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Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:22 pm
by George
Thanks Pete,

It would be great to think that we could do something really positive to help our butterflies and moths (and birds and dragonflis etc etc!!)


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:35 pm
by Bryan H
Chris wrote: Something I'd find interesting would be for everybody to bring a picture they were very happy with and talk about how they achieved it.

I think this is a cracking idea, Chris! This will surely encourage the more reticent amongst us ( :? ) to make a contribution - and who knows what pearls of wisdom might fall from our lips! I do think though that the prospect of an orgy of criticism might just defeat that object!

To have to select just one photograph will surely concentrate the mind on just what is a satisfying shot...and there's bound to be a good story behind it?

I've chosen mine already!


Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:15 pm
by Chris
Bryan H wrote:I do think though that the prospect of an orgy of criticism might just defeat that object!
You're probably right... The thinking behind the idea was to help me (and others) understand what it is about photos that doesn't see them get many votes. Hearing people debate the qualities and nits would help me no end! I have thick skin and take negative feedback in a very positive way...

Out of interest... will anybody have any captive-bred imagos they'd be prepared to bring with them that will have hatched over the winter? maybe we could all get a practical lesson!!


Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:38 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Chris - on both of your comments:

In terms of assessing photos. I'm not convinced that photos that happen to have won competitions is a good measure, although I can't think of anything better (specifically, a common theme of winning entries is "the larger the image the better" which is just ... wrong). Perhaps we could get the more-experienced photographers (such as Maurice Pugh) to pass his judgment, and those that have managed to get their credentials some other way (e.g. submitting a portfolio to a photographic society).

In terms of livestock, I have some overwintering Camberwell Beauty that I might be able to bring - although I don't want to awake them from hibernation unnecessarily. An alternative is to get a "set" (dead) specimen that can act as a substitute.


- Pete

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:47 pm
by Pete Eeles
OK - let's start organising this. We can work on the agenda. But the critical item is to set a date. Unless anyone indicates otherwise, I'll assume that:

1. The event will be a day at the weekend. Please indicate a preference for a Saturday or Sunday.

2. We want to do this during the quieter winter months! So - February or March. Please indicate a preference.

3. Unless I hear otherwise, the event will be run at the hall identified by Mike Young near Alice Holt Forest.

4. The event will be limited to 30 people. Please comment on this number.

5. Attendees will need to register for the event and only accepted "registrants" should turn up. The folks currently registered are:

Pete Eeles.
Robin Turner
Pat Turner
Martin (V6GTO)
Bryan H
Gary (Gruditch)
Lisa (Gwynhyfer)
Roger Gibbons
Paul Kipling
Mike Young
Sharon Young
Roger Dodge
Maurice Pugh (Bailey 1409)
Brian Phipps
Mike Dimery (Eccles)
Roger Buchanan
Geoff Jones

I suspect that getting "enough" attendees won't be a problem :)

That'll do for now :)


- Pete

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:10 pm
by Rogerdodge
I am really looking forward to this.

In answer to your questions-

1, Don't care - Sat or Sun is fine.
2, No preferance - Feb or Mar are OK
3, Good choice - is there a pub nearby?
4, 30 sounds fine, but let's not be too prescriptive about this.
5, Glad to be on the list, and looking forward to meeting you all.

Please, if anyone has a Canon MP-E 65mm f2.8 1-5x Macro, PLEASE bring it along so I can have a play.

I shall bring my 20D, 30D and Sigma 180mm Macro with MT24-EX Twin Macro flash for anyone to have a fiddle with.

There - we have something nice to look forward to in the long, dark post-Christmas days.!

Roger Harding

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:39 pm
by Martin
Rogerdodge wrote:I shall bring my 20D, 30D and Sigma 180mm Macro with MT24-EX Twin Macro flash for anyone to have a fiddle with.
What a good idea...I'll bring along my Canoan 1DmarkIIN and 100-400L IS with extension tube set-up :D


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:08 pm
by Gruditch
Same as Roger, I'm fine with Sat or Sun, Feb or March, the only date we can't make is the 24th of Feb. We will bring some equipment along as well.


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:03 pm
by Pete Eeles
Are folks interested in photographing immature stages too during the practical elements? If so, I could bring along some Purple Hairstreak eggs I rescued today from an oak tree that had been "pruned" (I found 6 eggs on branches on the ground).

I also have some pupae, although they're detached from their original "platform". Larvae might be difficult in Feb / March :)


- Pete

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:29 pm
by Pete Eeles
Mike (Young) - for those that don't have private transport, do you know what the situation is regarding public transport to the hall you're suggesting (even if it means we set up a "ferry" service to the nearest train station!)? Thanks!


- Pete

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:51 am
by Robin

Pat and I are happy with the arrangements, February and March are both OK for us. Of course we will bring our gear such as it is. Happy to ferry people if need be.


Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:46 pm
by Mike Young

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:51 pm
by Mike Young
Bentley railway station is 10-15 minute walk through Alice Holt forest, on a good tarmac path. We could pick people up by car if required.

I can bring all my Nikon equipment, which includes the sigma ring flash and the Nikon SB200 close up flash system.

Sat or Sunday is fine with me, the sooner I have a date the better with regard to booking the venue, I already have a booking agreement in principle.

The venue can cope with 50 people comfortably seated, so 30 would be fine.
The venue is located more or less centrally in the forest.

Nearest pubs...Halfway house on A325....3 mins by car, The Bull on the A31 5mins by car, both do reasonable food, the Bull does accomodation, I can get prices if required.
I can offer a single room in my home which is on the venue site, also quiet camper parking with electricity for one unit.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:59 pm
by Bryan H
Bentley Station has a direct, hourly service from Waterloo, including Sundays.

I would prefer a Saturday, Pete, but have no other preferences.


Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:06 am
by Rogerdodge
also quiet camper parking with electricity for one unit.
Consider the pitch reserved Mke!

Looking forward to it all.

Roger Harding

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:27 am
by Mike Young
Consider the pitch booked for you Roger 8)
There is room for two m/vans infact, or even a small caravan should there be anyone who wants to make the most of the trip to the Alice holt/ Farnham area.

Photographic meeting

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:39 pm
by bailey1409
Hi all,

Just caught up with the many ideas and suggestions in the previous posts.
The idea about each of us bringing along a photo for appraisal and to say why we chose it is excellent. I see that Pete has volunteered my services for this, but don't forget that Mike is also very well quallified (ARPS).

Looks like we will have lots of camera gear to view.

Ref. the dates for the meeting, I am unavailable for most of February as we have an International competition at the Camera Club which takes up a lot of time. We are expecting 7000+ images this year.
Feb 23rd and 24th are OK. March is just as fraught, I'm only available 8th, 9th and 22nd 23rd (Easter weekend). But don't let that put you off.

Looking forward to the meeting and putting faces to names


Maurice Pugh

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:02 pm
by Pete Eeles
I can't make Feb 23/24. I can make March 8th, 9th and 22nd 23rd.

Since some of expressed a preference for a Saturday that leaves either 8th or 22nd March. Vote away!


- Pete

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:31 pm
by Gruditch
8TH :lol:


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:17 pm
by Rogerdodge