am
by Susie
Opened my bedroom window at 8am and an orange tip flew off. He must have been catching the last rays of the sun there yesterday evening and stayed to roost. What a cracking start to the day! :mrgreen:

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:27 pm
by Denise
Lots of Holly Blue about here, along with Orange-tip, Speckled Wood, Comma, Peacock, Small Torts and this morning, this lovely female Emperor Moth.
OMG Emperor Moth.JPG

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:02 pm
by David M
On Friday I was visiting a friend in Sale, Manchester. I arrived early and spent a couple of hours walking round Stamford Brook. It was a sunny and relatively still day and there were plenty of butterflies on the wing - in fact, I don't think I've ever seen so many prior to mid-April.

Peacocks were particularly numerous. I saw about 40 in total (yet I haven't seen a Red Admiral thus far in 2011). Small Tortoiseshells weren't too far behind, and I saw my first Orange Tips (about 10, all male), Green-Veined Whites (5-10) and Speckled Woods (3) of the year. There was also a solitary Comma and 5 male Brimstones.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:41 pm
by David M
Back in Swansea at last and this morning I spent 2-3 hrs in the sunshine and 19C warmth (though it was quite windy in the exposed spots).

I saw my first Large White of the year and my first Holly Blue (the latter which came into view when jousting briefly with a Speckled Wood). Neither settled for a photograph but I finally managed to get a snap of an Orange Tip at rest.

Totals today were Orange Tip (20-30, all male), Small Tortoiseshell (10-15), Green Veined White (10-15), Peacock (5), Brimstone (4, including a female!!), Speckled Wood (4), Large White, Holly Blue, Comma (1 of each).
Lots of patience required to get this
Lots of patience required to get this
Green Veined White male
Green Veined White male
Heron stalking its prey
Heron stalking its prey

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:43 pm
by NickB
Met Jack at 9:00am this morning to look for Green Hairstreak...
...and they were out... :) Must have been more than a dozen in the 100 yards of ditch bottom we walked....
... at one point both Jack & I had a pair each, sometimes three, whirring above our heads 8)
Also a few GVW and Brimmies and OT males, a couple of Peacock, and a single Speckie & ST ....
PS: Great capture, Denise; they are stunning creatures, really beautiful ...