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Re: Pauline

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:58 pm
by Pauline
You're very kind David. I'm sure you won't have to wait much longer :)

Cheers Andrew - I have sent you a pm.

Thank you for that Trevor. Mind you, I have always found the SSB at Iping to have particularly nice, well-marked studs.

Aah Neil, what can I say!! :oops: Reckon I'm a lost cause :lol: I was pretty sure of that one - I mean, it's just so distinctive isn't it? I definitely won't get that one wrong again. Thank you for your help, much appreciated :D

Cheers Wurzel - the one below is just for you :D :
Yes, I am pleased to be able to say that the Glanvilles are hanging on at Wrecclesham. Not quite the same spectacle as on the IOW but good to see them just 10 mins away. A few shots:
A big thanks to Hazel for giving me the heads-up :D

Re: Pauline

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 4:50 pm
by trevor
It's interesting to see that, from what I can make out, all your Glanvilles are female
and in good condition. That was exactly the situation on the IOW.
Last week was too late for decent Glanvilles, all the males were worn, and by the
state of some of them, had more than done their duty.
This points to the fact that, as with other species, the males emerge first and
the females later, hence their better condition.

Good to hear that the Wrecclesham colony are still hanging on.
They appear to have been there for some years now.

All the best,

Re: Pauline

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 7:57 pm
by Wurzel
Cheers for my shot Pauline :D 8) :mrgreen: Hopefully the'll hang on in there and maybe even increase in numbers? Philzoid and I tried there last year with no luck and parts of the site were looking pretty dire :(

Have a goodun


Re: Pauline

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:30 pm
by MrSp0ck
It seems that both Surrey sites are holding on, but probably are both well inbred populations now, so the numbers are much lower than a few years ago, the Hutchinsons Bank ones are similar a few good conditioned females, and a few knackered males. I had 2 well worn females on the transect this week.
this one was seen on Friday, after the transect, and is in better condition

It doesnt help that the wrecclesham site is mostly closed off, so it cant be monitored more closely again. I think 2012 was the peak at Wrecclesham. Only one or two were seen at both sites in 2013 the year of the cold spring, on transects Sand Point had the most with 6 if i remember, but was too low to hang on there.

Re: Pauline

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:35 pm
by essexbuzzard
Perhaps someone has made a new release at Wrecclesham? Hope that’s not controversial, that’s certainly not the intention. Just a thought?

Re: Pauline

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:40 pm
by MrSp0ck
The site was being over grazed by goats at one point, with no access now its hard to know what is going on in the former breeding areas, a new release would not be a good idea on the site under threat.

Re: Pauline

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:31 pm
by David M
Pauline wrote:..I am pleased to be able to say that the Glanvilles are hanging on at Wrecclesham. Not quite the same spectacle as on the IOW but good to see them just 10 mins away.
Amazing how they've kept going, Pauline, after how that area has suffered over the past few years.

Seems like only yesterday when I drove over there to see them from Swansea but it's been SIX whole years!

Re: Pauline

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:15 am
by Goldie M
That's a lovely combination Pauline, :mrgreen: :D Goldie :D

Re: Pauline

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:38 am
by Pauline
Hi Trevor, yes, they had been there for years until the landfill became a reality which is a pity because it was a cracking site. Rumour has it that just prior to the development many were collected up and moved. Who knows!?

Evening Wurzel - It is difficult, nay impossible, to get into what was the core part of this site with heavy vehicles working some weekends too. The butterflies were spotted right on the periphery of the site (only 2 females and 1 male) so it is difficult to know how many are actually still there. I am hoping they may disperse a little as there is plenty of Plantain nearby but a couple of years ago Andy and myself searched for larval webs here without success.

Yes, it is difficult to assess the true size of the population here Martin and whether it is big enough to sustain a viable colony. There is a huge amount of plantain both inside and outside of the site and it would be great if they were still thriving somewhere here. Smashing shot btw :D

I suppose that's a possibility Mark but my thoughts are probably not. I have been reliably informed that there has been a small satellite colony (is that even a word?) in this particular area for many years, existing alongside (and possibly mixing with?) the main colony. When I first saw them in this area I thought perhaps they had dispersed from the main site as they are always seen initially quite late into the season but my feelings are that despite not finding any larval webs, they are probably breeding in this area.

It's criminal what they've done to this area David. A ready-made wildlife reserve has been trashed whilst they continue to try to create similar areas elsewhere!!!

