Art Frames

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Re: Art Frames

Post by David M »

LOL! Like the wisecracks, Peter.

Looking forward very much to the next instalment. Feel free to keep a few back for when the cold weather arrives!

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Art Frames
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Re: Art Frames

Post by Art Frames »

I'm going to cover a couple of days together (July 4th and the 6th). Both were lovely sunny days. I had no other commitments so I went to two of my 'usual' local woodland sites to try to spend time with Purple Hairstreaks and to catch the start of the Silver-washed explosion at a fantastic local site where a good percentage are 'valenzina' form.

There was far more on offer as I quickly found out. With the strong light and heat it was difficult to find hugely cooperative models. But I had a good start with this Comma who had clearly attended posing classes and knew what was needed.


Although I saw a few Silver-washed mostly they were very active, males looking for lovers. This beauty, stood out from the crowd and deserved to be showcased.


Even at this early stage of the season finding a perfect White Admiral is a challenge. This was a real stunner and, for once, I remembered to stop down to get more of the butterfly in focus. Not all, but more than normal... :o


But the conditions really didn't work for the Purple Hairstreaks. They were reluctant posers, very flighty and frustrating. But my shots show that they were in first class condition... :D


Having spent so many trips in woodland it was time to change habitats. So I arranged to visit Ivinghoe Beacon a couple of days later (July 9th) with a good friend having heard that the Chalkhill Blue emergence had started. This site is absolutely dependable, and within two minutes of arriving we knew our timing was absolutely spot on. Butterflies were emerging all around us, mostly males and numbers were in the hundreds of individuals. A few females were visible; those that were in the open were being hounded by horny, competing males.

This is a day-trip I manage once a year, so I look forward to it. But each time I kick myself when I get back home and see what I managed to record versus what I is a wonderful site. Perhaps I should stay over in a pub and try an earlier start next year, it was hot by the time we arrived....








I'm happy enough with those. But I'll share a moment of frustration. I spotted this last butterfly and thought it was odd (even from a distance of a few yards). It was active and being blown by the wind. So I took as many individual shots as I was able. Most did not show the forewing fully, or were not the best focus, but this shows the absence of forewing spots (and the hole in the wing). I didn't have the chance to get it from the other side or to get open wings. It was disturbed and was blown into the distance as it moved. So this is the best I have...I wish I had remembered to turn on the high speed shots and just had the choices of shot I had with the Small Tortoiseshell aberration. :cry:


I also recorded some video of a courtship and mating attempt (with the usual interruptions of several partying males offering themselves as alternatives) which I will need to edit into shape. A great day. :D

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Re: Art Frames

Post by millerd »

Simply lovely shots, Peter, especially the Comma, and the first two Purple Hairstreaks. Those stand out for me. :)


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Re: Art Frames

Post by MikeOxon »

Some very beautiful photos, Peter. I do admire the way you have achieved a personal style, which gives you photos a special quality, beyond simply 'illustrating' the butterflies :)

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Re: Art Frames

Post by Wurzel »

A positive plethora of perfect photos Peter :D :mrgreen: As Dave says those Purple Hairstreaks really do stand out and the 3rd shot of the Chalkhills one looks to be a little 'silverstudded' :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Re: Art Frames

Post by David M »

Wonderful presentation, Peter. I especially like the Chalkhill aberrant in your final image, which just edges out that hutchinsonii Comma.

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Goldie M
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Re: Art Frames

Post by Goldie M »

I think every things been said for me Art, Simply perfect :mrgreen: Goldie :D

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Art Frames
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Re: Art Frames

Post by Art Frames »

Good evening and thank you everyone (Dave, David M, Wurzel, Mike and Goldie) I am enjoying the lack of pressure and revisiting some of the really lovely days of the summer. And I feel at this rate of 'progress' I will get to August before Christmas, but by then I also hope the Waxwings will be here again, taking up my time.

I have spent a happy afternoon revisiting and publishing several pictures from July 11th. It was a real blast of fun seeing the pictures again and seeing that quite a few were worth sharing (I took a couple of hundred so there are more available :lol: ). It was a memorable day, spent at Bucknell Wood (near Silverstone) a place that I know Mike also enjoys from time to time.

On arrival, I was surprised by hearing my name being called. For me, that is a very unusual occurrence as I tend to visit Bucknell alone and don't expect to meet anyone I I advanced to the bramble jungle at the 'old car park' in some confusion as the strong light of a baking hot summer day meant I couldn't see my fellow naturalists. But as my eyes got used to the light I recognised them as the current and previous County Recorders David and Doug. They often meet up all around the County - especially if there has been an interesting sighting. Which apparently there had been... and they wanted to show me what they'd found.

