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Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:36 pm
by Rogerdodge

Was any mention of the poor state of the sward made?
Every reference I have seen suggests that myrmica requires very short turf, and plenty of bare patches, whereas both Collard and Green Down were, for want of a better word, lush.
Insufficient grazing has been the cause of massive declines in numbers of Large Blue on some other re-introduction sites.


Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:11 pm
by Pete Eeles
Yes - we discussed grazing and the complexities involved in managing sites - and the effect of weather, sheep, rabbits, availability of grazing stock etc.


- Pete

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:27 pm
by eccles
I took an unplanned visit today, Friday 13th, an hour's drive from east Bristol, arriving at 11:30 just when they were waking up after a lie in following a cold night. A crowd of people with video cameras were at the far end. Local TV maybe? Anyway, I trundled over to see what they'd found and a LB fluttered in front of me and posed, saying "wanna photo?"
I said "Yes please" and my (new) camera said "No chance buddy, you left your only battery on the kitchen table in the charger. Dur...."
I said lots of unprintable things, drove back following interminably stupid drivers tailgating slow trucks thereby preventing anyone from passing and got back again with battery at 2pm.
Nevertheless, a few nice ones in the bag, and a real eagled eyed guy was there who knew his stuff. He found an egg and a larva. OK he cheated with the egg as he spotted the female laying it (showed me a pic of her laying on his camera screen - not perfect but still a 'wow'). Then he called me over and pointed out the tiniest caterpillar I've ever seen. A first instar large blue larva, about an 1/8" long. How on earth he found it I don't know but the guy's a genius. I forgot your name but if you look into this site, mate, a big thanks!
There were also meadow brown, small heath, and a guy called Ian chasing after the only sighting that day of marbled white.

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:42 am
by Annie
Still haven't been able to get up to Collard, can't go today as we are off to choose our wedding rings this afternoon :shock: and tomorrow I'm booked for a car show all day (I have my finger in far too many pies these days).

Realistically, are they still likely to be flying next weekend? I'm not worried if they're not out in any great quantity (or quality, as I'm not photographing them), I just want to see one. Saturdays tend to be a nightmare anyway as I work till the early afternoon, but Sundays are good, though I expect thats when everyone descends on the hill.

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:24 am
by eccles
A couple from last Friday...







Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:04 pm
by eccles
Will any UKB members be visiting Collard Hill tomorrow (Monday 17th)? I shall be going again with Denise.

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:10 pm
by Denise
A few images from Collard Hill today. (I've written more in my blog)

A Male Large Blue.

A Female laying.

An egg (top left of the flower)

Thanks Mike for another lovely day.

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:08 pm
by eccles
Coming along nicely isn't she? ;)

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:02 pm
by Denise
Annie wrote: Realistically, are they still likely to be flying next weekend? I'm not worried if they're not out in any great quantity (or quality, as I'm not photographing them), I just want to see one. Saturdays tend to be a nightmare anyway as I work till the early afternoon, but Sundays are good, though I expect thats when everyone descends on the hill.
Hi Annie,

I was there yesterday and there were some very fresh Large Blue males. There were also quite a few people there looking, so I think that you may be in luck for this weekend.


Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:13 pm
by Annie
groovy, I'm going to drag the other half along there on Sunday :wink:

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:02 pm
by Denise
I forgot to say that BC Somerset branch are doing a guided walk there on Sunday morning, so you should have lots of help to find one.


Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:11 pm
by eccles
If you miss the guided walk, look out for an N.T. warden as there's usually at least one there (they wear dark green T shirts). They do regular transects and will know the best places to look for that day. Oh, and mornings are better than afternoons. Good luck!

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:24 pm
by Annie
right, I'm deffo going up there on Sunday morning - weather permitting of course! I've got quite a good weather picture for that area; namely a clear view across to Glastonbury and Street from my bedroom and landing windows!

Re: Large Blue at Collard Hill anyone?

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:36 am
by Annie
Well, the weather in Somerset has been grotty for the last two days, and doesn't look like getting much better for the rest of the weekend - so I'm going to head up there early to try and get the best of the (possible) clear spells tomorrow