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Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:49 am
by Paul Wetton
Of course Jack.

I'll send a cheque over when the profits start rolling in. :lol: :lol:

On the other hand if I don't recoup the expenses paid out on making these films I'll send an invoice. :shock: :wink:



Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:28 pm
by Jack Harrison
I AM getting famous. I have a monthly five-minute slot on local radio (talking about weather and related matters) and now I am to be a FILM STAR.
Will this give me the opportunity to meet Renée Zellweger? :D

I told my wife she should be very proud of me (tactfully I didn't mention Ms.Z). All I got was a funny look.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:38 pm
by Jack Harrison
I originally posted in wrong thread in error.

Early birthday present - should serve me well next season. Close focus down to 20 cms.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:47 pm
by Jack Harrison
29th April 2011 could be an extremely good day to carry out some research on the under-recorded Green Hairstreak which can be found over much of Britain.

Alternatively, we could all watch the telly.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:09 pm
by millerd
Shame - I do not have a telly, and have no plans to get one.

It'll have to be the butterflies, then. :D


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:26 pm
by Jack Harrison
I could be in big trouble.
A Church of England bishop who made "deeply offensive" comments on Facebook about the royal engagement has been suspended from his public duties
I suppose I should atone for my flippant remarks by inviting Mr & Mrs.W.Wales-Middleton to take part in our Green Hairstreak survey. I don't think we would be that bothered if they couldn't do it until the 30th.

Of course, father/father-in-law might be useful in talking GHs out of their hiding places among his plants at Highgrove; I'm sure they must occur there.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:38 pm
by David M
Jack Harrison wrote:I suppose I should atone for my flippant remarks by inviting Mr & Mrs.W.Wales-Middleton to take part in our Green Hairstreak survey.
LOL! Surely he'd have been more interested in a Monarch related survey?

Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:54 am
by Pawpawsaurus
Jack Harrison wrote:29th April 2011 could be an extremely good day to carry out some research on the under-recorded Green Hairstreak which can be found over much of Britain.
My thoughts exactly. The Green Hairstreak is one of the first species I hope to find next year. I've never seen one, though neither have I specifically gone searching for them.

They're virtually non-existent in Hertfordshire, with just a few records coming from very near the county border with Beds. & Bucks. However, Telegraph Hill isn't far from me so I'll be paying the site a few visits from April onwards, possibly more in hope than expectation.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:40 pm
by Jack Harrison
Zonda's missing list:
Grizzled Skipper
Wood White
Green Hairstreak
White-letter Hairstreak
Silver-studded Blue
Duke of Burgundy Frit.
White Admiral (Seen this season, but not photographed)
Purple Emperor
Small Pearl-bordered Frit.
Pearl-bordered Frit.
High Brown Frit.
Dark Green Frit.
Glanville Frit.
Grizzled Skipper & Wood White - one visit in May to Botany Bay/Oaken Wood. Wood White a dead cert and Grizzled Skipper unless you are very unlucky
White Admiral & Purple Emperor - Fermyn Woods early July guaranteed.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:50 pm
by Charles Nicol
David M wrote:
LOL! Surely he'd have been more interested in a Monarch related survey?
Excellent !! More wit please


:lol: :lol:

Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:31 am
by bob parsons alberta
In August, going to the Grasslands National Park in SW Sask. to help in the study going on there regarding the Mormon Metalmark. Only 2 known breeding spots in Canada, the other being in the Okanagan Valley BC.

Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:19 am
by Gibster
bob parsons alberta wrote:In August, going to the Grasslands National Park in SW Sask. to help in the study going on there regarding the Mormon Metalmark
Hi Bob,

I was going to post something (vaguely) witty regards Mormon Metalmark's sexual preferences when it comes to partners but ended up Googling "Mormon" and found out some pretty interesting stuff about a certain Indian warrior called Mormon and his sacred scrolls. Amazing how the church can hash things up!

Good luck with the study,


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:33 am
by Padfield
Everything I know about the origins of the Mormons comes from South Park, Season 7, Episode 12 ('All about the Mormons'). It's almost balanced, almost charitable and very funny.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:09 pm
by Matsukaze
My father spent a year in the mid-sixties teaching biology in a small Mormon town (Taber, Alberta). He told me that teaching the evolutionary aspects to the Mormons caused little difficulty, as their attitude was that whilst evolution was not true they needed to know about it to get on in life. Something perhaps a few people south of the border might find worth taking on.

Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:08 pm
by Padfield
For evolution vs creationism see South Park Season 10 episodes 12 (Go God go) and 13 (Go God go XII).


(Yes, I'm a South Park fan - it's the most intelligent show on television)

Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:43 pm
by Zonda
I think i'm with Dawkins on this. :roll:

Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:09 am
by Bill S
It's now getting quite difficult for me to see a new species without travelling a fair way but I will try and get to see Glanville Fritillary and Lulworth Skipper and a confirmed Essex skipper.

I've only ever had a passing sightings of Brown Hairstreak and Dark Green Frits so I'd quite like a better view of those two.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:11 am
by Susie
I can now add hunting for Black hairstreak to my to-do list for next year.

Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:28 am
by Jack Harrison
I can now add hunting for Black hairstreak to my to-do list for next year.
My guess is the Downs Link path, the old railway line that runs north to south from Cranleigh.


Re: Plans for next year?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:35 am
by Susie
Yep, that is what I think as well. Trouble is the downs link is very long and runs right through Cranleigh and beyond (from Guildford to the sea) but I have an idea where I will start searching. There are some lovely bluebell woods which I go to in spring time on work days quite close by with only a couple of fields between them and the downs link so I will give these a look too as it may have been the area in question going by the description.

It is just a shame I don't know anyone who knew where the original colonies were as this would give me a massive head start. If anyone knows them and could get a grid reference I'd be over the moon.