Re: Pauline

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:48 am
by Pauline
Cheers Goldie. It is lovely to see them even if it's not in their natural environment and yesterday evening, as it was still warm and sunny, I could not resist another trip to see them, even if they are stating to look a bit the worse for wear and tear:
Large Skippers were very much in evidence, chasing everything that approached them, including the Glanvilles! If I'd had more time I would have hung around to see the outcome of this pair:
The last time I was there I spotted an old Green Hairstreak which, to be honest, didn't have much green left:
together with a Painted Lady. I didn't get any shots of it but last night I decided to quickly check the thistles for eggs. I didn't find any but spotted this lovely Golden-bloomed grey longhorn beetle:

Re: Pauline

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:35 am
by Goldie M
Hi! Pauline, it seems there are people not happy unless they cause destruction, I was at Southport in the Dunes yesterday and some one had tried too set fire to the grasses there, luckily not too much damage was done.
Good news is that the Large Heath are back at Heysham, nr Morcambe after their site was set fire to last year, there's some real moron's about :twisted: ( On a happier note love your first shot ) :D Goldie :D

Re: Pauline

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:15 am
by Wurzel
They may be a bit battle worn but still great to see Pauline :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: Pauline

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:47 am
by David M
Pauline wrote:...It's criminal what they've done to this area David. A ready-made wildlife reserve has been trashed whilst they continue to try to create similar areas elsewhere!!!
Yes, I remember it being quite a decent place, albeit in close proximity to the concrete jungle nearby. It surprises me that in spite of everything, the species still persists, which I suppose is indicative of the general suitability of the environment there.

Re: Pauline

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:19 pm
by Pauline
I think that's my favourite image too Goldie :D It's great that you can see Large Heath - probably something I will never see.

Cheers Wurzel - it's great having them so close and it will be interesting to see what happens in the future but I have a hankering to go back to see them in their natural environment. You can't beat the sea views, all that red valerian, the white rocks etc etc . Perhaps next year ......

Hi David - my favourite shot of all time from Wrecclesham is this one. It was 2013 and I watched this pair for about 15 mins. I was quite close and she knew I was there but I didn't dare move, not wanting to pose a threat of any kind. It is a special memory that I shall always remember:

Re: Pauline

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:31 pm
by Pauline
Today I went looking for WLH at a site near Havant but didn't see any. That could have been because there was quite a strong breeze or possibly because I got distracted by this Painted Lady:
For 2 hours all she did was feed and sun-bathe. I am assuming it is a 'she' from the behaviour and shape of abdomen but I searched all the thistles and couldn't find any sign of eggs. Whilst I was doing this my attention was caught by a spider capturing a wasp. How adept it was:
It reminded me of an incident way back in 2014 when I watched a spider capture a female Brown Hairstreak, just as quickly and just as efficient:
Just before I left I spotted my first Marbled White of the season - just a record shot:

Re: Pauline

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:49 pm
by Goldie M
Wow Pauline , one of my favourite Butterflies " the Marbled White" It seems very early, lovely shot, I hope I don't miss them when I go to Kent :D I may have NB and LH's near by Pauline but put that with all the others that are in the South and we don't seem to match that, I didn't even see the Duke this year and there's a good chance there dying out at Gait Barrow which is such a shame, I hope they do some thing about it. How's your Budgies getting on and did you get the Aviary finished :?: :D Goldie :D

Re: Pauline

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:57 pm
by Pauline
Hi Goldie, I shall send full email shortly but I usually find Marbled Whites flying when I'm looking for WLH and they are definitely out tho' I've so far failed to see one!

I usually try to visit at least one new site each season and as a colony of Black Hairstreaks has recently been reported as being found on a Sussex site it was just too good an opportunity to miss. It was a fair drive and I had gone just over half way when the sun and bright skies disappeared and it looked like it was going to rain. I had come too far to turn round but nevertheless my expectations of seeing anything had now dropped to zero. After all, I had never been to the site and didn't even know where I was going. I don't understand these grid references :roll: :oops: . I just typed a post code into my sat nav and thought I would take care of the rest when I arrived. There weren't many cars in the car park when I arrived - I had expected dozens! Thankfully, I didn't have far to walk before I spotted a small group - some familiar faces and a few new ones. Despite the conditions they had already spotted a male but high up in a tree. It wasn't long tho' before a call came thru to say that a male had been found, down on the bracken. He wasn't in great condition but at this point I wouldnt have cared if he'd had half his wings missing! (well, I would, but you know what I mean). They were a friendly group and as most had been there the day before they kindly allowed me the first shot. I was so excited my hands were shaking so a kind gent from Southampton (sorry, I didn't get your name) let me use his monopod. Here is the male:
Soon after, a pristine female was spotted. She was so very obliging and we all got plenty of shots:
Just over an hour later and it was time to make the long trek back but what a great morning. I am looking forward to reading other reports and hope all went home as satisfied as me :D

Re: Pauline

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 1:22 pm
by Goldie M
What did I say Pauline,!!!!! More in the South for choice than the North :D Thats a lovely photo well worth the long drive. Goldie :D

Re: Pauline

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:33 pm
by David M
Fabulous close-ups of the Black Hairstreaks, Pauline. Interesting how they bask on the bracken. I'm not aware that they do that in their core area further north (or even whether the type of soil is conducive to bracken there).

Now that the site has been discovered, let's hope it can be preserved so this rare butterfly can thrive.

Re: Pauline

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:04 pm
by Wurzel
Cracking shots of the Black Hairstreak Pauline :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I know what you mean about Satnav, it's about time they released a version that used both postcodes and Grid References!

Have a goodun