But as I had targeted Bucknell for Purple Hairstreaks and I knew nothing about the sighting I'll start there - if I may. I'll leave the other details and pictures to the end, but by all means skip ahead if you can't wait.. :D

As a throwaway David and Doug mentioned that there were many Purple and White-letter Hairstreaks about. And as I quickly found out (and experienced during the rest of the Summer) they were behaving really oddly.

As an example they believed they were ground lovers...It was magical. they were descending from the trees and fluttering around these plants and grasses. Mostly impossible to get a picture, but this was my best...


And I had never before seen them as flower visitors but I saw this more than once....I presume both the grounding and flower visits were about water. As it was bone dry everywhere with possibly some dew remaining on the green patches...


But they continued doing the feisty end of a branch 'see you pal' posing as well.. :D




Which was very entertaining and still brings a smile. Although at the time they were sitting for just seconds at a time and it was a merry-go-round of activity. And I was trying very hard to get some purple. I felt that the rest of the wood would offer better Purple opportunities so I spend time with the other butterflies present in numbers. The 'old car park' is really all about the Silver-washed fritillaries (and the White Admirals) that haunt the bramble bushes. On a good day (like that day) every bramble has competing SWF butterfly action. There are too many to count and of them a good percentage are form Valenzina. So I will focus on those.





And at this early stage of the season it was possible to get pictures of butterflies in great condition, looking dark and moody. I feel spoiled with the quality and numbers of Valenzinas that are there some days. I am still waiting for my first mating shots, but next year is another chance.

So to the big reveal.... :shock: :shock: :shock:

The local transect champion had spotted an aberrant SWF and Doug and David pointed it out. It was very active and I managed only half a dozen quick shots during my two hour visit. It was a lively butterfly...

That day certainly showed the power of twitter and 'well-kept secrets' as by the time I left there was a steady stream of visitors 'looking for the ab' (based on the original notification to BC). But I was inscrutable as I had been sworn to secrecy, and also I didn't post publicly at the time. It is a special place and it is beginning to get too many visits so I applauded the desire to manage the news.

But here it is a few months on in all of it's well-worn glory. :D





I am a regular at the site and I visited a number of times in the following days. I am pleased that it went back to a more normal flow of visitors. I saw other SWF aberrations which were equally interesting and I will bring those shortly if I get the chance. And I also managed to get some better purple action...

but thats all for the 11th July :D :D

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Peter - Art Frames
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Re: Art Frames

Post by millerd »

Some lovely photos of the Hairstreaks, Peter, the last couple especially. It has certainly been a memorable year for them. That SWF ab. looks amazing from those glimpses - it makes you wonder what it looked like when freshly emerged... :o :)


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Re: Art Frames

Post by Wurzel »

Even more absolutely cracking images Peter, so sharp that they leap out of the screen and you can see every hair :D :mrgreen: A few :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: for the Valesina as this was the first year that I've not seen one. Glad to see that there's another convert to the 'go slow PD' :D 8)

Have a goodun


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David M
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Re: Art Frames

Post by David M »

You're certainly getting your fair share of abs, Peter! Lovely Purple Hairstreak image where the iridescence shows fact, ALL your images have one thing in common : they make me positively YEARN for next spring & summer, so vibrant is the intensity & colour.

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Art Frames
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Re: Art Frames

Post by Art Frames »

Thank you for those comments - they are really appreciated (Dave, David M and Wurzel). And any others watching.

I am now going to go a little off-piste (as well as late) in strict diary terms. This is because I visited Bucknell Wood a couple more times as I was still trying to get better shots of Purple Hairstreaks and it crossed my mind I might see the SWF ab again :D :wink: ...and it was such beautiful weather I just had to go out every day. And over the next few posts I'll try and tell those stories by subject rather than by day as I did see quite a lot and feel this draws it together a little easier as a story.

You may recall I had met with a SWF aberration which was a bit of a 'survivor' (...or 'three wings on my fritillary' as I began to call her - sung to the tune of 'three wheels on my wagon' for those that remember it (or if you are just curious). Well it was still surviving and actually allowed me a few more pictures. From these I think it looks a bit like Argynnis paphia - nigricans. And I believe it was the same butterfly...or at least it seems to be.





But my time with the Silver-washed Fritillaries didn't stop there. As I walked around the 'old car park' ring of brambles I saw this other aberration which I believe is Argynnis paphia - var confluens. Less dramatic, perhaps, but in slightly better condition and also far more generous as a poser. Even allowing me to get out my macro lens and get within six inches. I believe we met up three times over my visits as I have several sessions and lots pictures but I believe all are of the same insect. I hope you enjoy them.







