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Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:22 pm
by Susie
Any kind of vipers bugloss should be good (although I haven't had much success with our native one). The red variety looks very posh (even if it is foreign :wink: ). Please let us know if it is successful. It looks as if it will thrive in sandy soil.

My local flower stall at the market was selling one of the mid sized mediterranean buglosses last week (about 3 feet heigh and blue/mauve flowers) and I played with the idea of picking it up but it wasn't hardy and after last winter's frosts when I lost some plants I decided against. I may yet be tempted.

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:50 am
by Susie
Eeek! I need to get some potted thistles, and quick! Anyone know somewhere that sells them?

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:39 pm
by Susie
How did the echium rubrum do?

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:04 pm
by rd84

Just to keep you all updated. I must have planted just about everything recommended to me and more !! - Well this morning I was in my garden looking at one of the Budleia's and it was covered in butterflies, various Whites, Painted Lady, and Peacock. - there were a lot of each type. I've also seen some very large Red Admirals in the garden as well as Coppers and Commas.
I've taken care this year to leave Dandelions, Thistles, and Nettles as well as Clover in the lawn. - They are a bit unsightly but the reward of seeing all these Butterflies is well worth it. Its a real joy to see.
BTW I'm also getting far more Bee's than normal - lots of different types as well - they love the Clover in the lawn. We even had a colony of Bee's in a ornamental wall - I was a bit nervous of them and wondered if I should have them removed. However I left them and they caused no problems at all - they showed no aggression. Sadly I think the heavy rains have destroyed the colony or perhaps they have moved on.

Once again a big thanks to all those who have advised me and to Denise who sent me Birds Foot Trefoil seeds which have grown very well and look really nice.


Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:25 pm
by rd84

I've seen a few Brown Argus today on the Birdsfoot Trefoil - I don't recall seeing this in my garden before - thanks Denise !!
LOTS of Red Admiral, Peacock, Whites and Painted Lady today !! - some really big ones.


Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:37 pm
by Zonda
Really? I planted some Birds-foot Trefoil out early this year, having grown it from seed. The Common Blues are loving the flowers at the moment. I didn't know Brown Argus liked it too.

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:53 pm
by Denise
Your very welcome Paul. :D
I too am having success with mine.


Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:34 pm
by rd84

Another butterfly in my garden over the last couple of days that I've not seen before - Speckled Wood

I don't know if its my effort with the flowers or if its just a good year - in any case its great to see them. I'm also still getting lots of varieties of Bee's as well.


Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:14 pm
by Susie
I used to get lots of speckled woods in my old garden. They seemed to love to feed on over ripe fruit.

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:46 pm
by Matsukaze
One wildflower that looks gardenworthy at the moment is devil's bit scabious, which I've noticed attract a fair number of Commas in recent days. I don't get Commas in the garden but the devil's bit planted there has been popular with moths.

Hummingbird hawk-moths and Small Tortoiseshells have been making use of the soapwort over the last couple of weeks.

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:37 pm
by Zonda
One wildflower that looks gardenworthy at the moment is devil's bit scabious,
Been thinking about that myself, it seems like a good one if it'll take to my chalky soil. The ones i have seen are on acid soil. :D

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:19 pm
by Susie
I have devil's bit scabious growing around one edge of my pond. It is in damp clay and seems to like it very well indeed and has multiplied since last year.

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:38 pm
by Dave McCormick
I just got some devil's bit scabious seeds and am going to plant some and hopefully next year, attract the narrow-bordered bee hawk moths. There is no marsh fritillary here, althouhg only one was spotted in thw 1980s, but could been a stray from a bog a few miles away. I have seen its good for attacting butterflies anyway.

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:58 am
by Piers
Zonda wrote:
One wildflower that looks gardenworthy at the moment is devil's bit scabious,
Been thinking about that myself, it seems like a good one if it'll take to my chalky soil. The ones i have seen are on acid soil. :D
They love chalk Zonda, and will tollerate quite dry conditions once established.

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:18 am
by Zonda
I'll order some from Nicky. :) I've got loads of Field scabious in the garden, seeding everywhere. There is a Sheeps bit one as well. My problem is that all of my nectaring flowers come in June and July, and to a lesser extent August. At the minute i have not a lot, (just a few ice plants, which attract mainly bees) so extending some of my existing plants season is my main focus for next year. This might mean cutting some of the Marjoram patches in mid flower, or even before. Also, i've got a big problem with the pond leaking :evil: and it will probably need another liner. So disruption all round. :(

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:47 am
by Susie
Do you have fleabane, Zonda? This is flowering now and seems to tolerate dry conditions well. I have it around the pond too, but it is also growing in the no mans land which is the flower bed under the oak; hardly anything manages to survive there at this time of year, let alone flower!

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:18 pm
by Susie
Now I have to add field pansy to my list. How I am going to find the room I do not know but you never can tell what is going to be flying passed so have to be ready. :lol:

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:49 pm
by Zonda
I have one small patch of fleabane Susie, but it's well over now. I introduced it, but i don't think it will prosper, because i'm on chalk, and i don't see much of it growing locally. Field scabious, Greater, and Lesser Knapweed, and Marjoram all thrive here. Also i've got some Tufted vetch, and St. John's Wort. My Purple Loosestrife is currently in a large tray, having fallen foul of my pond work. I tried to get some Yellow Rattle going, it's a parasite on grass, and will keep vigorous grass species down if it gets a hold. My biggest problem is funnily enough Buddleia, but i'm working on it, and have a few plants to go out in the spring. Gosh these butterflies are hard work. :D

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:43 am
by Dave McCormick
Add red valerian, it flowers for a long time, all the red valerian here are still in flower and one or two are slowly starting to fade. Good for late butterflies and moths that feed this time of year. When the Silver Y moths were around, they were all over the red valerian here, also saw red admirals, small tortoiseshells and Angle shades moths on them too.

Re: What flowers to plant ??

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:07 pm
by traplican
On the grassy places: Field Scabious (Knautia sp.), Devilsbit (Succisa sp.). Very favourite plants for many species of butterflies. :!: :!: :!:
This year I have seed them together with Hoary Plantain to my back yeard, I want to allure Nickerl's Fritillaries there.