Jack Harrison

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David M
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by David M »

This may be the case in areas devoid of any substantial relief, but factor in 500m+ hills and nearby coasts and the whole equation suddenly becomes far more complex.

Where I live, in south Wales, I have the sea 6 miles to the south and hills of 500m+ 6 miles to the north. The forecast is often hit and miss here as a result.

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Jack Harrison
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Jack Harrison »

Another example of how the articulated screen comes into its own. Camera held above head for this shot over the vegetation beyond the garden fence.


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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by CJB »

A great shot Jack and unlike mine, your WA is in tact.
Once I have captured all the species on my mobile I will then upgrade to a good camera and start all over again! :roll:
Flutter on!

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Jack Harrison
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Naff Title

Post by Jack Harrison »

Photographers and artists seem to delight in using corny titles for their masterpieces, such as "Spring Tide" or "Golden Sundown"

The best I can think of for this is an unimaginative "High Summer in a Norfolk Garden".


Your better suggestions for the naffest title welcomed.


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Jack Harrison
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Jack Harrison on Mull

Post by Jack Harrison »

A break from house hunting on Mull threw up a few Scotch Argus:
We might have found our dream house. Stunning views from the bathroom. A little bit of refurbishment needed.

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Jack Harrison
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Comma hutchinsonii

Post by Jack Harrison »

I had wondered whether the Commas I have been seeing in/near the garden might be the autumn dark form and not hutchinsonii. I think this must be hutchinsonii.


Taken with my FZ150 from about 150 cms range at full telephoto.


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Jack Harrison
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Why Mull?

Post by Jack Harrison »

Just enjoyed a mellow 90 minutes with a bottle of Cava while sitting in the garden here in Northwest Norfolk.

Large Skippers galore, Commas a-plenty, brand new Peacock, whites various, Purple Hairstreaks on the Ash and Oak, gulls overhead chasing insects, Jays squawking noisily. Even the distant sound of Red-legged Partridge.

If Peacocks were rare, wouldn’t we get excited about such a fantastic creature? Sadly, this most-beautiful of butterflies is taken for granted.

So why do I want to move to the Isle of Mull?
Cos it’s even better!


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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by MikeOxon »

Perfect logic, Jack. Go for it!


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Jack Harrison
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Jack Harrison »

Mellowed by Cava. Follow up from last evening.

The Olympic Spirit has got to me. So when opening the bottle this evening I decided to aim the flying cork at a Comma on the buddleia some 3 to 4 metres away. I know I would miss; the Comma would be safe. What I didn’t expect was that my aim would be so bad and the Cava so powerful. The cork carried on high into the Oaks beyond the garden. I didn’t actually see any Purple Hairstreak disturbed but it wouldn’t have surprised me.

This late afternoon and evening, in addition to those mentioned yesterday, Brimstone, Small and Large White. Holly Blue and Meadow Brown.
Sadly the White Admirals seem to have finished some two weeks ago.


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Jack Harrison
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Jack Harrison »

More from NW Norfolk 12 August
Early local walk produced numerous whites, Meadow and Hedge Browns, a few Peacocks, single Small (Essex?) Skipper, single Small Tortoiseshell plus dragons/damsels (Southern and Brown Hawkers, Banded Demoiselle).

Back in/adjacent to garden, new arrivals Red Admiral, Speckled Wood. The Purple Hairstreaks remained at tree top height but very few seen.

I enjoyed this dragon (Common Darter) in the garden when it rested on the bird feeder. (He's watching you!)



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Jack Harrison
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Northwest Norfolk area

Post by Jack Harrison »

As you know, my life has changed somewhat over the past 18 months. It is about to change again now that we will be buying a house in Tobermory, Isle of Mull, the move being planned for early November.

Now that isn’t of huge interest to most people on ukb but what could be of interest that our present place in NW Norfolk will become available for rent in mid-November. You will have heard of the garden list here: Commas by the dozen: White Admirals in July: Purple Hairstreaks on the oaks. Birds over the garden have included Buzzards (heard every day), Tawny Owl, Red Kite. My most unusual garden ticks are Stock Doves and Red legged Partridges (not rare birds of course but unusual in gardens). A mile away on the marshes there are Marsh Harriers and Barn Owls. Of course the fabled (for birds) North and Northwest Norfolk is almost on the doorstep. Snettisham is 20 minutes away, Titchwell just over half an hour and a bit further along are the delights of Cley and Salthouse to mention just two.

So this house makes a superb base for the birdwatcher and it’s not bad for the butterfly enthusiast. Property and rental prices are much more affordable here (perhaps just 2/3) than right on the coast.