Just for my Flickr album I put an inset picture of a more normal wing pattern. I'm including it here as it does help make side-by-side comparisons.


And just to show the range of Silver-washed at Bucknell I'm just including a span of females showing the variety in the amount of valenzina characteristics that can be seen in a very short time. From very little quite dark, and shades between.




I hope one day to capture a Valenzina mating shot. These two were sorting out next years butterflies in a hazel but sadly my quest remains to be achieved (hopefully next year... :D )


And finally, finally... I'm including this two-fer which includes a White-letter Hairstreak alongside a Valenzina female. I managed half a dozen shots of these but it was not possible to get them closer and both in focus...but it ticks a few boxes :D


More White-letters will I wander about off-piste for a while...lost...but with a compass available :lol:

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Peter - Art Frames
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Re: Art Frames

Post by MikeOxon »

A very interesting series of Fritillary aberrations. It leads me to wonder what it is about Bucknell Wood that seems to 'encourage' these variations?

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Goldie M
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Re: Art Frames

Post by Goldie M »

Great shots Art, I love the ab's they certainly stand out from the rest. :mrgreen: Goldie :D

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Re: Art Frames

Post by bugboy »

Wonderful pictures and reportage Peter :). As far as going of piste is concerned, it's your piste to go off as you see fit :D

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Re: Art Frames

Post by Neil Freeman »

Great reports and photos Peter, interesting SWF abs and I really like the effect of the blurred valesina in the background of the last photo.



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Re: Art Frames

Post by Wurzel »

Really interesting report Peter - those are cracking aberrants :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Do you normally see such a range of variation there or was this year special because of the heatwave? That first Valesina is a beaut - such a beautiful shade :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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David M
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Re: Art Frames

Post by David M »

Quite extraordinary Silver Washed Fritillaries, Peter. I haven't seen any similar aberrations posted from elsewhere so something strange has been going on in your neck of the woods this summer!

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Art Frames
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Re: Art Frames

Post by Art Frames »

Thank you all (DavidM, Wurzel, Neil, BugBoy, GoldieM and MikeOxon) for those kind words and questions. :D

My feeling is that this is a very special site both in terms of numbers and also the amount of form Valenzina. I reported on the Valenzinas before (my visit)and MikeOxon also visited and reported (1st visit) and (2nd visit). But this is the first time I have seen any aberrations, and don't think others have been reported in previous years. So, next year will be interesting. :D :D

As to causes...well it is a magical place and has a special feel so perhaps it is inhabited by pixies :lol: ....Other than that we are in the bounds of wild conjecture such as it being hot and dry this year, but I still think the paint running as the pixies painted them is leading the list :wink:

Still I will now get around to posting some different butterflies which were also acting differently... :shock:

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Peter - Art Frames
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Art Frames
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Re: Art Frames

Post by Art Frames »

I'm going to continue the two days of visits to Bucknell with some more White-letter Hairstreak images. Well quite a lot really... :wink:

I've over-indulged a little because up until this year I had seen less than 10 White-letters (in my lifetime) and photographed maybe half of those (with most of them on a trip to Alner's Gorse in Dorset to see Brown Hairstreaks), I had always assumed that the sort of mass gatherings reported by Bugboy and others were simply never going to be for me. But this year has been extraordinary and I hope not unique. I reported an earlier session (June 29th) which led me to a large colony (about 30) where I was able to photograph a number of butterflies one or two of which were in perfect condition, I even made a video... :D

So I was absolutely staggered to find good numbers in at least two locations at Bucknell and took lots of images which I am really pleased with. Most especially because of the length and attractiveness of those tails. What stunning camouflage they provide.








And I think these two visits also helped me to fully satiate my need to get some 'purple' Purple Hairstreak shots. But this first shot of an ovipositing female was a lovely bonus. Once again I was able to capture a few but this one really shows the effort going in... :shock:






So with those shots I think Bucknell really delivered for me this year and I hope the fecundity is retained for next year. There are other butterflies I could have mentioned, but I am just going to add the nicest/freshest Brown Argus I can remember in the UK. I still think I have one from France which could be better, but that was a few years ago and I'm not as sharp with the camera as I was then. And conclude Bucknell for this year, one of the fine White Admiral's which also enhance the 'old car park' site. I think the density of the brambles makes finding a really perfect specimen almost impossible...


Next diary entry will be something totally different. :D


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Peter - Art Frames
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