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Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:18 pm
by Susie
bugmadmark wrote:You asked what I do in winter months - I'm babysitting whilst my wife is at work
Babysitting? You are looking after somebody else's children? :wink:

And I remember Why Don't You? from the first time round. I can still sing the theme tune!

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:30 pm
by Pete Eeles
Yeah - I remember that show too :) So, Susie ...

Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,

Just switch off your television set and,
go put tags next to the Brown Hairstreak eggs,

Sitting at home, watching TV,
Send all my records in to BC,

Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,

I'll get me coat ...


- Pete

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:02 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn
I have never heard of this! What is the program about... or was it before my time? (sorry guys if I am wrong :oops: )

Loved it Pete! :lol:


Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:07 pm
by Susie
Pete Eeles wrote:Yeah - I remember that show too :) So, Susie ...

Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,

Just switch off your television set and,
go put tags next to the Brown Hairstreak eggs,

Sitting at home, watching TV,
Send all my records in to BC,

Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,
Why Don't You,

I'll get me coat ...


- Pete

You coming round here to give me a hand with the tagging then? :lol:

And it was well before your time, Mouse, before you were even a twinkle. Go and do a YouTube, I bet there will be something on there to watch from it.

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:59 pm
by Dave McCormick
hehe :lol: , thats funny. I don't know the show, but I have seen it before and my mum knows the show as she watched it when she was younger. "Why don’t you turn off your television set… and go and do something less boring instead"

my idea to those who have a camera and have free time:

"Why don’t you turn on your camera… and go and do something useful with it"

but if I say that, who knows what people might think.

anyway, I have just started learning to play the flute so that will take some of my free time up as it took me so long to get it to sound right as I kept blowing into it wrong.

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:20 pm
by bugmadmark
Susie - no my own children! But by time i get in from work and just about see them into bed it feels like babysitting!

Pete - very impressed - you brought my 70/80's childhood back to me in a flash.

Mouse/Dave - you can hear the irritating tune us 40 year olds grew up with here: ... tyou.shtml
just replace lyrics with Petes - much better!

Ironically the program had kids from strange parts of the UK (Bristol/Wales/Scotland etc) so us Norfolk kids had no idea what they were saying. The concept was to get kids away from teh TV to do other things - yet it had opposite effect - we all tuned in religiously - i recall some fluffy wizzy critter that used to shoot through the room - weird. Then there was Vision On, followed by Take Hart - oh and my favourite of all Animal Magic - Oh those were the days!

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:35 am
by NickB
As they say Mark - You should get out more :mrgreen:
(Remind me never to suggest playing Trivial Pursuit with you!)

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:53 am
by Algol
i do astronomy related things, as i do in the summer but with longer darker nights winter really is my astro time.

and some pics to show:




Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:40 am
by bugmadmark
I've been trying to tell my good lady that i need to get out more. We did go into Cambridge (socially) in May for the first time in years (but then it was my 40th) - but I felt like an alien on a foreign planet - Despite working in Cambridge I had no idea where to go for a drink or eat - then discovered the price of a pint is now over a quid.

Oh - I'm never been any good at trivial persuit, my general knowledge is crap (unless Wiki is to hand). Pictionary is a different story.

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:17 pm
by Susie
bugmadmark wrote:Susie - no my own children! But by time i get in from work and just about see them into bed it feels like babysitting!
Lol. That just sounds like the sort of thing a bloke would say. The kids are the wife's responsibility and he just keeps an eye on them until she comes back. :wink:

I go out quite a lot but I was still shocked when I got charged £6.00 for a glass of red wine!

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:15 am
by bugmadmark
I now just stay at home and get whine for free e.g. 'Have you washed thsoe plates yet' or 'when you goning to move that camera equipment off the table and put it away'. I'm joking of course - my wife is a real trooper and has a real handful to cope with! That's why I was so happy when the 3 of them took a great interest in helping me photograph butterflies for the first time the other week - they really enyoyed it! Bed time stories were even temporarily replaced (at my daughters request- honest) at looking through my new Collins butterfly guide instead (Insect propaganda me thinks?).

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:28 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn
how about to get us through the winter, and to give me a chance to play with my graphics tablet, how about we play the 'guess what butterfly Emily is drawing' game!
I start to draw a line drawing of a butterfly, and then you have got to try and guess what I am drawing! Now I am not giving away to much!!!

He is the first one ... =guess.flv

Plus its all good practise for me!!


Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:57 pm
by Gruditch
Red Admiral :!:


Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:22 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn
YAY!! Well done Gruditch!! *high Five*
gold strar for you!


Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:06 am
by Susie
bugmadmark wrote: That's why I was so happy when the 3 of them took a great interest in helping me photograph butterflies for the first time the other week - they really enyoyed it! Bed time stories were even temporarily replaced (at my daughters request- honest) at looking through my new Collins butterfly guide instead (Insect propaganda me thinks?).
You have done better than I because I have failed miserably to get my three interested. The only slight bit of interest one of them shows is when I empty the moth trap as she enjoys that. Mind you, even though they may not enjoy it they seem to be picking things up, they know far more about natural history than any of their friends at school. Perhaps like me, the seeds sewn when they were young will bear fruit when they are older. :)

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:18 am
by KeynvorLogosenn
I wish I could get my brother more interested in butterflies and natural history like me. But at the moment his main interests are mates and Girls! :lol:

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:45 pm
by Pauline
I'm not as lucky as Susie as I don't have Brown Hairstreaks in my garden but I do have these to occupy my Winter evenings and even better still in early summer when they bring their cubs.

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:49 pm
by Susie
Well, Pauline, you are lucky cos they are flipping gorgeous! :D

Thanks for showing us the photos.

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:56 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn
Pauline, you get badgers! :o I haven't even seen one in the wild first hand, only on spring watch. What are you feeding them?

Re: What do butterfly enthusiasts do during the winter months?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:49 pm
by Pete Eeles
That's amazing - keep up the good work Pauline! I'm sooooooo jealous :mrgreen:


- Pete