So if anyone is interested in a move to NW Norfolk, drop me a PM and I will put you in touch with the letting agency.
In no way do I personally get anything out of this. But I just hope that the lease is taken up by a like-minded enthusiast.

Surely "tame" Snow Buntings: Pinkfeet by the tens of thousands: the high tide wader spectacle on The Wash will tempt somebody?

PS decent pub in the village. Must sign off now to go and check in at the Red Cat :)


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Hugh Middleton
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Hugh Middleton »

All the very best with your move Jack.


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Jack Harrison
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Jack Harrison »

Now settled in Tobermory, Isle of Mull. Pictures on the wall, artefacts and ornaments in place – we are organised after just eight days here. And very important – fast internet.

But my goodness, does it rain! I had expected rain and have not been disappointed. 80 mms in the past seven days. Scarcely had time so far to investigate the wildlife, but the resident Otter in the harbour is delightful. No butterflies of course at this time of year but the bird life is interesting. No Magpies, Jays or (so far) Woodpigeons. The very smart Hooded Crows replace the all black Carrion Crows of the south. Haven’t yet seen a Rook but Ravens are numerous, especially at the local rubbish tip. No Black-headed Gulls but plenty of other gull species. No eagles yet although saw both species last summer when visiting.

Life here is very different.


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David M
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by David M »

Jack Harrison wrote: Life here is very different.
I'm sure it is. I used to work in Oban and looked across longingly at Mull every day for 6 months.

I look forward to your updates on what is a fascinating part of the British Isles.

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Jack Harrison
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Mull - no butterflies, but.....

Post by Jack Harrison »

.....stunning scenery. My website (with other pages linked):

http://www.weatherjackwx.co.uk/normalfo ... e-M03.html

And my weather station Tobermory for temperatures and rain. Wind might under-read but gives an idea:

http://www.weatherlink.com/user/jackhar ... &headers=1


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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Matsukaze »

Jack Harrison wrote:Mellowed by Cava. Follow up from last evening.

The Olympic Spirit has got to me. So when opening the bottle this evening I decided to aim the flying cork at a Comma on the buddleia some 3 to 4 metres away. I know I would miss; the Comma would be safe. What I didn’t expect was that my aim would be so bad and the Cava so powerful. The cork carried on high into the Oaks beyond the garden. I didn’t actually see any Purple Hairstreak disturbed but it wouldn’t have surprised me....

This looks like a fun hairstreak-finding technique just begging to be experimented with.

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David M
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Re: Mull - no butterflies, but.....

Post by David M »

Jack Harrison wrote:.....stunning scenery. My website (with other pages linked):

http://www.weatherjackwx.co.uk/normalfo ... e-M03.html

And my weather station Tobermory for temperatures and rain. Wind might under-read but gives an idea:

http://www.weatherlink.com/user/jackhar ... &headers=1

Some fantastic images already, Jack.

This part of the UK is singularly beautiful and I look forward to seeing more of it courtesy of your good self.

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Jack Harrison
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Jack Harrison »

I hoped for some starry skies to rival Guy’s. As I was going out, partner Stella remarked jokingly: “Patrick Moore might be looking down at you!” I don’t suppose Patrick believed in an afterlife any more than I do, but “looking down at me” somehow struck me as a rather nice thought.

Sadly no Sir Patrick or any other stars – the cloud came in at the wrong moment. Still, I could photograph the lights of Tobermory (where I live) reflected off those clouds.
(Greatly enhanced brightness in the picture).


The loch in the foreground is one of the “Mishnish Lochs” apparently named after the infamous incident (it’s in all the guide books) when Rogerdodge was thrown out of the Mishnish Pub, Tobermory some years ago.


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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Padfield »

Jack Harrison wrote:I don’t suppose Patrick believed in an afterlife any more than I do, but “looking down at me” somehow struck me as a rather nice thought.
In his own words:

“I'm not scared of dying. I believe in some form of afterlife: I just hope my uncle George isn't there — silly, baldheaded old coot. But you've got to make the best of things and that's what I've always tried to do.”

He was a great man.


(The quotation is from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebri ... ymore.html)

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Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Jack Harrison
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Re: Jack Harrison

Post by Jack Harrison »

Messrs Padfield and Hulme have been showing us some lovely winter scenes.

I must add my contribution from the Isle of Mull. This is Dervaig in the west. Widespread hoar frost recently right down to the shoreline but never bitterly cold.


Have just about got my Davis weather station working properly although still a few technical issues with uploading. Current weather here:
http://www.weatherlink.com/user/jackhar ... &headers=1


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