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Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:28 pm
by Pete Eeles
Susie wrote:Going by the silence I guess it must be too much for them to organise.
There is no "them" here :)

If you want to organize a mid-winter bash - go ahead! People can reply to anything you plan on organizing to register interest.


- Pete

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:35 pm
by Susie
Haha! I have organised enough forum events on other forums to know that they are nothing but a permanent headache :wink: So, I am quite happy to attend events but I leave the organisation up to "them" who want to do it.

Edit: the only exception being a meeting to see Brown Hairstreak next summer, if anyone is interested.

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:28 pm
by Denise
Hi Susie,
You have one on board! :D
I so want to be able to see them without my binoculars, and if I'm very lucky get a couple of decent photo's.
I go green with envy every time I look at Paul Kipling's BH photo.
If you get up one morning at BH season, and there is a tent on your lawn, it will be me :lol:
Can't wait to meet you.


Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:37 pm
by Denise
wavelea1 wrote:Hi all

If there is enough support for a mid-winter gathering of the troops I reckon it should be as central to us all as possible - easily accessed and ........ how about an evening meal with the possibility of an overnight stop for the travellers.

Having conversed with many of you over these past few months faces to names would be good for next year.

Or is this just too much to organise????

Hi Mike,

If a total UKB meet can't be organized, I'm sure that Eccles would join me to meet up with you and anyone else in our area (or other areas if they want to join in) and have a meal and a pint, and a good old natter, at a local place.
Looking forward to meeting you.


Afterthought, we have quite a few members in the south west. Rogerdodge, Annie, Matsukaze, Simon C, Markatbath to name just a few.

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:40 pm
by wavelea1

My thoughts exactly - by the way Denise the book is great, many thanks for the advice. However, watch the debate unfurling in 'identification' as there are loads of very similar skippers across Europe.

Perhaps a local coffee morning would not be out of the question? The guy from Somerset seems up for it.


Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:47 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn
I'm up for it!

Is there anywhere anyone knows of that is central with fast rail links from London?


Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:56 pm
by Denise
I just read the post by Matsukaze :oops: I really should read ALL the posts before I reply.
Central Bristol sounds good, easy to get to by public transport, lots of choice of where to eat. If your going to come Emily, we could make it lunch and meet you from Temple Meads train station.
Any one else up for a pre-christmas get together?


Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:17 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn
Sounds great to me!

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:20 pm
by Susie
Denise wrote:Hi Susie,
You have one on board! :D
I so want to be able to see them without my binoculars, and if I'm very lucky get a couple of decent photo's.
I go green with envy every time I look at Paul Kipling's BH photo.
If you get up one morning at BH season, and there is a tent on your lawn, it will be me :lol:
Can't wait to meet you.

Likewise. And you are welcome to camp on my lawn anytime. :D

Everytime I go out to the car (the blackthorn runs adjacent to the driveway) I can't help but count Brown Hairstreak eggs, especially now that the leaves are starting to drop. Now I know what I am looking for I am soooo excited about next year!

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:26 pm
by Pete Eeles
Susie wrote:Everytime I go out to the car (the blackthorn runs adjacent to the driveway) I can't help but count Brown Hairstreak eggs, especially now that the leaves are starting to drop. Now I know what I am looking for I am soooo excited about next year!
Sounds great! Upper Thames branch tag their Brown Hairstreak egg finds with tie wraps (and number them). They then monitor *every* larva as it progresses to adulthood. This may add to the enjoyment (and allow you to find the larvae next year, since they don't wander very far - until they're ready to pupate).

Hope you send your records in to BC?!


- Pete

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:03 pm
by Susie
I have just received my first Butterfly Conservation magazine and I was reading about Brown Hairstreak conservation work in Wales. They refer to hot spot sites having 40 eggs or more - I have almost that many eggs on the two bushes in the front garden I reckon! :mrgreen: Then again, I could be counting the same eggs more than once. :lol:

That is a very good idea regarding the tie wraps. I shall certainly do that.

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:18 pm
by Tony Moore
Susie wrote:
That is a very good idea regarding the tie wraps. I shall certainly do that.
Hi Susie,
White plastic insulating tape is an even better marker. It is easy to use and weatherproof. Whereabouts in the country are you? I would certainly welcome an opportunity to find some larvae and see the adults next year.


Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:22 pm
by Susie
I am in West Sussex. Obviously you aren't going to see larvae and adults at the same time so perhaps there should be two meetings. As there isn't much else here to do perhaps it would be worth combining a trip here to see Brown Hairstreak with one of the butterfly sites in the area. I will run this by someone who knows more about butterflies and their flight times than I do, perhaps we could do the last week in July and get the first of the Brown Hairstreaks and the last of the Purple Emperors. Anyway, watch this space, I'll post more next year.

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:42 pm
by Susie
mouse wrote:I'm up for it!

Is there anywhere anyone knows of that is central with fast rail links from London?


How about thinking about that from the other way - central and with rail links from most places; LONDON! :lol:

Anyone fancy a winter London meet? How about somewhere like Kew Gardens? That is always a pleasant place for a wander around at any time of year. It's a shame the butterfly house at Syon has closed.

Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:55 pm
by wavelea1
Guess you're right Susie......... step to far

Perhaps a cuppa somewhere local early next year might be more acceptable to the crowd local to this area (where do you come from Susie?)


Re: How about one last Butterfly fix

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:58 pm
by wavelea1
Ignore previous Susie ..... I've just read the last input
