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Re: May 2023

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 7:33 pm
by millerd
David M wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 5:17 pm
Wolfson wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 5:14 pmFound these two on a bench in my garden this afternoon. I don’t recall seeing this before. Still together 2 hours after I saw them.
I shouldn't need to explain it to the uninitiated, Wolfson, so I won't bother......

....that is stupendous!!!

Hardly a human being alive has ever seen it. :shock:
Completely amazing, Wolfson. Extraordinary sight. :mrgreen:


Re: May 2023

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 7:36 pm
by millerd
My first Brown Argus of the year, seen down at Denbies this morning.
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Re: May 2023

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 9:16 pm
by Wurzel
Good numbers of Pearls at Bentley Wood on Sunday 7th 2 in Eastern Clearing along with Large White, Red Admiral and later a Grizzlie which I missed.
On the other side of the Wood at Upper Highwood Copse at least 6 (probably more) with 2 Painted Lady and a fresh Red Admiral.
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Have a goodun


Re: May 2023

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 9:17 pm
by Wurzel
Back on 1st May at Five Rivers managed an Orange-tip on a Dandelion clock...
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Have a goodun


Re: May 2023

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 9:51 pm
by David M
millerd wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 7:36 pmMy first Brown Argus of the year, seen down at Denbies this morning.
Very nice, Dave. One for me to look out for these next couple of days.

Re: May 2023

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 8:00 am
by David M
Thursday 11th, Fairwood Common, Gower:

Green Hairstreak 2
Orange Tip (female) 1

Re: May 2023

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 9:40 am
by Wolfson
Thank you David, Pauline and David, I am pleased you appreciated the post.

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 3:51 pm
by Pauline
I'm pleased you liked my suggestion Wurzel and I am also pleased to see your Orange Tip - until recently I had never seen them on dandelion clocks altho' I have seen Wood Whites on them numerous times.

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 9:39 pm
by bugboy
Managed to find some Pearls at Rewell Wood today. Didn't really have a clue where they hung out (and obviously they do move from year to year) but I kept my eye out for familiar habitat and finally came away with a total of six, two females allowed themselves to be photographed.
Lots of other species seen but only the Brimstone made it to double figures. More pics coming in my PD in due course

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 10:01 pm
by millerd
I also decided to have a look at Rewell Wood today, given that the sunshine was near constant near the Sussex Coast, and all was grey chilly gloom at home. As well as bumping into Paul (bugboy), I found a few Pearls too - though only one allowed much of a close approach.
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There was not a lot else to see aside from a few Small Coppers and a Painted Lady.
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The walk across Fairmile Bottom to and from the climb up to the wood was bereft of butterflies (aside from a handful of windswept Brimstones).

A slight detour on my drive home took me to Chiddingfold, where I found a single fresh Wood White within a few metres of the Botany Bay entrance.
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I then bumped into Bob and Lisa who had also seen just the one. Lots of Brimstones, a couple of GVW, a Red Admiral and a Speckled Wood completed the roster, though I did encounter this handsome adder basking on the path near Oaken Wood.
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Full reports to follow in my PD before too long.


Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 5:05 am
by aeshna5
A productive day, Dave & some lovely photos. Despite a sunny forecast London (at least the western suburbs) remained stubbornly chilly & overcast with the only insects seen on my 4 hour walk in good habitat, a couple of bumblebees.

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 8:11 am
by Jack Harrison
13th May.
Orange Tips in good numbers in Nairn / Cawdor area of Scotland (to the southeast of Inverness).  About two weeks late this year, but the excellent number made up for that.

This small loch was particularly good: they breed here on Lady's Smock (aka Cuckoo Flower).  I was seeing six to eight males at a time.  However, the accidental capture of a white butterfly in this picture is in fact of a Green-veined White. Click to enlarge photo.


Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 4:05 pm
by bugboy
A definite 3 female Grizzlies found at Mill Hill today, photos need checking to see if any more were stumbled across. Dingies, Small Heath and Common Blue were about in modest numbers and one or two Green Hairstreak briefly showed up. Nothing else of note though.

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 4:06 pm
by badgerbob
Good to see Dave (millerd) in Tugley. After seeing him we did see a few more Wood White, probably 4 or 5. However, the biggest surprise was the discovery of a female Silver-washed Fritillary flying along the ride just up from the bridge over the stream. What it was doing there at this time of year is a big mystery. Dave mentioned the possibility of it being a release which is one possibility. Otherwise it would have had to survive the winter in an immature stage I guess.
After leaving Tugley Lisa was keen to see a Sussex Wood White so we went to a wood where I last saw a Wood White around 15 years ago. Just as we were about to give up I spotted a Wood White going to roost.
Some images of the Fritillary, Lisa has better images than mine as her camera with the long lens was at the ready, which mine wasn't!! Also a couple of images of a Sussex Wood White.
Female Silver-washed Fritillary 13/5/2023
Female Silver-washed Fritillary 13/5/2023
Female Silver-washed Fritillary 13/5/2023
Female Silver-washed Fritillary 13/5/2023
Wood White.
Wood White.
Wood White
Wood White

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 4:32 pm
by David M
badgerbob wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 4:06 pm...the biggest surprise was the discovery of a female Silver-washed Fritillary flying along the ride just up from the bridge over the stream. What it was doing there at this time of year is a big mystery....
:shock: :?: :?: :?: :shock:

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 4:38 pm
by David M
Friday 12th, Kenfig NNR, Glamorgan:

Small Heath 4
Orange Tip 4
Brimstone 3
Dingy Skipper 3
Speckled Wood 3
Small Copper 2
Holly Blue 1
Common Blue 1
Small Blue 1
Small White 1

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 5:51 pm
by Wurzel
Fovant yesterday - 5 Dukes, Painted Lady, 3 Dingies and a Large White
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Then onto Martin Down with another Painted Lady, loads of Didngies, fewer Grizzlies and several Greenstreaks and Small Coppers Also possibly my first Marsh Fritillary of the year - looked right size and colour wise as it bombed past me but not 100% definite. (Sorry in advance Goldie)
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Mottisfont today and 4 Holly Blues, Comma, Peacock, Small Tort, Specklie, Large White, Green-veined Whites and a couple of Orange-tips.
Have a goodun


Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 6:08 pm
by Wolfson
Stayed at home today and Holly Blue numbers are into double figures in the garden. Females laying on Cornus and ignoring the males.

Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 6:51 pm
by MrSp0ck
Grizzled Skipper day at Hutchinsons Bank, the first real numbers of the year with 5.
Painted Lady at Chapel Bank along with other Butterflies
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Re: May 2023

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 7:22 pm
by bugboy
bugboy wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 4:05 pm A definite 3 female Grizzlies found at Mill Hill today, photos need checking to see if any more were stumbled across. Dingies, Small Heath and Common Blue were about in modest numbers and one or two Green Hairstreak briefly showed up. Nothing else of note though.
Edit: Looks like I had 5 female Grizzlies in the end, only saw one twice. Oddly no males but lets hope they are about. There were some concerns about them at Mill Hill this year, usually one of the first places for them to emerge, but hopefully the concerns were premature and they've just decided to emerge late this year!